
tech2024-01-20  102


A couple of months ago, Google vice president Marissa Mayer wrote about Google’s views on the future of web search. One of the things she talked about was the ability to personalize the search experience. “Search engines of the future will be better in part because they will understand more about you, the individual user,” she wrote.

几个月前,谷歌副总裁玛丽莎·梅耶(Marissa Mayer)发表了有关谷歌对网络搜索未来的看法。 她谈到的一件事是个性化搜索体验的能力。 她写道:“未来的搜索引擎会更好,部分原因是它们将对您和个人用户有更多的了解。”

One way they could do that, is by allowing users to rate, reorder, and comment on search results, teaching the search engine over time what types of sites you like. Google tonight will be opening up to the public an experimental feature they’ve been testing for a few months called SearchWiki, reports CNET.

他们可以做到这一点的一种方法是,允许用户对搜索结果进行评分,重新排序和评论,并逐步教会搜索引擎您喜欢哪种类型的网站。 据CNET报道 ,今晚谷歌将向公众开放他们已经测试了几个月的名为SearchWiki的实验性功能。

SearchWiki lets users reorder and remove results, and leave comments on specific links. Google will remember changes that people make to search results pages, and subsequent searches will display results with the user’s customizations and notes. Users will also have the option of seeing how other searchers have rated and reordered search results and view other people’s notes, making search results a collaborative effort.

SearchWiki允许用户重新排序和删除结果,并对特定链接发表评论。 Google将记住人们对搜索结果页面所做的更改,随后的搜索将显示带有用户自定义和注释的结果。 用户还可以选择查看其他搜索者如何对搜索结果进行评级和重新排序,以及查看其他人的注释,从而使搜索结果成为协作成果。

In some ways, the process is reminiscent of Wikia Search, the collaborative search engine launched by Wikipedia founder Jimmy Wales, which allows searchers to edit, annotate, and comment on search results. We also reported on a project in October from Microsoft Research Japan called “U Rank,” that allowed users to rank and reorder search results in a collaborative environment.

在某些方面,该过程让人想起Wikia Search ,这是维基百科创始人吉米·威尔士(Jimmy Wales)推出的协作搜索引擎,它使搜索者可以编辑,注释和评论搜索结果。 我们还报告了 Microsoft Research Japan在10月发布的一个名为“ U Rank” 的项目 , 该项目允许用户在协作环境中对搜索结果进行排名和重新排序。

According to CNET, Google seemed open using human input gathered via SearchWiki to improve their general search algorithm, though stopped short of saying that was something they were planning to do. “We don’t close any doors,” said Cedric Dupont, product manager for Google’s SearchWiki, who said they look at all sorts of signals regarding how to better tweak their search algorithm. “Search is adapting to the Internet as it becomes a more participatory medium. Now you have people telling us specific things about how they’d like to see their search results.”

根据CNET的说法,Google似乎是开放的,它使用通过SearchWiki收集的人工输入来改进其通用搜索算法,尽管没有说这是他们计划要做的事情。 谷歌SearchWiki的产品经理塞德里克·杜邦(Cedric Dupont)说:“我们没有关门。”他说,他们正在考虑各种有关如何更好地调整搜索算法的信号。 随着搜索成为一种更具参与性的媒体,搜索正在适应互联网。 现在,有人告诉我们有关他们希望如何查看其搜索结果的具体信息。”

The video below demonstrates SearchWiki in action.



