
tech2024-01-22  99

I recently wrote a post, “Caution! Six Warning Signs of a Bad Client,” about red flags that can help web professionals identify if a client or project may be one they don’t want to take on. Some of the feedback I received inspired me to write one from the other perspective. Since I have some experience being on the opposite side of the equation, I put on my client hat for this list.

我最近写了一篇文章,“ 小心! 坏客户的六个警告信号 ”,关于可以帮助Web专业人员识别客户或项目是否是他们不想承担的项目的危险信号。 我收到的一些反馈启发了我从另一个角度写了一个。 由于我在等式的另一端有一定的经验,因此我为此清单戴上了客户帽子。

So for everyone hiring a designer or developer, here are six potential warning signs that you may be hiring the wrong person:


1. There is no agreement to terms.


This was also #1 on my other list, and it can certainly go both ways. It’s a red flag if the client has X, Y, and Z as requirements, and the designer doesn’t clearly confirm that they will complete all three parts…especially, if the cost agreed upon only includes X and Y in the designer’s mind. This is a pretty powerful reason why effective and clear communication is so important. And always get everything in writing!

这也是我其他列表中的第一名,它肯定可以双向发展。 如果客户对X,Y和Z有要求,这是一个危险信号,并且设计者没有明确确认他们将完成这三个部分……尤其是如果商定的成本只包括X和Y。 这是有效而清晰的沟通如此重要的非常有力的原因。 并始终以书面形式获得一切!

2. They are unresponsive. As a client, I understand I am not the only client a developer is working with, and I don’t expect immediate responses to my messages. But it can be frustrating if several days go by and I have no idea if my e-mail was even received. If they aren’t shooting you back a quick message after a couple of days, even just letting you know they got your message, you may be pulling teeth to keep the project on track.

2.他们没有React。 作为客户,我知道我并不是开发人员的唯一客户,并且我不希望即时收到我的消息。 但是如果过了几天可能会令人沮丧,而且我不知道是否收到了我的电子邮件。 如果几天后他们没有向您发送快速消息,甚至只是让您知道他们已收到您的消息,那么您可能会竭尽全力以确保项目按计划进行。

3. They don’t have examples of past work.


One of the first things I look for as a client is a portfolio. I want to see samples of work or case studies, even if it’s not in the public domain. If they have nothing to offer, that tells me it’s possible that they never did a project quite like mine before or that they don’t have relevant work they’re proud enough to share. This is vital information in deciding whether or not to hire them.

作为客户,我首先要寻找的是投资组合。 我想查看工作或案例研究的样本,即使它不在公共领域。 如果他们没有什么可提供的,那就告诉我,他们可能从未像我以前那样做过一个项目,或者他们没有值得骄傲地分享的相关工作。 这对于决定是否雇用他们至关重要。

4. They have a dark history. One of the best ways to find a great designer or developer is by asking your own clients and colleagues for referrals. There is no better testimonial than from someone you know and like, and you typically have a little more information about the professional’s past performance and how they tend to work to guide you in making your decision. But regardless how you find a them, pay attention if you hear rumblings or see things online about dissatisfaction or difficult working relationships. This could be a red flag, and at minimum, gives you some questions you should ask. 5. They are a jerk.

4.他们有黑暗的历史。 寻找优秀设计师或开发人员的最佳方法之一是向自己的客户和同事寻求推荐。 没有比您认识和喜欢的人更好的证明,并且您通常会掌握有关该专家过去的表现以及他们如何努力指导您做出决定的更多信息。 但是,无论如何找到它们,如果听到隆隆声或在网上看到有关不满或困难的工作关系的信息,请注意。 这可能是一个危险信号,并且至少会给您一些您应该问的问题。 5.他们是一个混蛋。

Just as service providers shouldn’t have to deal with an offensive client, neither should a client deal with a someone who acts improperly. So, I repeat: You should not have to deal with someone who is rude, obnoxious or disrespectful, no matter how good they are at what they do. Period.

正如服务提供商不必与冒犯性的客户打交道一样,客户也不应与行为不当的人打交道。 因此,我重复一遍:无论他们做事有多么出色,您都不必与一个粗鲁,令人讨厌或无礼的人打交道。 期。

6. The designer/developer doesn’t make the client feel assured.


I hire work out because there is someone who can do it better than I can. I don’t want to feel like the person I hire doesn’t like working with me, would rather be doing something else, or thinks my project is beneath them. A sign of a bad designer or developer is one that doesn’t make the client feel valued and important.

我聘请工作人员是因为有人可以做得比我更好。 我不想让我雇用的人不喜欢与我一起工作,宁愿做其他事情,或者认为我的项目在他们的下面。 不良的设计师或开发人员的标志是没有使客户感到有价值和重要的标志。

Clients, what else to you look for as a sign you haven’t found the right person? And web professionals, from your perspective, what are some other warnings clients should heed before making a hiring decision?

客户,您还寻找什么来作为找不到合适人选的标志? 从您的角度来看,网络专业人员在做出雇用决定之前,客户还应注意哪些其他警告?

Image credit: Asif Akbar

图片来源: Asif Akbar

翻译自: https://www.sitepoint.com/warning-6-signs-you-are-about-to-hire-a-bad-designer-or-developer/
