
tech2024-01-23  99

Recently, I decided to upgrade my cell phone. I’ve been torn between a Blackberry — which would allow me to stay on Verizon, a carrier that has better coverage in my area — and an iPhone — which is clearly the better phone for my most pressing needs (heavy web browsing, some email, and an intravenous Twitter drip). Given the type of things that smartphones do these days, is it fair to label them as computers?

最近,我决定升级手机。 我一直受困于黑莓手机(可以让我留在Verizon,这是在我所在地区具有更好覆盖范围的运营商)和iPhone(显然,这是满足我最紧迫需求的更好手机(繁重的网络浏览,一些电子邮件) ,以及Twitter上的静脉滴注)。 考虑到如今智能手机的功能类型,将其标记为计算机是否公平?

Mobile blogger James Kendrick noted today that if mobile phones like the Apple iPhone, HTC/T-Mobile G1, Blackberry Storm, or Nokia N95 are considered computers, then Nokia was the largest computer manufacturer in 2008. But are smartphones really computers? Yes, they have increasingly more powerful processors and do many computing tasks, but as Kendrick points out, they don’t do all the things your laptop or desktop personal computer can do.

移动博客作者詹姆士·肯德里克( James Kendrick )今天指出 ,如果将Apple iPhone,HTC / T-Mobile G1,Blackberry Storm或诺基亚N95等手机视为计算机,那么诺基亚便是2008年最大的计算机制造商。但是,智能手机真的是计算机吗? 是的,它们拥有越来越强大的处理器并执行许多计算任务,但是正如肯德里克指出的那样,它们无法完成笔记本电脑或台式个人计算机可以完成的所有工作。

Smartphones are not personal computer replacements just yet — and they might never be. It’s hard to imagine writing a term paper or designing a web site on your phone. As good as the experience on the iPhone and Blackberry is for many common computing tasks — like email or web browsing — you wouldn’t want to use your smartphone to edit a photo.

智能手机还不是个人计算机的替代品-也许永远不会。 很难想象在手机上写学期论文或设计网站。 与iPhone和Blackberry上的许多常规计算任务(如电子邮件或Web浏览)一样,您也不想使用智能手机来编辑照片。

On the other hand, in many parts of the world, especially in developing nations, mobile phones are already being used as primary computing devices. And more and more we’re spending a majority of our computing time on smartphones, doing common, everyday tasks like emailing, instant messaging, web browsing, playing games, taking photos, managing appointments, and even doing things like monitoring servers or managing our financial portfolios. If we can do all that, isn’t the smartphone a computer after all?

另一方面,在世界许多地方,尤其是在发展中国家,移动电话已经被用作主要的计算设备。 越来越多的我们将大部分的计算时间花费在智能手机上,执行日常的日常任务,例如电子邮件,即时消息,网页浏览,玩游戏,拍照,管理约会,甚至做诸如监控服务器或管理我们的事情。金融投资组合。 如果我们能做到所有这些,那么智能手机毕竟不是一台计算机吗?

Let us know what you think in your poll and then share your definition of what makes a computer a computer in the comments.


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[投票ID =“ 13”]

翻译自: https://www.sitepoint.com/poll-what-makes-a-computer-a-computer/
