
tech2024-01-20  89

Chris Richardson 早年著有POJO in action一书,一个差不多60岁的老外老头,在此书中写下了40+的微服务模式,涵盖了设计、开发、部署、测试微服务的方方面面。

引用Chris Richardson一书中描述:


The microservice architecture isn’t a silver bullet—there are significant drawbacks, including complexity.



 It enables the continuous delivery and deployment of large, complex applications.  Services are small and easily maintained.  Services are independently deployable.  Services are independently scalable.  The microservice architecture enables teams to be autonomous.  It allows easy experimenting and adoption of new technologies.  It has better fault isolation.


 Finding the right set of services is challenging.  Distributed systems are complex, which makes development, testing, and deployment difficult.  Deploying features that span multiple services requires careful coordination.  Deciding when to adopt the microservice architecture is difficult.

