
tech2024-01-20  99


You’ll know pretty quickly when your deadlines are getting the best of you. You may be juggling multiple projects or just starting to feel the burn of having too much on your plate. All of your productivity tricks are failing, and your project time estimates seem way off. You are facing deadlines that seem impossible to meet, even if you were able to pull off consecutive all-nighters, yet you still need to get the work done. What can you do?

当您的最后期限变得最好时,您会很快知道。 您可能会忙于处理多个项目,或者刚开始觉得自己的盘子上有太多东西的感觉。 您所有的生产率技巧都失败了,并且您的项目时间估算似乎还很遥远。 您面临着似乎无法实现的截止日期,即使您能够连续完成通宵达旦的工作,但仍需要完成工作。 你能做什么?

Reevaluate Priorities


For me, a lot of the stress and pressure that comes with the occasional deadline struggle is not usually work-related. We all have lives and responsibilities beyond work, and sometimes those things can be just as important as our professional responsibilities. But not always. Check your list, and take the time for an honest reevaluation about what is really important and what can be put off a few more days.

对我来说,偶尔的最后期限斗争带来的很多压力和压力通常与工作无关。 我们所有人都有工作以外的生活和责任,有时这些事情与我们的专业责任同样重要。 但不总是。 检查您的列表,花些时间诚实地重新评估什么是真正重要的,什么可以推迟几天。

As business owners, we want to do it all and do it all right (and sometimes do it all right away), but we can only be effective and successful if we focus on the most important priorities and let the rest go. In the words of Sister Mary Claire, my sixth grade teacher, “Do what you can and can the rest.”

作为企业主,我们想做的一切并正确地做(有时马上就做),但是只有专注于最重要的优先事项,然后放下其余的一切,我们才能取得成功和成功。 用我六年级的老师玛丽·克莱尔修女的话说,“尽一切所能。”

Get Rid of the Kids (and other distractions)


When deadlines are looming, there is no time to be pulled off track. Truthfully, you can’t afford to succumb to the daily distractions. So make a plan to get the kids out of the house for the day, take the phone off the hook, close your e-mail application, shut off the TV or music, and focus only on work.

当最后期限迫在眉睫时,没有时间被拖走。 老实说,您不能屈服于日常的干扰。 因此,制定一个计划,让孩子们白天出去玩,把电话摘下来,关闭电子邮件应用程序,关闭电视或音乐,只专注于工作。

If you are used to working through daily distractions, you will really benefit from even half a day of quiet work-only time. And to put yourself in an even better position, follow the next tip.

如果您习惯于每天分散精力,那么即使只有半天的安静工作时间,您也会真正受益。 为了使自己处于更好的位置,请遵循下一个技巧。

Make a Schedule


Once you have a day of silence and interruption-free work planned (or as much as possible), plan it out. Create a schedule that you can follow closely that includes work AND break time. Not only does having a schedule keep you moving forward, but you can make a plan that works for you. If you work best jumping from one project to the next and back again, schedule your time in 60-minute increments so you can go back and forth. If you know you need just a couple more hours to wrap up a project, plan that uninterrupted time. If you’re a slave to your to-do list, like I am, schedule time to do the quickest tasks first. The psychological impact of crossing things off immediately will motivate you to do more and lessen some of the pressure you feel.

一旦计划了一天的沉默和无干扰的工作(或尽可能多的工作),请计划一下。 创建一个可以密切遵循的时间表,其中包括工作和休息时间。 制定时间表不仅可以使您前进,而且可以制定适合自己的计划。 如果您最好地从一个项目跳转到另一个项目,然后再返回,则以60分钟为增量安排时间,以便您往返。 如果您知道只需要几个小时即可完成一个项目,请计划不间断的时间。 如果您像我一样是待办事项清单的奴隶,请安排时间首先执行最快的任务。 立即将事情清除的心理影响会激励您做更多的事情,并减轻您的压力。

Ask for an Extension


This is a last resort for me and something I rarely do, but if all else fails and you simply cannot meet the deadline successfully, you can always ask for an extension. One thing to keep in mind when asking for an extension is to give as much advance notice as possible. If it seems like you will miss the mark a week or two prior, bring it up then. It’s much better (for you and the client or colleague) than waiting until the 11th hour.

这是我的最后选择,也是我很少做的事情,但是,如果其他所有方法都失败了,而您根本无法成功完成截止日期,则可以随时提出延期要求。 要求延期时要牢记的一件事是尽可能提前通知。 如果看起来您会在一周或两周之前错过商标,请提出。 (对于您以及您的客户或同事而言)比等到第11个小时要好得多。

What would you add to this list? How do you fight back when your deadlines are beating you up?

您将添加到该列表什么? 当您的截止日期超过您时,您该如何反击?

Image credit: lcs9

图片来源: lcs9

翻译自: https://www.sitepoint.com/handling-deadlines/

