Phil Butler joins the SitePoint blogging team, reporting on the newest beta web applications.
菲尔·巴特勒(Phil Butler)加入了SitePoint博客小组,负责报告最新的Beta版Web应用程序。
Can the children’s browser KIDO’Z help moms and dads ensure safe surfing for their children? Or perhaps more importantly, from a development standpoint, can narrowly focused niche tools effectively provide the greatest value to Web consumers? In my opinion, the answer is yes, and here’s why.
儿童浏览器KIDO'Z可以帮助爸爸妈妈确保孩子安全冲浪吗? 也许更重要的是,从开发的角度来看,狭focused的利基工具能否有效地为Web消费者提供最大的价值? 我认为答案是肯定的 ,这就是原因。
For those of us working on the Web, the last three years, to a degree, have been about niche development and marketing—targeted ads and a whole range of innovations that have sought to engage the Web audience. From geeks to geezers, marketers and site owners have endeavored to garner page views, and ultimately customers, with a seemingly endless array of widgets, tools, ploys, wowing technology and out and out circus wizardry. But somehow, the most important and profitable niche in the world has been largely overlooked.
对于我们这些从事网络工作的人来说,最近三年在一定程度上是与利基市场的开发和营销有关的—定向广告和旨在吸引网络受众的一系列创新。 从极客到geezer,营销人员和网站所有者一直在努力获取页面浏览量,最终吸引了客户,其中包含了看似无穷无尽的小部件,工具,策略,令人赞叹的技术以及出众的马戏团巫术。 但是以某种方式,世界上最重要和最有利可图的利基市场已被大大忽略了。
Kids are without a doubt the holy grail of a monetized Web, yet no one has grabbed a substantial market share of this estimated 2.1 trillion dollar market (US only). This fact begs the question; “What kind of application or service could grab the widespread attention of children, and keep it?” According to every expert resource there is, Moms make the spending decisions for most families, and a child’s “want” craving is a powerful parental stimulus. In a (*.pdf) study performed by the Marketing to Moms Coalition in 2007, the top 5 priorities for the Mom spending group are:
毫无疑问,孩子们是货币化Web的圣杯,但在这个2.1万亿美元的市场(仅美国)中,没有人占据可观的市场份额。 这个事实引出了问题; “什么样的应用程序或服务可以吸引并保持儿童的广泛关注?” 根据每位专家的资料,妈妈为大多数家庭做出支出决定,而孩子的“渴望”渴望是强有力的父母刺激手段。 在2007年营销至妈妈联盟(*)进行的(* .pdf)研究中,妈妈支出组的前5个优先事项是:
Her relationship with her children 她与孩子的关系 Quality of education and teachers 教育质量和教师 Safety –- in the physical and digital world 安全–物理和数字世界 Drug and alcohol use prevention 预防毒品和酒精使用 Healthy eating and exercise 健康饮食和运动Sure, there are sites for kids all over the Web, but none that provide a hub—none so notable that we think of them in the every day—and least of all a kids browser. Until now, that is. Enter KIDO’Z, a kids-only web browser, written in Adobe AIR by a Tel Aviv-based startup. If there was ever a marketing “no brainer”, at least in my view, then engaging kids and families would be it.
当然,整个Web上都有面向儿童的网站,但是没有一个提供中心的网站-值得注意的是,我们每天都在考虑它们-至少是所有儿童浏览器。 到现在为止。 输入KIDO'Z,这是一个仅由儿童使用的网络浏览器,由位于特拉维夫的一家初创公司以Adobe AIR编写。 至少在我看来,如果有一个营销“没脑子”,那么吸引孩子和家庭就可以了。
Of over 500 beta tests I have been involved with in the last three years, KIDO’Z is without a doubt the simplest and easiest concept to convey to others. Google taught us that minimalist was in vogue, and simplicity and discoverability are the beta tester’s dogma for description. The KIDO’Z browser can easily be outlined thus:
在过去三年中我参与的500多次beta测试中,KIDO'Z无疑是传达给他人的最简单,最简单的概念。 Google告诉我们,极简主义正在风行一时,简单性和可发现性是Beta测试人员的描述准则。 KIDO'Z浏览器可以轻松地概述如下:
UI -– simple, elegant and flawlessly usable for the user (that would be the child)
用户界面 -简单,优雅且对用户(即孩子)完美无缺的可用性
Discoverability -– A child could do it (sorry, couldn’t resist!)
可发现性 -–一个孩子可以做到(对不起,无法抗拒!)
Navigation –- One slight flaw, in that navigating back to “Home” has only one button
导航 –一个小缺陷,即导航到“主页”只有一个按钮
Aesthetics –- Beautiful and sweet, as any kid’s tool should be
美学 –美丽而甜美,就像任何孩子的工具一样
User Experience -– Pointing and clicking to find cool and educational stuff is fun
用户体验 -–指向并单击以找到有趣和有教育意义的内容很有趣
User Value -– Only the highest quality content sites, though currently limited in number.
用户价值 -–仅质量最高的内容站点,尽管目前数量有限。
Safety and Security –- Nothing exists in the KIDO’Z matrix of browser sites that is not child-safe
安全性 -浏览器站点的KIDO'Z矩阵中不存在儿童不安全的内容
As the screenshots below indicate, less is definitely more in the case of the KIDO’Z browser. No typing is necessary at all, and kids can simply click through to appropriate games, websites, or videos supplied by some of the best children’s destinations in the world.
如下面的屏幕快照所示,对于KIDO'Z浏览器, 肯定更少 。 根本不需要键入任何内容,孩子们只需单击即可访问世界上一些最佳儿童目的地提供的适当游戏,网站或视频。
KIDO'Z browser simple interface
A Familiar Friend Via KIDO'Z
As an added bonus feature, the KIDO’Z browser also functions as a suggestive search engine. So “the little surf board that could” may well be the paradigm shift catalyst for suggestion engine relevance superiority. I know for certain that the team behind Microsoft’s Powerset (and no doubt the Google folks, too) are addressing the very nature of reorganizing search, but that is a subject for another study.
作为附加功能,KIDOZ浏览器还可以用作提示性搜索引擎。 因此,“可能的小冲浪板”很可能是建议引擎相关性优势的范式转变催化剂。 我可以肯定地知道,微软Powerset背后的团队(毫无疑问也是Google员工)正在解决重新组织搜索的本质,但这是另一项研究的主题。
KIDO’Z is safe, period. Users cannot venture outside the KIDO’Z environment. One aspect that may need to be addressed though, is the capacity for parents to block sites that they do not want their kids to visit out of sheer preference. Aside from this nice-to-have feature, the KIDO’Z crew are focused on tweaking their browser based on user feedback, and adding features such as allowing users to add more sites to the whitelist.
KIDO'Z很安全,有效期。 用户不能在KIDO'Z环境之外冒险。 不过,可能需要解决的一个方面是,家长有能力阻止他们不想让孩子出于纯粹的偏爱而访问的网站。 除了此功能之外,KIDOZ团队还致力于根据用户反馈调整浏览器,并添加诸如允许用户向白名单中添加更多网站的功能。
Ironically, I’ve been talking with notable web developers of late about the value of niche tools like KIDO’Z. These “web innovators” all agree that kid browsers and search engines are viable and needed tools, but beyond their simple interest and curiosity, they can’t see much value in the concept. With everyone on the planet looking for a “Google Killer”, how can hundreds of millions of potential users and trillions of dollars not be appealing to the world’s greatest innovators—let alone investors?
具有讽刺意味的是,最近我一直在与著名的Web开发人员讨论诸如KIDO'Z之类的利基工具的价值。 这些“网络创新者”都同意,儿童浏览器和搜索引擎是可行且需要的工具,但是除了简单的兴趣和好奇心之外,他们在该概念中看不到太多价值。 在地球上每个人都在寻找“ Google杀手”的情况下,亿万潜在用户和数万亿美元如何不吸引世界上最伟大的创新者—更不用说投资者了?
Perhaps KIDO’Z and similar ideas are just too simple?
Teaching via cool video friends like Dancing Dog