
tech2024-01-22  95


Microsoft have announced that Internet Explorer 8.0 will be released via the Windows Automatic Update starting on the third week of April 2009 (view the IEBlog announcement). The final version of the browser has been available for download since 20 March, but its uptake has been fairly sedate and is probably limited to web developers and early adopters.

微软已经宣布,Internet Explorer 8.0将从2009年4月的第三周开始通过Windows自动更新发布(请参阅IEBlog公告 )。 自3月20日以来 ,该浏览器的最终版本已可供下载 ,但它的使用已经相当固定,可能仅限于Web开发人员和早期采用者。

The Automatic Update is likely to change the situation significantly. All IE6 and IE7 users on Windows XP, Vista, Server 2003 and Server 2008 will receive an IE8 update notification. It will be marked as “High-priority” in XP and 2003, and “Important” in Vista and 2008. The roll out will initially target a small audience but expand to cover the entire user base over the coming weeks.

自动更新可能会大大改变这种情况。 Windows XP,Vista,Server 2003和Server 2008上的所有IE6和IE7用户都将收到IE8更新通知。 在XP和2003中将其标记为“高优先级” ,在Vista和2008中将其标记为“ 重要” 。最初推出时将针对较小的受众,但在接下来的几周内将覆盖整个用户群。

However, IE8 will not install automatically and a welcome screen will give users the option to install, ask later, or abandon the upgrade. The company have also released a blocker toolkit so IT administrators can disable the update.

但是,IE8不会自动安装,欢迎屏幕将为用户提供安装,稍后询问或放弃升级的选项。 该公司还发布了阻止程序工具包,以便IT管理员可以禁用此更新。

Despite the massive roll-out, what most web developers need to know is: will this finally eradicate IE6?

尽管推出了大量,但是大多数Web开发人员需要知道的是: 这最终会根除IE6吗?

Existing IE7 users are likely to switch promptly and, by the end of the year, the browser will be languishing toward the bottom of the statistics chart. Unfortunately, IE6 users have already blocked previous IE7 updates – there is no reason why they should suddenly feel any urgency to install IE8. Many IE6 users may be unable to switch because they are:

现有的IE7用户可能会Swift切换,并且到今年年底,浏览器将向统计图表的底部倾斜。 不幸的是,IE6用户已经阻止了以前的IE7更新–没有理由使他们突然感到没有紧迫感来安装IE8。 许多IE6用户可能由于以下原因而无法切换:

on a restricted corporate network or depend on IE6-only web applications

在受限制的公司网络上或依赖于IE6的Web应用程序 using an older version of Windows, such as 98, ME, 2000, or XP SP1

使用较旧版本的Windows,例如98,ME,2000或XP SP1 using an illegal copy of Windows with disabled updates, or

使用带有禁用更新的Windows的非法副本,或 ignorant or nervous about using the Windows Automatic Update system.


Or perhaps they prefer the simpler browsing experience that IE6 offers?


Whatever the reason, Microsoft’s Automatic Update may not have a significant impact on existing IE6 users. I suspect we will have a bizarre situation where the IE6 and IE8 market shares both overtake IE7. Celebrations of IE6’s demise are probably premature.

无论出于何种原因,Microsoft的自动更新都可能不会对现有IE6用户产生重大影响。 我怀疑我们会遇到一个奇怪的情况,即IE6和IE8的市场份额都超过IE7。 庆祝IE6灭亡可能为时过早 。

Will the IE8 Automatic Update be a success or is it increasingly irrelevant?



