Sun Microsystems的下一步目标是什么?

tech2024-01-18  109

Sun Microsystems share price has plummeted this week following the breakdown of IBM’s takeover talks. The board rejected an offer of $9.40 per share and terminated their agreement to negotiate exclusively with IBM.

由于IBM的收购谈判破裂,Sun Microsystems的股价本周暴跌。 董事会拒绝了每股9.40美元的报价,并终止了与IBM进行独家谈判的协议。

Sun has been looking for a buyer for several months. The company has struggled for a few years and is in the process of cutting 6,000 jobs. Most analysts agree that it has never fully capitalized on its core technologies such as Java. During the mid-1990s, Java was touted as being the only development platform needed for desktop and web applications, but performance issues, licensing confusion, and the success of competing technologies contributed to its sedate uptake in the market.

Sun一直在寻找买家。 该公司奋斗了几年,目前正在裁员6,000人。 大多数分析家都同意,它从未充分利用Java等核心技术。 在1990年代中期,Java被吹捧为台式机和Web应用程序所需的唯一开发平台,但是性能问题,许可混乱以及竞争技术的成功促使其在市场上占有一席之地。

IBM certainly appeared to be an ideal candidate and it would have been their biggest buyout to date. Their bid seemed attractive: Sun were trading at half the offer price before the talks began. It is still not clear why it was rejected, although more news is expected soon.

IBM无疑是理想的候选人,这将是迄今为止他们最大的一笔收购。 他们的出价似乎很有吸引力:在谈判开始之前,Sun的交易价格仅为发售价的一半。 尚不清楚为什么它被拒绝,尽管预计不久将会有更多消息。

For the moment, Sun’s long-term future appears to be uncertain and that could be a concern to web developers. The company is a strong advocate of open source software and currently supports projects such as, the MySQL database, and VirtualBox. Although these applications can survive, will they continue to evolve without Sun’s investment?

目前,Sun的长期前景似乎不确定,这可能是Web开发人员需要考虑的问题。 该公司大力倡导开源软件,目前支持 , MySQL数据库和VirtualBox等项目 。 尽管这些应用程序可以生存,但是如果没有Sun的投资,它们还会继续发展吗?

