
tech2024-01-22  92


A couple of days ago we wrote about Soulja Boy, and how the young rapper’s use of social media was a blueprint for the future of the music industry. But Soulja Boy isn’t the only artist out there rewriting the rules and using the Internet to his advantage: let’s not forget about Nine Inch Nails front man Trent Reznor.

几天前,我们写了关于Soulja Boy的文章,以及年轻的说唱歌手对社交媒体的使用如何成为音乐行业未来的蓝图。 但是Soulja Boy并不是唯一一个重写规则并利用互联网发挥自己优势的艺术家:我们不要忘记Nine Inch Nails的负责人Trent Reznor。

Reznor turned the traditional music distribution model on its head in 2008 by releasing not one, but two Nine Inch Nails albums for free on the Internet. In March he released the first section of his four-part instrumental album Ghosts I-IV for free on Bit Torrent, and released the entire album under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike license that allowed fans to remix and use the music for other projects. Then in May, Reznor put out another NIN album, The Slip, for free download on his website and streaming via the iLike music service. It was also released under a CC license and Reznor encourage fans to remix it.

Reznor在2008年改变了传统音乐发行模式,在互联网上免费发行了一张专辑,而是免费发行了两张Nine Inch Nails专辑。 3月,他在Bit Torrent上免费发行了他的四部分乐器专辑Ghosts I-IV的第一部分,并在Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike许可下发行了整张专辑,允许歌迷重新混音和使用音乐。其他项目。 然后在5月,Reznor发行了另一张NIN专辑The Slip ,可以在他的网站上免费下载并通过iLike音乐服务进行流式传输。 它也是根据CC许可发行的,Reznor鼓励歌迷对其进行混音。

We wrote about Reznor’s distribution experiments in July and talked about how Reznor was able to be successful giving his music away for free by cultivating a group of “true fans” and building awareness for his personal brand. In fact, the Ghosts I-IV album ended 2008 as Amazon’s bestselling MP3 download of the year (where is was priced at $5), despite being available for free.

我们在7月份撰写了有关Reznor的发行实验的文章 ,并讨论了Reznor如何成功地通过培养一群“真正的粉丝”并树立了自己的个人品牌来免费免费赠送音乐。 实际上,尽管Ghosts I-IV专辑是免费的,但它在2008年底成为亚马逊年度最畅销的MP3下载 (价格为5美元)。

One of the likely reasons that NIN’s free albums were a commercial success even though Reznor gave them away, was that he had built up a core group of die-hard fans who wanted to support him, even when it wasn’t necessary.


Reznor’s exploits also helped build awareness, and there’s a ton of value in that. Reznor’s free download stunt, and similar alternative music distribution plans from major acts over the past year and a half from bands like Pennywise, Oasis, REM, and Radiohead, are valuable to the artists because they build brand awareness.

Reznor的功绩也有助于提高知名度 ,其中有很多价值。 Reznor的免费下载特技,以及过去一年半来来自Pennywise,Oasis,REM和Radiohead等乐队的类似大型音乐发行计划,对艺术家来说都是有价值的,因为它们建立了品牌知名度。

By giving away free downloadable music, Reznor likely accomplished a few very important things: 1. he built buzz for his concert tour and potentially boosted ticket and merchandise sales, 2. he likely converted a few casual fans into “true fans” (the type that will pay for free music the next time around), and 3. he probably attracted new fans via a “look-in” audience — people who had never listened to Nine Inch Nails before but downloaded the album because there was no barrier to doing so (i.e., they didn’t cost anything).

通过赠送免费的可下载音乐,Reznor可能完成了一些非常重要的事情:1.他为巡回演唱建立了嗡嗡声,并可能提高了门票和商品的销售量; 2.他可能将一些休闲粉丝转变为“真正的粉丝”(并会在下次播放免费音乐时付费。)3.他很可能会通过“观看”观众吸引新的粉丝-之前从未听过Nine Inch Nails的人,但因为做专辑没有障碍而下载了专辑所以(即,他们什么都没花)。

Reznor clearly understands the value in building mindshare. Awareness translates to new fans, which means bigger returns on non-album revenue sources such as concert tickets, merchandise, and limited edition releases.

Reznor清楚地了解建立心智共享的价值。 意识转化为新的粉丝,这意味着非专辑收入来源(例如音乐会门票,商品和限量发行)的收益更高。

His latest stunt? This week Reznor put over 400GB of HD concert footage on BitTorrent. The footage comes from multiple cameras shot at three shows over his past tour, and Reznor announced the release via a note on his official web site. “I was contacted by a mysterious, shadowy group of subversives who SOMEHOW managed to film a substantial amount (over 400 GB!) of raw, unedited HD footage from three separate complete shows of our Lights in the Sky tour. Security must have been lacking at these shows because the quality of the footage is excellent,” he wrote. “If any of you could find a LINK to that footage I’ll bet some enterprising fans could assemble something pretty cool.”

他最近的特技? 本周Reznor 在BitTorrent上放了400GB的高清演唱会录像带 。 录像来自他过去巡演的三场演出中拍摄的多台摄像机,Reznor在他的官方网站上通过便笺宣布了发布。 “我与一群神秘,阴暗的颠覆者联系,他们通过SOMEHOW设法从我们的“天空之光”之旅的三个独立完整节目中拍摄了大量(超过400 GB!)未经处理的原始高清素材。 这些录像肯定缺乏安全性,因为录像质量非常好。”他写道。 “如果你们中有人可以找到该镜头的链接,我敢打赌,一些进取心的粉丝可以组装出很酷的东西。”

NewTeeVee speculates that the wink, wink, nudge, nudge bit is likely due to the fact that the footage includes songs previously written while Reznor was under contract at Interscope records, and so he can’t legally give them out for free. While it’s unlikely that Reznor will see direct revenue from any fan mashups created using the “leaked” concert footage — which probably can’t be sold for the same reason he has to pretend he’s not behind the “leak,” it is likely that he’ll benefit yet again in terms of building awareness.

NewTeeVee推测 ,眨眼,眨眼,轻推,轻推位可能是由于以下事实:该镜头包含以前在Reznor与Interscope唱片公司签约时写的歌曲,因此他不能合法地免费提供它们。 虽然这是不可能的,Reznor将看到直接收入从使用创建的任何人都混搭“泄露”的演唱会片段-这可能无法为他假装自己不落后于同样的原因被出售“泄漏”,很可能是他在建立意识方面将再次受益。

We concluded in July that “Reznor’s blueprint can work for any content creators that exist in the long tail. From music to novel writing to web applications, if your goal is to make a living from your craft, it may be possible to do so by cultivating a group of ‘true fans.'” We still believe that. Like Soulja Boy, Reznor is pioneering a new business model for the music industry. Unfortunately for the labels, the two are showing that a lot of this stuff can be done without their help.

我们在7月得出结论,“ Reznor的蓝图可适用于任何存在于长尾中的内容创作者。 从音乐到新颖的写作再到Web应用程序,如果您的目标是依靠自己的手艺谋生,那么可以通过培养一群“忠实粉丝”来实现。”我们仍然相信。 与Soulja Boy一样,Reznor也在音乐界开创了一种新的商业模式。 不幸的是,对于标签来说,两者表​​明,在没有他们帮助的情况下,很多事情都是可以完成的。


