
tech2024-01-19  95

Almost everyone is using social media in some capacity to promote themselves and their businesses because the various forums offer an immense opportunity to network. However, there are some things to avoid when using social media for business purposes.

几乎每个人都以某种方式使用社交媒体来宣传自己和他们的业务,因为各种论坛为交流提供了巨大的机会。 但是,将社交媒体用于商业目的时,需要避免一些事情。

1. Telling All


One undeniable facet of social media is that we all get to know each other a little bit more. We talk more, we share more and we have the ability to forge more personal relationships, even with business colleagues. This can do amazing things for any professional, provided there are limits on what is shared in a public setting. The key to using social media successfully is being genuine, sincere and real with your communication, but that doesn’t mean you should give it all away. There’s a definite line between a tweet that you’re spending time with family and a tweet that you just got out of the bathroom.

社交媒体不可否认的一个方面是,我们彼此之间有了更多的了解。 我们聊得更多,我们分享更多,并且我们甚至可以与业务同事建立更多的个人关系。 只要在公共场所共享的内容受到限制,这对于任何专业人员都可以做得很棒。 成功使用社交媒体的关键是沟通时要真诚,真诚和真实,但这并不意味着您应该全力以赴。 您在与家人共度时光的推文和刚从浴室出来的推文之间有一定的界限。

2. Being Overly Vocal


There are several schools of thought when it comes to social media and how much is too much, but there are some basic guidelines that can apply to any professional, regardless of how you use social media sites. Being consistently argumentative or combative is probably not going to gain the type of attention necessary to promote a business in a positive way. It’s good to have opinions, but not so good to publicly battle others, even competitors. My own personal rule of thumb is to save comments on hot-button issues (like politics and religion) for off-line conversations.

关于社交媒体有多少种流派,太多太多了,但是无论您如何使用社交媒体网站,都有一些基本准则可适用于任何专业人员。 始终保持辩论或好斗的态度可能不会获得以积极方式促进业务发展所必需的注意力。 有意见是很好的,但与他人甚至竞争对手公开对抗却不是那么好。 我个人的经验法则是为脱机对话保存对热键问题(例如政治和宗教)的评论。

3. YouTube-ing Your Vacation

3. YouTube-ing your Vacation

You would think this is an obvious one, but I think we sometimes get caught up in all of the fun things we can do with social media, and we forget that we may not really want to share some things with everyone. Record your vacation, but keep it off YouTube. Some things (like that video of you running down the beach in your new Speedo) are best kept private.

您可能会认为这是显而易见的事情,但是我认为有时我们会陷入社交媒体可以做的所有有趣的事情,而我们忘记了我们可能并不想真的与所有人共享某些东西。 记录您的假期,但不要访问YouTube。 有些事情(例如,您在新Speedo沙滩上奔跑的视频)最好保持私密性。

4. Commenting Without Restraint


Commenting on other people’s blog posts is a great way to participate, share your vast knowledge and get your name known. But posting rude, vulgar, confrontational and mean comments does nothing but make you look foolish, even if you think you’re right. The last thing you want is a potential client Googling you, finding your less-than-professional comments, and deciding not to work with you.

评论他人的博客文章是一种参与,分享您的广泛知识并广为人知的好方法。 但是发表粗鲁,粗俗,对抗和刻薄的评论只会使你看起来很愚蠢,即使你认为自己是对的。 您想要的最后一件事是潜在的客户,谷歌搜索您,找到您的不专业评论,并决定不与您合作。

5. Reliving The Glory Days


Facebook is great for reconnecting with old friends, expanding your professional network and sharing a personal side of yourself. The biggest conflict is when you use Facebook for business and personal use without thinking about the impact it may have. It’s almost like having split personalities when you share a link to your latest post on your web design blog, and it’s followed by a wall-to-wall conversation with an old buddy about one really fun but very questionable night 15 years ago. It’s possible to merge business and personal in social media, but you need to keep in mind who is reading your updates and what impact your comments might have on your professional life.

Facebook非常适合与旧朋友重新建立联系,扩大您的专业网络并分享您的个人面。 最大的冲突是当您将Facebook用于商业和个人用途而未考虑其可能产生的影响时。 当您在Web设计博客上共享指向最新帖子的链接时,这几乎就像是个性分散,然后是与一位老伙伴进行的逐墙交谈,谈论一个15年前真有趣但非常可疑的夜晚。 可以在社交媒体中合并业务和个人,但您需要记住谁正在阅读您的更新以及您的评论可能会对您的职业生活造成什么影响。

While some of this is a bit tongue-in-cheek, all of these examples are similar to real-life situations I’ve seen in my social media travels. Adding networking through social media to your marketing and promotional activities is a smart move, just keep in mind the who, what and when of your activity to avoid something coming back to bite you.

虽然其中有些有点开玩笑,但所有这些示例都与我在社交媒体旅行中看到的现实生活中的情况类似。 通过社交媒体将网络添加到您的营销和促销活动中是一个明智的举动,请记住您的活动的对象,时间和对象,以免造成麻烦。

What screw-ups would you add to this list?


Image credit: Steve Woods

图片来源: 史蒂夫·伍兹(Steve Woods)

翻译自: https://www.sitepoint.com/social-media-for-business/
