
tech2024-01-21  81


Think Twitter is just for wasting time chatting to friends and strangers? Think again. There are all sorts of creative uses for Twitter out there, and we’ve assembled ten of our favorites below. From writing fiction to quitting smoking, Twitter is being used for more than just idle conversation. Check out our list and be sure to share any creative uses for Twitter we may have missed in the comments section following this post.

认为Twitter只是在浪费时间与朋友和陌生人聊天? 再想一想。 Twitter有各种各样的创意用途,下面我们汇总了十个收藏夹。 从写小说到戒烟,Twitter不仅用于闲聊。 请查看我们的列表,并确保与我们分享本帖子后面的评论部分可能遗漏的Twitter创意用途。

植物浇水 (Water the Plants)

What if your plant is having a dry soil emergency, how will you know? The guys at Botanicalls have the answer. Their DIY Twitter watering project uses moisture probes to allow your plant to tweet you a message when it needs a drink.

如果您的工厂遇到旱田紧急情况怎么办,您怎么知道? Botanicalls的家伙有答案。 他们的DIY Twitter浇水项目使用湿度探头,使您的植物在需要喝水时可以向您发送消息。

写短篇小说 (Write Short Fiction)

Is it possible to tell a story in 140 characters? Well, you be the judge. Last May Copyblogger held a contest in which people wrote stories that were exactly 140 characters in length. They’re very short, yes, but many are compelling. I’ve always thought it was a neat idea, and wrote about it last spring.

可以讲140个字符的故事吗? 好吧,你当法官。 去年五月, Copyblogger举行了一场竞赛 ,人们在其中撰写了恰好140个字符的故事。 它们很短,是的,但是很多引人注目。 我一直认为这是一个好主意,并于去年春天撰写了有关它的文章 。

写长篇小说 (Write Longer Fiction)

Yes, you can only write 140 characters in each Twitter message. But if you string enough tweets together, can you write an entire novel? That was the idea behind 140novel. Unfortunately, the idea didn’t get too much traction, and the novel in progress hasn’t been updated since march. Even though it’s defunct, you can still read what was written at the 140novel site, color-coded by author (4 Twitter users contributed).

是的,每个Twitter消息中只能写140个字符。 但是,如果您将足够多的推文串在一起,您可以写整本小说吗? 这就是140novel背后的想法。 不幸的是,这个想法并没有得到太多的关注,而且自3月以来,这部进行中的小说还没有更新。 即使已失效,您仍然可以阅读作者在140novel网站上写的内容,该内容由作者进行颜色编码(贡献了4个Twitter用户)。

阅读小说 (Read a Novel)

Okay, so if Twitter can be used to write a book, why not read one? There are two projects that we know of trying to do just that — share an entire classic novel tweet by tweet. So if you have the patience, you an follow along with James Joyce’s Ulysses or Leo Tolstoy’s War and Peace.

好的,如果可以使用Twitter 写一本书,为什么不读书呢? 我们知道有两个项目试图做到这一点–逐条分享整个经典小说。 因此,如果您有足够的耐心,那么可以跟随詹姆斯·乔伊斯的《 尤利西斯》或列夫·托尔斯泰的《 战争与和平》 。

和朋友一起写 (Write with Friends)

If you thought four authors working on a book was too many, you clearly haven’t fully realized the power of Twitter. @twitterstory is a Twitter account in which any follower can join in and contribute to a running story. Unfortunately, the 50+ participants haven’t updated the story in almost a year and a half. Can anyone out there think of the next sentence?

如果您认为四本书的作者太多,那么您显然还没有完全意识到Twitter的强大功能。 @twitterstory是一个Twitter帐户,任何关注者都可以在其中加入并撰写一个正在运行的故事。 不幸的是,有50多个参与者近一年半没有更新故事。 外面有人能想到下一个句子吗?

学习做饭 (Learn to Cook)

If you thought condensing a short narrative into 140 characters was difficult, try tweeting an entire recipe in one go. That’s what @cookbook does with surprising regularity. Check out this recipe for “Snow Pea Salad” to get an idea of how it’s done: “slice red+ylw+grn pep/.25lb peas. Blanch30s/cool; +.5c cherrytom/T balsamic&shallot&olvoil&lemon&Dijon/s+p.”

如果您认为将简短的叙述压缩成140个字符很困难,请尝试一次性发布整个食谱。 这就是@cookbook令人惊讶的规律性。 查看此食谱“雪豆沙拉”,以了解其制作方法:“切片红色+ ylw + grn pep / .25lb豌豆。 Blanch30s / cool; + .5c cherrytom / T香脂,青葱,香葱,柠檬和第戎/ s + p。”

戒烟 (Quit Smoking)

Twitter can be good for your health. No, really. Quitter is a Twitter mashup from Tobacco Free Florida that can help you keep track of how many cigarettes you smoke each day and chart your progress day by day until you kick the habit.

Twitter可能对您的健康有益。 不完全是。 Quitter是来自Free Tobacco Free Florida的Twitter混搭,可以帮助您跟踪每天吸烟的数量,并逐日绘制进度图表,直到您戒除烟瘾为止。

检查交通 (Check on Traffic)

Twitter can also keep you out of traffic jams. CommuterFeed is a cool Twitter mashup and a great idea that aggregates tweets about traffic from people stuck in jams. You can then follow your metro areas feed and get updates about pending traffic situations. While we sincerely hope that people aren’t tweeting while driving (unless in standstill traffic), the biggest problem with CommuterFeed is that not enough people use it yet to make it really work the way it is intended. Great idea, though.

Twitter还可以使您避免交通堵塞。 CommuterFeed是一个很棒的Twitter混搭程序,也是一个很好的主意,它汇集了来自被困人员的有关流量的推文。 然后,您可以关注都会区的提要,并获取有关未决交通状况的更新。 尽管我们衷心希望人们在开车时不要发推文(除非交通停滞),但CommuterFeed的最大问题是,没有足够的人使用它来使它真正按预期的方式工作。 不过好主意。

走出监狱 (Get Out of Jail)

When 29-year-old UC Berkley journalism student James Buck was arrested in Egypt on April 10, 2008 he alerted his friends via a Twitter message that said one thing: Arrested. The tweet went out to peers who got the news to the correct people and Buck was walked out of jail the next day with an Egyptian attorney hired by UC Berkley and the help of the US Embassy.

当29岁的加州大学伯克利分校的新闻专业学生詹姆斯·巴克(James Buck)于2008年4月10日在埃及被捕时,他通过推文中的一则消息提醒他的朋友们:被捕。 这条推文发给了向正确的人传达消息的同龄人,第二天,巴克利被加州大学伯克利分校聘请的埃及律师和美国大使馆的帮助下从监狱中走出来。

来自子宫的推文 (Tweet from the Womb)

Most Twitter users are early adopters, but this is a little ridiculous. Expectant father Corey Menscher this month created a device that can record kicks from the womb and tweet them as they happen. You can follow what is undoubtedly the world’s youngest Twitter user at @kickbee.

大多数Twitter用户都是早期采用者,但这有点荒谬 。 准父亲科里·门歇尔(Corey Menscher)本月开发了一种设备,可以记录子宫内的脚踢,并在发生情况时将其鸣叫。 您可以通过@kickbee关注无疑是世界上最年轻的Twitter用户。


