
tech2024-01-18  105

Apple Insider has a great story today about 22-year old programmer named High Gloss (which is an awesome name if it’s real). Gloss, who has worked on more than 20 iPhone applications, recently struck gold with a free application for the phone called “Sound Grenade,” which Gloss himself concedes is “crap.”

Apple Insider 今天有一个很棒的故事,关于22岁的程序员High Gloss(如果是真实的话,这是一个了不起的名字)。 格罗斯(Gloss)从事20多个iPhone应用程序,最近为免费手机“ Sound Grenade”赢得了金牌,格罗斯本人认为这是“废话”。

The application, which took about twenty minutes to make and consists of less than ten lines of code, according to Gloss, is just a single button that emits an annoying, high pitched noise when pressed. A few days later, the app has received over 200,000 downloads and greater than 500 reviews. At first Gloss was giving it away for free, but after the application hit the iPhone App Store’s Top 50, he started putting ads on it. He processed a million ad requests in 24 hours and is making the equivalent of $200/hour in click-through revenue.

根据Gloss的说法,该应用程序花了大约二十分钟的时间,并由不到十行代码组成,只是一个按钮,当按下该按钮时会发出令人讨厌的高音调噪音。 几天后,该应用程序已收到超过200,000次下载和超过500条评论。 最初,Gloss是免费提供的,但是当应用程序达到iPhone App Store的前50名后,他开始在上面投放广告。 他在24小时内处理了100万个广告请求,并获得了相当于200美元/小时的点击收入。

It’s unlikely that Gloss will be able to keep up either the high download rate or the click-through rate for very long given the simple nature of the app. But that’s not really the story here. Neither is the state of the Apple App store, which Gloss says rewards “crap” applications. The best part of the Apple Insider interview comes at the end, when Gloss, perhaps inadvertently, gives some excellent advice to all app developers.

考虑到该应用程序的简单性,Gloss不可能长时间保持高下载率或点击率。 但这不是这里的故事。 Apple App Store的状态也没有,Gloss说这是对“废话”应用程序的奖励。 Apple Insider采访的最好部分是最后,当Gloss可能无意中为所有应用程序开发人员提供了一些出色的建议。

“I’ve got to make apps to be in the game,” he told Apple Insider. “Every idea that I don’t do, for being too rubbish or stupid, could have been in the top 100.”

他告诉Apple Insider:“我必须使应用程序参与其中。” “由于垃圾或愚蠢,我不做的每一个想法都可能进入前100名。”

Or, in other words: follow through with your ideas or you might just be leaving cash on the table. That’s a theme I’ve been seeing repeated a lot recently. A couple of days ago, a post by 18-year-old entrepreneur Jessica Mah on her blog theorized that the reason most entrepreneurs fail is a lack of follow through.

或者,换句话说:遵循您的想法,否则您可能只剩下现金。 我最近多次看到这个主题。 几天前,由18岁的企业家杰西卡·马(Jessica Mah)在她的博客上发表的一篇文章理论上认为,大多数企业家失败的原因是缺乏跟进 。

“Pick one idea that you’re passionate about, and whole-heartedley follow through with your implementation,” she counseled. “If you don’t put in the effort to build your company, you’ll see nothing but a self-hating outcome.”

她建议:“选择一个您充满激情的想法,并全心全意地贯彻实施。” “如果您不努力建立自己的公司,您只会看到自我讨厌的结果。”

This sentiment is echoed by screenwriter Joss Whedon (of Dr. Horrible fame, see our coverage), as well. Whedon recently shared his top ten tips for aspiring screen writers in an issue of 4Talent Magazine, but many of the tips could be applicable to entrepreneurship as well. His number one tip: just finish it.

编剧乔斯·惠顿(Joss Whedon)(恐怖名望博士,也请参见我们的报道 )也表达了这种观点。 Whedon最近在《 4Talent》杂志上分享了他对有抱负的屏幕作家的十大技巧 ,但其中许多技巧也可能适用于企业家精神。 他的第一秘诀:就完成吧。

“Actually finishing it is what I’m gonna put in as step one. You may laugh at this, but it’s true. I have so many friends who have written two-thirds of a screenplay, and then re-written it for about three years,” he wrote. “Finishing a screenplay is first of all truly difficult, and secondly really liberating. Even if it’s not perfect, even if you know you’re gonna have to go back into it, type to the end. You have to have a little closure.”

“实际上,完成这一步是我第一步要做的。 您可能会对此大笑,但这是事实。 我有很多朋友,他们写了一部剧本的三分之二,然后再重写了大约三年。”他写道。 “完成剧本首先是真正的困难,其次是真正的解放。 即使它不是完美的,即使您知道您将不得不重新输入,也请键入到最后。 您必须有一点封闭。”

The advice from Gloss, Mah, and Whedon is all sound, and should be taken to heart. You don’t have anything until you finish it. Yes, it’s a good idea to think about what your target market might want in an application, but obsessing about perfection to the point where you don’t actually finish anything is obviously not going to make you successful.

来自Gloss,Mah和Whedon的建议都是合理的,应该牢记于心。 完成之前,您什么都没有。 是的,考虑您的目标市场在应用程序中可能想要什么是一个好主意,但是如果追求完美直到您实际上没有完成任何事情,显然会令您无法成功。

So get out there and finish something. It won’t be perfect on the first go around — in fact, it will probably never be perfect — but that’s okay. Get it done, get it out there, and then worry about making it better.

所以走出去,完成一些事情。 初次运行时它并不是完美的-实际上,它可能永远都不是完美的-但这没关系。 完成它,将它发布出去,然后担心使其变得更好。

翻译自: https://www.sitepoint.com/advice-just-finish-it/
