
tech2024-01-19  85


To support the victims of the Australian bushfires we’ve created our best book deal ever. For the next 3 days, you can pick any 5 books (in PDF format) and pay for only 1. That’s about $150 worth of books for just $29.95!

为了支持澳大利亚丛林大火的受害者,我们创造了有史以来最好的交易。 在接下来的3天里,您可以选择任意5本书(PDF格式),只需支付1本书 。 仅需29.95美元,即可购买价值约150美元的图书!

100% of the proceeds from this sale will be donated to the Australian Red Cross Victorian Bushfire Appeal..

此次出售的收益的100%将捐赠给澳大利亚红十字会维多利亚州丛林大火呼吁 。 。

Yes, we’re serious: 100%. If you buy 5 PDFs for $29.95, then $29.95 is donated. Our ambitious target is to raise more than $50,000 to help the families and communities affected by this tragedy.

是的,我们很认真:100%。 如果您以29.95美元的价格购买5张PDF,则将捐赠29.95美元。 我们雄心勃勃的目标是筹集超过50,000美元,以帮助受这场悲剧影响的家庭和社区。

We’re offering our entire range of books — from PHP to Project Management — for the sale; designers, developers, freelancers, managers, and business owners alike will all be able to choose a selection of professional books to enjoy.

我们提供出售从PHP到Project Management的所有书籍。 设计师,开发人员,自由职业者,经理和企业主都可以选择一系列专业书籍来欣赏。

You have just 3 days to treat yourself to this amazing deal, courtesy of SitePoint, and know that you’re helping Australian families in need. What are you waiting for?

您只有3天的时间才能享受到这笔惊人的交易,这要归功于SitePoint,并且知道您正在帮助有需要的澳大利亚家庭。 你在等什么?

Buy 5 books for the price of 1 now!


翻译自: https://www.sitepoint.com/our-best-book-deal-ever-5-books-for-the-price-of-1/

