ruby on rails

tech2024-01-19  98

ruby on rails

Apologies to any readers who develop on the LAMP stack, or who use ASP, CFM, Python, or anything other than Ruby — this post might not be of interest to you. But it’s fairly rare for two essentially competing frameworks to merge and join forces. That’s what happened today, though, when the popular Ruby on Rails framework announced that it would be joining forces with the less popular, but up-and-coming, Merb framework.

向在LAMP堆栈上进行开发或使用ASP,CFM,Python或其他非Ruby的任何读者表示歉意-您可能对本文不感兴趣。 但是,两个本质上相互竞争的框架合并并联合起来的情况很少见。 但是,今天就是这种情况,当时流行的Ruby on Rails框架宣布它将与不那么流行但又崭露头角的Merb框架联合起来。

The much-hyped Rails framework has enjoyed a ton of time in the spotlight over the past 4 years and powers some of the web’s most used sites and applications, including Twitter,, Kongregate, A List Apart, Scribd, and Xing. But Rails certainly isn’t for everyone. Many people love the way it does things, but dislike the way it endeavors to have an answer for everything. Rails is a full-stack framework that would rather you use the built in pieces to get things done — i.e., Prototype for AJAX, Active Record for ORM, or test/unit for testing.

在过去的4年中,备受炒作的Rails框架吸引了无数时间,并为一些Web上最常用的站点和应用程序提供了动力,其中包括Twitter,,Kongregate,A List Apart,Scribd和Xing。 但是Rails当然并不适合所有人。 许多人喜欢它做事的方式,但是不喜欢它为所有问题提供答案的方式。 Rails是一个全栈框架,希望您使用内置组件来完成任务-例如,用于AJAX的原型,用于ORM的Active Record或用于测试的测试/单元。

Merb, on the other hand, is a Rails-inspired framework that endeavors to focus on the core functionality and rely on plugins for everything else. That makes Merb more agnostic when it comes to what technologies you want to use to build your application. Rails developers have always been able to use other frameworks for development — jQuery for JavaScript, or rSpec for testing, for example — but it is generally considered kind of messy. You can’t easily strip out the pieces you don’t like, so you have to pile on the stuff you want to use and rely on plugins to make it all work.

另一方面,Merb是一个受Rails启发的框架,致力于专注于核心功能并依靠插件来完成其他所有工作。 对于要使用什么技术来构建应用程序,这使Merb更加不可知。 Rails开发人员一直能够使用其他框架进行开发-例如,JavaScript的jQuery或测试的rSpec-但通常被认为是一团糟。 您不能轻易地剥离不喜欢的部分,因此您必须堆积要使用的内容,并依靠插件来使它们全部正常工作。

Now, the core teams from Rails and Merb are merging in an effort to bring the two frameworks together for Rails 3, slated for beta release at RailsConf in Las Vegas in May. “We all realized that working together for a common good would be much more productive than duplicating things on each side of the fence,” wrote Rails originator David Heinemeier Hansson in a blog post about today’s merger. “Merb and Rails already share so much in terms of design and sensibility that joining forces seemed like the obvious way to go. All we needed was to sit down for a chat and hash it out, so we did just that.”

现在,来自Rails和Merb的核心团队正在合并,以将这两个框架整合到Rails 3中,该框架计划于5月在拉斯维加斯的RailsConf上发布beta版。 “我们共同意识到,为实现共同利益而开展工作,比在篱笆的每一侧复制事物要多得多”, Rails创始人大卫·海涅迈尔·汉森(David Heinemeier Hansson)在有关当今合并的博客文章中写道 。 “ Merb和Rails在设计和敏感性方面已经分享了太多的东西,以至于联合起来似乎是显而易见的方法。 我们所需要做的就是坐下来聊天,然后将其散列出来,所以我们做到了。”

Both the Rails and Merb teams ensure that this doesn’t mean much of a change for developers on either framework who don’t want it to. The Merb team plans to work hard to create an easy path to upgrade to Rails 3 for Merb users, and current Rails users could certainly ignore the changes. The biggest effect of the merger, though, is likely that Rails is going to become more modular. There will still be default options in place, but replacing them without harming other parts of the framework will be much easier.

Rails和Merb团队都确保这对于不希望使用这两种框架的开发人员来说都不会带来太大的改变。 Merb团队计划努力工作,为Merb用户创建一条轻松的路径来升级到Rails 3,并且当前的Rails用户当然可以忽略这些更改。 但是,合并的最大影响可能是Rails将变得更加模块化。 仍然会有默认选项,但是在不损害框架其他部分的情况下替换它们会容易得多。

Rails 3 will have the “ability to opt in or out of specific components. We will focus on reducing coupling across Rails, and making it possible to replace parts of Rails without disturbing other parts,” according to Merb core team member Yehuda Katz.

Rails 3将具有“选择加入或退出特定组件的能力。 “我们将致力于减少跨Rails的耦合,并使得在不干扰其他部件的情况下更换Rails的部件成为可能。” Merb核心团队成员 Yehuda Katz说。

Rails should also get faster — Merb’s speed over Rails has always been something that proponents of the younger framework boasted about. Rails 3 will also come with a new rigorous API for extensions. “This will allow users and plugin developers to have a clearer, more stable API to build against. It should also significantly reduce plugin breakage from release to release,” says Katz.

Rails也应该变得更快-Merb超越Rails的速度一直是年轻框架的拥护者吹嘘的东西。 Rails 3也将带有一个新的严格的扩展API。 “这将使用户和插件开发人员可以使用更清晰,更稳定的API。 它也应该大大减少从发行到发行的插件损坏。” Katz说。

This is a huge day for developers of both the Rails and Merb frameworks and for Rubyists in general. But it’s also a fairly significant occurrence for the web development community at large. The combination of these two popular frameworks could give Ruby, and Ruby on Rails, a big boost. It’s also interesting to see two competing frameworks come together and iron out the minor differences that kept them apart in order to work toward a more positive single goal.

对于Rails和Merb框架的开发人员以及一般的Rubyists来说,今天都是重要的一天。 但是对于整个Web开发社区来说,这也是相当重要的事情。 这两个流行框架的结合可以极大地促进Ruby和Ruby on Rails。 有趣的是,看到两个相互竞争的框架融合在一起,消除了细微的差异,使它们彼此分开,以便朝着更积极的单一目标努力。

Remember to check out SitePoint’s Ruby forums for help and discussion about anything Ruby related. Anyone interested in learning Rails is encouraged to pick up a copy of SitePoint’s Simple Rails 2.

请记住,请访问SitePoint的Ruby论坛以获取有关Ruby相关内容的帮助和讨论。 鼓励对学习Rails感兴趣的任何人索取SitePoint的Simple Rails 2的副本。


ruby on rails
