
tech2024-01-20  87

As we noted in our year-end round up, 2008 was a good year for OpenID on paper, but the emergence of other, corporate backed single sign-on products means icy waters ahead. Specifically, we’ve talked about Facebook Connect and why it might end up the winner because it makes sense to consumers, and comes with social data attached. For developers, Facebook Connect is attractive as well because it comes with a built in marketing channel — user actions on external sites using Connect can be reported back to their friends on Facebook via the news feed.

正如我们在年终报告中所指出的那样,2008年对于纸上的OpenID来说是一个丰收的一年,但是其他由企业支持的单点登录产品的出现则意味着冰冷的前途。 具体来说,我们讨论了Facebook Connect,以及为什么它可能成为赢家,因为它对消费者有意义,并附带社交数据。 对于开发人员来说,Facebook Connect也具有吸引力,因为它具有内置的营销渠道-使用Connect可以将外部用户在使用Connect的外部站点上的用户操作通过新闻提要回传给Facebook上的朋友。

In order for OpenID to compete on this new playing field, the OpenID Foundation needs to stop dragging their feet and start working on efforts to educate people about what OpenID is. On the technical site, OpenID is more or less a sound protocol — there hasn’t been any foot dragging there, but on the consumer outreach side, they’re getting beat. Badly.

为了使OpenID在这个新的竞争环境中竞争,OpenID基金会需要停止拖延脚步,并开始努力向人们宣传OpenID是什么。 在技​​术站点上,OpenID或多或少是一种声音协议-那里没有人拖脚,但在消费者推广方面,他们受到了打击。 不好

Most people have no clue what OpenID is, even though many of them actually have OpenID-enabled accounts. Everyone who uses Facebook (which is a lot of people), on the other hand, understands what Facebook is and knows what “login with Facebook” means. OpenID needs to work hard to change that in 2009.

大多数人不知道什么是OpenID ,即使其中许多人实际上拥有启用了OpenID的帐户也是如此。 另一方面,使用Facebook的每个人(很多人)都了解Facebook是什么,并且知道“使用Facebook登录”的含义。 OpenID需要努力工作以在2009年改变这一状况。

Unfortunately, it appears that the people behind OpenID might be asleep at the wheel in some respects. While Facebook is pushing hard to get Connect out there (and Google is doing the same with Friend Connect — which actually includes OpenID), OpenID is, as Nick O’Neill puts it, “organizing the organizers,” referring to the recent OpenID Foundation community board elections that were held last week.

不幸的是,似乎在某些方面,OpenID背后的人们可能睡着了。 尽管Facebook一直在大力推动Connect的发展(Google也在Friend Connect上做同样的事情-实际上包括OpenID),但正如Nick O'Neill所说 ,OpenID是“组织组织者”,指的是最近的OpenID基金会上周举行的社区委员会选举。

“I used to be a huge advocate of OpenID and I honestly believe that there is still a lot of movement going on. Unfortunately though I think the group is over planning and under executing,” says O’Neill. “While some large organizations (Yahoo! included) are supporting the identity standard, there is still a lack of general consumer education. Without that there is no way OpenID can compete with Facebook Connect and other new standards.”

“我曾经是OpenID的拥护者,老实说,我相信仍然有很多活动在进行。 不幸的是,尽管我认为该团队计划过度,执行力不足,”奥尼尔说。 “虽然一些大型组织(包括Yahoo!)正在支持身份标准,但仍然缺乏一般的消费者教育。 没有这些,OpenID就无法与Facebook Connect和其他新标准竞争。”

Fellow blogger Allen Stern shares some of the same concerns about OpenID. “It’s more likely that the average Internet user will understand the Facebook Connect process than the OpenID process. This is why OpenID must focus on marketing and usability more than technical standards at this time,” he writes.

资深博客作者艾伦·斯特恩(Allen Stern) 也对OpenID 表示了同样的担忧 。 “与OpenID流程相比,普通互联网用户更可能了解Facebook Connect流程。 这就是为什么OpenID目前必须比技术标准更关注营销和可用性的原因,”他写道。

What the OpenID Foundation needs to do is start “getting real.” Getting real is a business philosophy from 37signals, a successful web application software company based in Chicago. Though there’s a lot more to their idea, one of the main themes essentially boils down to this: stop screwing around with all the stuff that doesn’t matter and just wastes time (like politics and meetings), and start doing the stuff that needs to get done (like building your app). Don’t worry about the details until people are already using what you’re selling.

OpenID Foundation需要做的就是开始“ 变得真实” 。 成为现实是37signals的经营理念,37signals是一家成功的Web应用程序软件公司,位于芝加哥。 尽管他们的想法还有很多,但主要主题之一可以归结为:停止处理所有无关紧要的东西,而浪费时间(例如政治和会议),然后开始做需要的事情完成工作(例如构建您的应用)。 在人们已经使用您所销售的商品之前,请不要担心细节。

I agree with O’Neill that so far the OpenID Foundation seems to be spending too much time on organizational stuff, and not enough time on actually doing what needs to get done. In a chapter of their book “Getting Real,” 37signals talks about how meetings can kill productivity. “Every minute you avoid spending in a meeting is a minute you can get real work done instead,” they write. From my admittedly outsider’s vantage point, it appears that the people behind OpenID are getting too caught up in the organizational stuff, getting too lost in the details, and not spending enough time on execution.

我同意O'Neill的观点,到目前为止,OpenID Foundation似乎在组织工作上花费了太多时间,而在执行需要完成的事情上没有足够的时间。 在他们的书“ Getting Real”的一章中,37signals讨论了会议如何降低生产力。 他们写道:“每分钟避免花在会议上的时间就是可以完成实际工作的一分钟。” 从我公认的局外人的角度来看,OpenID背后的人们似乎太着迷于组织工作,太迷于细节,并且没有在执行上花费足够的时间。

My perspective, of course, is that of an outsider. I’m not privy to what’s going on behind closed doors, so to speak. So my perception of what’s really going on could be off. But at this point in the game, public perception is what it’s all about.

我的观点当然是局外人的观点。 可以这么说,我不了解闭门造车的情况。 因此,我对实际情况的看法可能会不正确。 但是在游戏的这一点上,公众的感知才是真正的关键。

