复杂网络 社交网络

tech2024-01-21  75

复杂网络 社交网络

Here’s a question for you: is your social network profile your home on the web? I don’t mean that in a metaphorical sense, I mean that literally. Is your Facebook or MySpace page a legal, if virtual, extension of your actual place of residence? According to a judge in Australia, the answer is yes.

这是您的一个问题:您的社交网络个人资料是您在网上的家吗? 我的意思不是隐喻,而是字面意思。 您的Facebook或MySpace页面是您实际居住地的合法(如果是虚拟的)扩展吗? 根据澳大利亚法官的说法,答案是肯定的。

The New Zealand Herald reports that a Canberra lawyer has ruled that Facebook is a suitable delivery method for serving court documents.

《 新西兰先驱报》报道说,堪培拉的律师已裁定Facebook是送达法院文件的合适送达方法。

Apparently, an Australian court had previously ruled that a couple would lose their home after defaulting on a loan. Unfortunately for the court and the creditors seeking restitution, serving the couple with legal documents necessary to actually seize the home proved difficult by traditional methods. So a judge ruled that that Facebook was a suitable place to serve them with the documents.

显然,澳大利亚一家法院此前曾裁定,一对夫妇在拖欠贷款后将失去房屋。 不幸的是,对于法院和寻求恢复原状的债权人来说,用传统方法向夫妇提供实际占领房屋所需的法律文件十分困难。 因此,法官裁定Facebook是向他们提供文件的合适场所。

The use of Facebook to serve legal documents is believed to be a first, and other Australian courts, as well as those in other countries, are expected to follow suit where needed. Apparently the traditional way to serve legal documents in Australia involves placing a public notice in the local newspaper classifieds section. Facebook is seen as a modern version of that.

据信,首先使用Facebook来提供法律文件,澳大利亚其他法院以及其他国家/地区的法院将在需要时效仿。 显然,在澳大利亚,送达法律文件的传统方式包括在当地报纸分类目录中放置一个公告。 Facebook被视为该版本的现代版本。

“There’s no reason at all why the courts couldn’t get more modern,” said Auckland, New Zealand District Law Society president Keith Berman.

奥克兰地区法律协会主席凯斯·伯曼(Keith Berman)说:“根本没有理由不能使法院变得更加现代化。”

What do you think? Should social networking profiles really be considered a legal extension of your real-world residence? Let us know your thoughts in the comments.

你怎么看? 社交网络个人资料是否真的应被视为您真实居住地的合法延伸? 在评论中让我们知道您的想法。

翻译自: https://www.sitepoint.com/are-social-networks-your-home-on-the-web/

复杂网络 社交网络
