
tech2024-01-22  99


A couple of days ago we brought you a sneak peak at Meermeer, an upcoming application from Adobe that will make testing web sites cross browser a lot easier for developers. Meermeer will allow developers to send their code directly from Dreamweaver to a set of virtual machines running different operating systems and browsers, and receive back screenshots of their sites rendered on those various configurations almost instantly. That’s infinitely better than the current system that most developers employ, which is usually a combination of using multiple test bed systems, local virtualization software, and relying on friends and slow batch processing services like Browsershots.org.

几天前,我们为您带来了Meermeer的一个潜行,Meermeer是Adobe即将推出的应用程序,它将使开发人员更容易跨浏览器测试网站。 Meermeer将允许开发人员将其代码直接从Dreamweaver发送到运行不同操作系统和浏览器的一组虚拟机,并几乎立即接收在这些各种配置下呈现的站点的屏幕快照。 这绝对比大多数开发人员使用的当前系统好得多,后者通常是使用多个测试平台系统,本地虚拟化软件,以及依赖于朋友和诸如Browsershots.org之类的缓慢批处理服务的组合。

Meermeer won’t be available for consumers until sometime early next year, but thankfully for developers there are a couple of services that are available now and offer similarly useful testing functionality.


石蕊属 (Litmus)

Litmus is a cross browser and OS testing tool that, like Meermeer, takes screenshots of web sites and returns results almost instantly. Unlike Meermeer, Litmus also tests HTML email, with an impressive list of 23 supported web browsers and 16 email clients. Litmus puts an emphasis on continuous testing and organization and allows you to keep track of all your tests, marking when a page has passed or failed in a browser so you can stay on top of what needs work on your web site.

Litmus是跨浏览器和OS测试工具,与Meermeer一样,它可以捕获网站的屏幕截图并几乎立即返回结果。 与Meermeer不同,Litmus还测试HTML电子邮件,其中包含23种受支持的Web浏览器和16个电子邮件客户端的令人印象深刻的列表。 Litmus强调持续的测试和组织,并允许您跟踪所有测试,在浏览器中标记页面何时通过或失败,以便您可以掌握网站上需要处理的内容。

The Litmus application can also publish public reports about the web browser or email client compatibility of your products that you can show to clients. Litmus screenshots are delivered in both windows and full screen format (so you can see what visitors will see above the fold on page load and debug your entire page).

Litmus应用程序还可以发布有关产品的Web浏览器或电子邮件客户端兼容性的公共报告,并向客户显示。 Litmus屏幕截图以Windows和全屏格式提供(因此,您可以看到访客在页面加载折叠上方看到的内容并调试整个页面)。

Where Litmus lags behind Meermeer is the lack of the onion skin view (which helpfully overlays two browser screenshots), and the inability to render unpublished code to create screenshots. You can, however, point Litmus to password protected, private production servers.

Litmus落后于Meermeer的地方是缺少洋葱皮视图(有助于覆盖两个浏览器屏幕截图),并且无法渲染未发布的代码来创建屏幕截图。 但是,您可以将Litmus指向受密码保护的私人生产服务器。

The free version of Litmus supports IE 7 and Firefox 2 for web sites, and Outlook 2003 and Gmail for emails. Paid plans unlock more browsers and email clients and allow for more users and lifts a monthly cap on the number of tests you can perform.

免费版的Litmus支持网站的IE 7和Firefox 2,以及电子邮件的Outlook 2003和Gmail。 付费计划可解锁更多浏览器和电子邮件客户端,并允许更多用户使用,并提高了您可以执行的测试数量的每月上限。

CrossBrowserTesting.com (CrossBrowserTesting.com)

Screenshots are great, but one of the criticisms of Meermeer and other screenshot based testing tools that we heard often in the comments of our post earlier this week was that you can’t test functionality via a picture. You can test layout with screenshots, but what about cross browser and OS functionality of your Javascript or dynamic CSS elements? For that you need to actually interact with the page.

屏幕截图很棒,但是本周早些时候我们在帖子评论中经常听到的对Meermeer和其他基于屏幕截图的测试工具的批评之一是,您无法通过图片来测试功能。 您可以使用屏幕截图测试布局,但是Javascript或动态CSS元素的跨浏览器和OS功能又如何呢? 为此,您需要与页面进行实际交互。

That’s where a service like CrossBrowserTesting.com is helpful. The site offers access to a number of different virtualized machines across a range of operating systems, browsers, and with various plugins installed. Using a program called VNC, users are able to load up those virtual systems in browser via a Java applet and then test out their web pages using different browser and operating system configurations.

那就是诸如CrossBrowserTesting.com之类的服务有用的地方。 该站点可以访问一系列操作系统,浏览器以及已安装的各种插件的许多不同的虚拟机 。 使用名为VNC的程序,用户可以通过Java小程序在浏览器中加载这些虚拟系统,然后使用不同的浏览器和操作系统配置测试其网页。

While testing, users can instantly snap a screenshot of what they’re seeing so that they can remember later what problems might have existed under specific browser configs.


CrossBrowserTesting.com charges for use of their system by the minute at a price of about $0.20 per minute, with volume discounts available. The site offers free five minute testing sessions, but paid customers are prioritized, so free sessions are only available when there are spare cycles on the system.

CrossBrowserTesting.com按分钟计费,每分钟使用其系统的价格为每分钟$ 0.20,并有大量折扣。 该站点提供免费的五分钟测试会话,但是优先考虑付费客户,因此只有在系统上有空闲周期时才提供免费会话。

翻译自: https://www.sitepoint.com/two-more-ways-to-do-cross-browser-testing/

