mozilla rhnio

tech2024-01-23  105

mozilla rhnio

It’d be wrong to say that the relationship between Google and Mozilla is in dire straits since the release of Google’s Chrome browser, but certainly, things have become more strained. When Google announced Chrome in September, just a week after re-upping their contract with Mozilla through 2011, we wondered why Google would “start from scratch with their own offering rather than just put more effort into supporting Mozilla.”

说自从谷歌的Chrome浏览器发布以来,谷歌与Mozilla之间的关系就陷入了困境,这是错误的说法,但是可以肯定的是,事情变得更加紧张。 当Google在9月份发布Chrome时,距与Mozilla的合同在2011年重新签订后仅一周,我们想知道为什么Google将“从头开始提供他们自己的产品,而不是仅仅花更多的精力来支持Mozilla。”

They key, of course, is control. Chrome, as we have discussed in recent posts, is an important part of their 3-pronged Web OS strategy. Along with Gears (offline data store) and Native Client (local CPU resources for web apps), Chrome gives Google a compelling platform for the delivery of web applications. It makes sense that Google, who is in the business of selling web applications, would want to control that entire experience.

他们的关键当然是控制。 正如我们在最近的帖子中所讨论的,Chrome是其三管齐下的Web操作系统策略的重要组成部分。 Chrome与Gears(离线数据存储)和Native Client(用于Web应用程序的本地CPU资源)一起,为Google提供了一个引人注目的平台,用于交付Web应用程序。 有道理的是,销售网络应用程序的企业Google希望控制整个体验。

However, it is potentially coming at the expense of their relationship with Mozilla. We’ve guessed that once extensions arrive on Chrome, Firefox will likely suffer at least a minor blow in terms of user adoption, as more than a few early adopters will be inclined to switch. And just over a week ago, Google dropped Firefox in the Google Pack in favor of Chrome.

但是,这有可能以牺牲他们与Mozilla的关系为代价。 我们猜测, 一旦扩展程序出现在Chrome上 ,Firefox可能会在用户采用方面遭受至少一个小小的打击,因为会有更多的早期采用者倾向于切换。 就在一周前,Google 将Firefox放到Google Pack中,取而代之的是Chrome。

Mozilla CEO John Lilly told ComputerWorld in an interview that his organization’s relationship with Google has been at least a little bit strained since the release of Chrome.

Mozilla首席执行官John Lilly 在接受《 计算机世界》采访时说,自Chrome发行以来,他的组织与Google的关系至少有点紧张。

“We have a fine and reasonable relationship,” Lilly said. “But I’d be lying if I said that things weren’t more complicated than they used to be.”

礼来公司说:“我们之间有着良好和合理的关系。” “但是如果我说事情没有以前复杂的话,我会撒谎。”

The vast majority of Mozilla’s revenue — 88%, or about $60 million/year — comes from its search advertising deal with Google. It’s unlikely that Google would walk away from that, but now that Google has become a competitor, Mozilla isn’t counting on that revenue stream being there forever.

Mozilla的绝大部分收入(88%,即每年约6000万美元)来​​自与Google的搜索广告交易。 谷歌不太可能会放弃这一点,但是既然谷歌已经成为竞争对手,那么Mozilla就不会指望这种收入来源永远存在。

“Our goal is to be an advocate for the Web for 50 or even 100 years, and you can’t depend on any one organization,” Lilly told ComputerWorld. “Our [current] three-year agreement is the longest we’ve ever had. This is a longtime horizon, so we don’t have to do anything super soon. But in the next three years, we can continue to build [new] products and develop [new] revenue streams.”

礼来告诉《 计算机世界 》:“我们的目标是成为50甚至100年的网络倡导者,并且您不能依赖任何组织。” “我们(当前)的三年协议是我们有史以来最长的协议。 这是一个长期的目标,因此我们不必很快做任何事情。 但是在未来三年中,我们可以继续开发[新]产品并开发[新]收入来源。”

Of course, that’s also smart business. Clearly, though, Google and Mozilla aren’t quite as close since Google decided to become a direct competitor to the world’s #2 browser maker. Lilly told ComputerWorld that Mozilla plans to collaborate and work with Google, but they also plan to compete. In the end, that’s a very good thing for users, as long as Mozilla stays afloat.

当然,这也是明智的业务。 不过,显然,自从Google决定成为全球第二大浏览器制造商的直接竞争对手以来,谷歌和Mozilla并没有那么接近。 礼来公司对《 计算机世界》说,Mozilla计划与Google合作并合作,但他们也计划竞争。 最后,只要Mozilla保持生存,这对用户来说是一件好事。


mozilla rhnio
