富士康 悉尼

tech2024-01-19  105

富士康 悉尼

How much is one weekend worth to you?


About a month ago, the folks behind StartupCamp Australia got together for another weekend of innovation, entrepreneurship and old-fashioned coding, to build a bunch of exciting web apps in just one weekend. This wasn’t the first StartupCamp that they’d run, but it is the first time that the companies formed during this high-pressure exercise would be put up for auction—a true test of their market value.

大约一个月前, 澳大利亚StartupCamp背后的人们聚在一起又进行了一个创新,企业家精神和老式编码的周末,以在一个周末内构建了一系列令人兴奋的Web应用程序。 这不是他们运行的第一个StartupCamp,但这是第一次在这次高压演习中组建的公司进行拍卖,这是对其市场价值的真实考验。

Six exciting web-based companies, listed below, were created during StartupCamp Sydney II. If you think these entrepreneurs are onto something, you’re in luck—the auctions are still live. You better be quick though—their listings on the SitePoint Marketplace are due to expire in less than 24 hours.

在StartupCamp Sydney II期间创建了以下六家令人兴奋的网络公司。 如果您认为这些企业家有所作为,那么您就很幸运—拍卖仍在进行。 不过,您最好还是快一点-他们在SitePoint市场上的列表将在24小时内到期。

“This is the first time we’re experimenting with this model, but we believe that putting the companies on auction is an innovative and optimal way for companies to move to the next level gracefully—whether they choose to continue with the company or exit,” says StartupCamp founder Bart Jellema. For teams that would like to continue working on their company, the auction serves two purposes. The first is to allow team members who can no longer dedicate the time required to exit the company at the company’s current market value. The second is to allow those team members still interested in continuing working on the company to consolidate their equity. For teams opting to sell their entire website to the public, the site is awarded to the highest bidder, giving the teams an exit and the general public a chance to benefit from the weekend’s work.

“这是我们第一次尝试这种模式,但是我们认为,将公司拍卖会是公司优雅地迈向新境界的一种创新且最佳的方式-无论是选择继续还是退出公司, ” StartupCamp创始人Bart Jellema说。 对于希望继续在公司工作的团队,拍卖有两个目的。 首先是允许团队成员不再以公司当前的市场价值来指定离开公司所需的时间。 第二是允许那些仍然有兴趣继续在公司工作的团队成员巩固自己的权益。 对于选择向公众出售其整个网站的团队,该网站被授予最高出价者,这给团队提供了退出机会,并使公众有机会从周末的工作中受益。

The companies up for auction are:


iTrafficApp.com is a simple iPhone application that helps users to drive smarter and safer by providing up to the minute information on traffic conditions and alerting drivers when approaching RTA cameras. [View the auction listing for iTrafficApp.com]

iTrafficApp.com是一个简单的iPhone应用程序,可通过提供有关交通状况的最新信息并在接近RTA摄像机时向驾驶员发出警报,从而帮助用户驾驶更智能,更安全。 [ 查看iTrafficApp.com的拍卖清单 ]

EpicTweet.com is a website that publishes the best of Twitter, the popular microblogging site. EpicTweet captures the smartest, the funniest and most interesting tweets as decided by its users. [View the auction listing for EpicTweet.com]

EpicTweet.com是一个网站,发布了流行的微博网站Twitter的精华。 EpicTweet捕获其用户决定的最聪明,最有趣和最有趣的推文。 [ 查看EpicTweet.com的拍卖清单 ]

ActivityHorizon.com is a free website which enriches people’s lives by giving them access to the best events and leisure activities across Australia. Activities are represented on a map for quick and easy reference. Activities can be shortlisted and can be sent to friends via Twitter and email. [View the auction listing for ActivityHorizon.com]

ActivityHorizo​​n.com是一个免费网站,通过使人们可以访问澳大利亚最好的活动和休闲活动来丰富人们的生活。 活动显示在地图上,以方便快速参考。 活动可以入围,也可以通过Twitter和电子邮件发送给朋友。 [ 查看ActivityHorizo​​n.com的拍卖清单 ]

ThreeFeeds.com allows users to aggregate and share news, web search, social search and RSS feeds. [View the auction listing for ThreeFeeds.com]

ThreeFeeds.com允许用户汇总和共享新闻,Web搜索,社交搜索和RSS feed。 [ 查看ThreeFeeds.com的拍卖清单 ]

MyPetNeedsLove.com is a dedicated to finding pets a date. Pets need love too you know. The founding members felt the empathy of loveless pets and decided to do something about it. [View the auction listing for MyPetNeedsLove.com]

MyPetNeedsLove.com致力于寻找约会对象。 宠物也需要爱。 创始成员感到了对无爱宠物的同情,并决定为此做点事情。 [ 查看MyPetNeedsLove.com的拍卖清单 ]

GiveDo is a website that makes it easy for everyone to support charities everyday. GiveDo harnesses the power Google search to drive advertising revenues to charities. [View the auction listing for GiveDo.com]

GiveDo是一个网站,每个人每天都可以轻松地支持慈善机构。 GiveDo利用Google搜索的功能将广告收入推向慈善机构。 [ 查看GiveDo.com的拍卖清单 ]

I really like the idea that the teams behind these web apps are letting the market decide exactly what the value of each of these apps is, rather than bickering over each owner’s interpretation of perceived value or potential. I’m sure there’s more than just a little bit of competition between the teams about which app will be picked up for the largest amount too.

我非常喜欢这样的想法,即这些Web应用程序背后的团队正在让市场准确地确定每个应用程序的价值,而不是对每个所有者对感知到的价值或潜力的解释产生争执。 我敢肯定,团队之间的竞争不仅仅只有一点点,即哪个应用程序也将获得最大的竞争。

So which app do you think is worth the most?


翻译自: https://www.sitepoint.com/startupcamp-sydney-sites-go-under-the-hammer/

富士康 悉尼
