Most recently Facebook has come under fire over any number of important issues. The most fervent uproar has been with regard to rumors that the company intends to sell user data, or at least control it. I have offered my two cents worth with regard to any number of issues surrounding Facebook too, so in fairness I contacted Barry Schnitt, Senior Manager of Communications for Facebook, in order to get some unequivocal answers to some of these questions. The bottom line on user data, according to Schnnitt, is that the company has no designs what so ever in this highly sensitive area.
最近,Facebook在许多重要问题上受到抨击。 关于公司打算出售或至少控制用户数据的传言,最为强烈的骚动。 对于围绕Facebook的任何问题,我也提供了2美分的价值,因此,为了公平起见,我联系了Facebook通信高级经理Barry Schnitt ,以期就其中一些问题获得明确的答案。 根据Schnnitt所说,用户数据的底线是该公司在这个高度敏感的领域没有任何设计。
My concerns over Facebook mirror those of the community. Barry Schnitt and even CEO Mark Zuckerberg have been trying to deal with first one mercuric issue and then another. I wrote a rather scathing article on our new PR blog the other day, to which Schnitt quickly replied. Like any of you, I simply wanted straight answers to some fairly important questions. So, I mailed Schnitt asking for the absolute last word on some of these issues. The questions and Schnitt’s reply were requested for and directed at the SitePoint community. The email Q&A exchange was as follows:
我对 Facebook的关注反映了社区的关注。 巴里·施尼特(Barry Schnitt)甚至首席执行官马克·扎克伯格 ( Mark Zuckerberg)一直在尝试处理一个汞问题,然后再处理另一个问题。 前几天,我在我们新的PR博客上写了一篇相当严厉的文章 ,SchnittSwift回答了。 像你们所有人一样,我只是想直接回答一些相当重要的问题。 因此,我邮寄了Schnitt邮件,要求其中某些问题绝对正确。 提出了问题和Schnitt的答复,并直接针对SitePoint社区。 电子邮件问答交流如下:
SitePoint: Many people are concerned about Facebook selling their information. Can you as a spokesman for the company categorically deny this might happen?
SitePoint:许多人担心Facebook出售其信息。 作为公司的发言人,您可以断然否认这种情况吗?
Schnitt: We will not sell user data. Any assertion to the contrary is false.
Schnitt:我们不会出售用户数据。 任何相反的主张都是错误的。
SitePoint: In an article I just posted about Apple, MS and Nokia app stores, I made mention of Facebook and alluded to the potential for this community to build an app marketplace of a similar nature. has this been talked about at Facebook?
SitePoint:在我刚刚发表的有关Apple,MS和Nokia应用程序商店的文章中 ,我提到了Facebook,并暗示了该社区建立类似性质的应用程序市场的潜力。 在Facebook上有谈论过吗?
Schnitt: We already have a thriving developer ecosystem around Facebook. It is called Facebook Platform. More about it can be found here:
Schnitt:我们已经在Facebook周围拥有繁荣的开发者生态系统。 它被称为Facebook平台。 可以在这里找到更多关于它的信息: http : //
SitePoint: Given all the hub bub over the Facebook TOS of late, don’t you think it would be a good idea to post a more concrete set of rules and intentions, regardless of how intricate they may be?
SitePoint:考虑到最近在Facebook TOS上出现的所有中心骚动 ,您认为发布更具体的规则和意图集是个好主意,无论它们有多么复杂?
Schnitt: I think Mark says it best in his blog post: We still have work to do to communicate more clearly about these issues, and our terms are one example of this. Our philosophy that people own their information and control who they share it with has remained constant. A lot of the language in our terms is overly formal and protective of the rights we need to provide this service to you. Over time we will continue to clarify our positions and make the terms simpler. So, it sounds like you and he are thinking the same thing.
Schnitt:我认为Mark最好在他的博客文章中说得最好:我们还有很多工作要做,以便更清楚地交流这些问题,而我们的用语就是其中的一个例子。 人们拥有自己的信息并控制与谁共享信息的理念一直保持不变。 根据我们的说法,许多语言过于正式,并保护了我们向您提供此服务所需的权利。 随着时间的流逝,我们将继续阐明我们的立场并使术语更简单。 因此,听起来您和他在想同样的事情。
SitePoint: Lastly, many feel that Facebook, given its position, funding, and popularity, should be much more transparent in its business model and bottom line. Why does Facebook appear to be so guarded in revealing earnings, plans and other business aspects?
SitePoint:最后,许多人认为,鉴于其位置,资金和受欢迎程度,Facebook在业务模式和底线方面应更加透明。 为什么Facebook在披露收益,计划和其他业务方面显得如此谨慎?
Schnitt: Facebook is a privately held company. I know of very few privately held companies that disclose specific financial information. With respect to confidentiality generally, our goal isn’t to keep our users from knowing about our business but to maintain a competitive advantage over our competitors. Unfortunately, you can’t share all of your plans with your users and also not let your competitors know.
Schnitt: Facebook是一家私有公司。 我知道很少有私人公司披露特定的财务信息。 通常,关于机密性,我们的目标不是让用户不了解我们的业务,而是要保持优于竞争对手的竞争优势。 不幸的是,您不能与用户共享所有计划,也不能让竞争对手知道。
We the people of Facebook find...
In the absence of categorical proof, we are left with speculation and often doubt. Facebook is a crucial part of the Web community at this point, a business and a popular icon given gravity by the tens of millions of people there. This “people”, or more appropriately “personal” element is the crucial one in that every individual needs to have certain assurances where their data is concerned. This is obvious, but what is not so obvious are other assurances for community and individuals with regard to value, viability, intent and a whole range of other concerns.
在没有分类证据的情况下,我们只能进行猜测,并且常常会产生疑问。 在这一点上,Facebook是Web社区的重要组成部分,它是一个业务和受欢迎的偶像,受到那里数千万人的重视。 这一“人员”或更恰当的“个人”要素是至关重要的要素,因为每个人在涉及其数据时都需要有一定的保证。 这是显而易见的,但对于社区和个人的其他保证在价值,生存能力,意图和其他方面的关注却不是那么明显。
People invest in Facebook, and I do not mean in monetary terms only. To a very real extent, we are what we advocate, and Facebook is one of the most advocated entities in the world. Schnitt has abated at least the data security issue once and for all in my book. As for the several others, though the answers bear weight, still there persists a viability one. No one has really addressed this before, but Facebook and other communities represent a monumental human effort. The collective effort of those millions, directed at nearly any problem, would likely suffice to solve anything. From an individual standpoint, this is not readily felt, but I for one would like to see all our minute endeavor there sustained. Schnitt, and ultimately Zuckerberg, have this to answer the next questions categorically as well, sooner or later.
人们投资于Facebook,而我并不是仅以金钱来表示。 实际上,我们是我们提倡的人,而Facebook是世界上最受提倡的实体之一。 Schnitt在我的书中至少一劳永逸地解决了数据安全性问题。 至于其他几个问题,尽管答案很重要,但仍然存在一个可行性。 以前没有人真正解决过这个问题,但是Facebook和其他社区代表着巨大的人类努力。 数百万人针对几乎所有问题的集体努力可能足以解决任何问题。 从个人的角度来看,这并不是一件容易的事,但是我想看到我们在那里持续的所有微小努力。 Schnitt以及最终的Zuckerberg迟早都会用这个来明确回答下一个问题。