
tech2024-01-19  81


Don’t look now, but your competition is up to things. What sort of things? That’s hard to say. It could be innocuous stuff you don’t have to worry about, but maybe they’re quietly launching a new product or service that is so awesome it will ruin your business! Or, perhaps they’re suffering through a bout of bad press that you should really be taking advantage of. The biggest problem is not that your competition is up to something, but that you don’t know about it. Thankfully, there’s this thing called the Internet, and by utilizing it you can keep track of your what your competitors are up to. Check out our list of 10 ways to watch your competitors below, and share other methods or tools that you use in the comments.

现在不要看,但是您的竞争取决于事情。 什么样的东西 很难说。 您可能不必担心它们是无害的东西,但是也许他们正在悄悄地推出如此棒的新产品或服务,它将毁掉您的业务! 或者,也许他们正遭受一连串糟糕的新闻折磨,而您确实应该利用这些折磨。 最大的问题不是您的竞争有待解决,而是您对此一无所知。 值得庆幸的是,有一个叫做Internet的东西,通过利用它,您可以跟踪竞争对手的工作。 在下面查看我们观看竞争对手的10种方法的列表,并分享您在评论中使用的其他方法或工具。

观看:广告支出 (Watch: Ad Spending)

SpyFu is a great, free utility that lets you check out how much your competitors are spending on keyword ads and for what keywords. You can also see how their ad spend changes over time. Conversely, SpyFu can tell you who is advertising on specific keywords, helping you to define your closest competitors.

SpyFu是一款出色的免费工具,可让您查看竞争对手在关键字广告上花费了多少以及使用了哪些关键字。 您还可以查看其广告支出随时间变化的方式。 相反,SpyFu可以告诉您谁在特定关键字上做广告,从而帮助您定义最接近的竞争对手。

观看:Twitter (Watch: Twitter)

People talk on Twitter, and they’re probably talking about you and your competitors. Thankfully, it’s pretty easy to keep tabs on what they’re saying. Twitter has a great real-time search feature that allows you to keep watch on keywords and find new tweets almost as they happen. Searches are available as RSS feeds so you can always be kept in the loop about what people are saying about your competition.

人们在Twitter上谈论,他们可能在谈论您和您的竞争对手。 值得庆幸的是,很容易掌握他们所说的话。 Twitter具有出色的实时搜索功能,可让您随时关注关键字并几乎在出现新推文时进行查找。 搜索可以作为RSS提要,因此您可以始终了解人们对您的竞争的评价。

观看:博客 (Watch: Blogs)

In addition to Twitter, it’s a good idea to watch what people are saying on blogs too. Blog search engine Technorati is one of the best ways to do it. Technorati does a great job of finding new posts, almost as fast they’re put up, and you can refine searches by the quality of the blog. Searches can be had in RSS format.

除了Twitter,最好还是注意人们在博客上的讲话。 博客搜索引擎Technorati是做到这一点的最佳方法之一。 Technorati出色地完成了新帖子的查找工作,其发布速度几乎与它们一样快,并且您可以根据博客的质量来优化搜索。 可以RSS格式进行搜索。

Another good option is the BlogPulse Conversation Tracker, which attempts to show, via threading, how conversations spread across the blogosphere. Alas, no RSS on that one.

另一个不错的选择是BlogPulse对话跟踪器 ,它试图通过线程显示对话如何在整个Blog领域传播。 las,那一个都没有RSS。

观看:书签 (Watch: Bookmarks)

You should also keep tabs on bookmarks, because they’re a good way to find the news and blog coverage that is actually resonating with users. This is often the most important stuff — i.e., the stuff you need to be paying attention too. Thankfully, you can monitor tags on Delicious to see what items people are bookmarking about your competition. For example, here are the latest bookmarks about Apple. Each tag page has an RSS feed.

您还应该在书签上保留选项卡,因为它们是查找实际上引起用户共鸣的新闻和博客报道的好方法。 这通常是最重要的内容,即您也需要注意的内容。 值得庆幸的是,您可以监视Delicious上的标签,以查看人们为您的比赛添加了哪些书签。 例如,这是有关Apple的最新书签 。 每个标签页面都有一个RSS feed。

观看:论坛 (Watch: Forums)

Using BoardTracker you can keep tabs on what people are saying about your competitors across 37,000 forums representing more than 63 million threads. BoardTrack has a built in Alerts function, but you can set up your own custom alerts using RSS and the site’s search function. Just be sure to decrease the time period you’re searching so you’re only getting recent posts about your competitors.

使用BoardTracker,您可以在37,000个论坛(代表6300万个线程)中了解人们对竞争对手的看法。 BoardTrack具有内置的警报功能,但是您可以使用RSS和站点的搜索功能来设置自己的自定义警报。 只要确保减少搜索时间,就可以获取有关竞争对手的最新帖子。

观看:职位发布 (Watch: Job Postings)

Is your competition hiring? Often times, job postings can offer clues about future expansion plans that your competitors may be working on. Using a classifieds aggregator like Oodle, which tracks a large number of job sites, you can keep tabs on any expansion that your competitors may be hiring for. For example, Oodle tells me that Digg is hiring, and I can follow any changes via RSS.

您正在招聘比赛吗? 通常,职位发布可以提供有关竞争对手可能正在制定的未来扩展计划的线索。 使用Oodle之类的分类汇总器来跟踪大量的工作地点,您可以跟踪竞争对手可能在招聘的任何扩展。 例如,Oodle告诉我Digg正在招聘 ,我可以通过RSS进行任何更改。

观看:新员工 (Watch: New Hires)

Similarly, LinkedIn will let you keep an eye on who was actually hired by your competitors. Did they just land some top engineering talent? Maybe a ruthless new sales guy that you need to watch out for? Unfortunately, LinkedIn doesn’t offer RSS for their new hires section, so you’ll have to check manually.

同样, LinkedIn可以让你保持对谁实际上是由你的竞争对手雇用的眼睛。 他们只是招募了一些顶尖的工程人才吗? 也许您需要提防一个冷酷的新销售人员? 不幸的是,LinkedIn的新员工部分没有提供RSS,因此您必须手动进行检查。

观看:维基百科 (Watch: Wikipedia)

Another good page to spy on is your competitors’ Wikipedia entry. Using the “Revision history” tool, which has an RSS feed, you can be notified of any changes to their Wikipedia page. Did your competitor just attempt to scrub something from their history? Are they trying to alter their public image? Did they just push out a major new release or get bought out? Stay on top of it.

另一个可以监视的好页面是竞争对手的Wikipedia条目。 使用具有RSS feed的“修订历史记录”工具,可以将其Wikipedia页面的任何更改通知您。 您的竞争对手是否只是尝试从他们的历史中清除某些东西? 他们是否在试图改变自己的公众形象? 他们只是推出了主要的新版本还是被收购了? 留在上面。

观看:关键字 (Watch: Keywords)

Compete’s Search Analytics tools are invaluable when spying on your competitors. You can see how your site ranks compared to theirs on competing keywords, and you can see which keywords are sending them the most traffic. That can be very useful when planning how to spend your ad budget.

监视竞争对手时,竞争对手的搜索分析工具非常宝贵。 您可以查看您的网站与其竞争关键字相比的排名,以及哪些关键字为它们带来最多的访问量。 在计划如何支出广告预算时,这可能非常有用。

观看:他们的网站 (Watch: Their Web Site)

Finally, you need to actually be watching your competition’s web site. Sometimes, though, changes are subtle. Beyond subscribing to their blog and press release feed, it will pay to set up some alerts on Versionista, which can detect changes on any site and then let you compare versions side by side. Did your competitor just change the wording of their about page? What did they change? Why? Is it something you should be aware of? Can you use it to gain a competitive edge? Versionista can help you keep on top of it.

最后,您实际上需要观看比赛的网站。 但是,有时变化是微妙的。 除了订阅他们的博客和新闻发布提要外,它还需要在Versionista上设置一些警报,该警报可以检测任何站点上的更改,然后让您并排比较版本。 您的竞争对手是否只是更改了其关于页面的措辞? 他们改变了什么? 为什么? 这是您应该注意的吗? 您可以使用它来获得竞争优势吗? Versionista可以帮助您保持领先。

What other tools do you use to keep track of your competitors? Let us know in the comments.

您还使用其他哪些工具来跟踪竞争对手? 让我们在评论中知道。

翻译自: https://www.sitepoint.com/10-ways-to-spy-on-your-competitors/

