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tech2024-01-23  92

xmpp app 推送

At the end of last week, Google updated their App Engine roadmap to include a number of new APIs that they plan to release within the next six months. These roadmap updates are probably not so headline grabbing as the Q1 2009 roadmap promises they made last October, but nonetheless important.

上周末, Google更新了其App Engine路线图,以包括计划在未来六个月内发布的许多新API。 这些路线图更新可能不会像2009年第一季度路线图承诺的那样抢眼 ,但仍然很重要。

Over the next six months — or approximately in time for the Google I/O event in May, where last year the then one-month-old App Engine was the star — Google plans to add the following new APIs to App Engine:

在接下来的六个月中(大约在五月份的Google I / O活动召开之前,去年才成立一个月的App Engine成为明星),Google计划向App Engine添加以下新API:

Support for running scheduled tasks

支持运行计划任务 Task queues for performing background processing

用于执行后台处理的任务队列 Ability to receive and process incoming email

能够接收和处理传入的电子邮件 Support for sending and receiving XMPP (Jabber) messages


App Engine, according to the description of a Google I/O session called “Offline processing on App Engine,” was designed for request-driven web applications. By adding support for offline processing, developers will be able to create a whole new class of communications apps on App Engine, such as games, microblogging, and instant messaging apps.

根据称为“ App Engine的离线处理”的Google I / O会话的描述,App Engine是为请求驱动的Web应用程序设计的。 通过增加对脱机处理的支持,开发人员将能够在App Engine上创建一整套全新的通信应用程序,例如游戏,微博和即时消息传递应用程序。

Developer Gareth Rushgrove actually predicted this change to App Engine a few weeks ago, when Google announced that it would be porting Jaiku to the platform. “I reasoned you couldn’t really do it without XMPP and offline processing APIs,” he says.

几周前,当Google宣布将Jaiku移植到该平台时,开发人员Gareth Rushgrove确实预测了App Engine的这一变化 。 他说:“我认为没有XMPP和脱机处理API,您将无法真正做到这一点。”

App Engine is also expected to add a service for storing large files, a way for developers to pay for more resources, and a new runtime language — possibly Java — within the next few months. In December, Google hinted at an AdWords-like pricing system for App Engine.

预计App Engine还将在未来几个月内增加一种用于存储大文件的服务,开发人员支付更多资源的方式以及一种新的运行时语言(可能是Java)。 去年12月,Google暗示了类似AdWords的 App Engine 定价系统 。

App Engine, is actually a fourth prong on Google’s Web OS strategy, which includes Gears (offline data store), Native Client (local CPU resources for web apps), and Chrome (client side web app delivery). Google is pushing for a computing future in which applications are delivered from the cloud and the computer operating system doesn’t really matter. Whether the client is running Windows, Mac, Linux or something else is irrelevant for Google’s Web OS vision.

App Engine实际上是Google的Web操作系统策略的第四个分支,其中包括Gears(离线数据存储),Native Client(用于Web应用程序的本地CPU资源)和Chrome(客户端Web应用程序交付)。 Google正在推动计算的未来,其中从云中交付应用程序,而计算机操作系统并不重要。 客户端运行的是Windows,Mac,Linux还是其他操作系统与Google的Web OS构想无关。

App Engine provides the development, hosting, and deployment framework for the application ecosystem that Google hopes to create for their Web OS. They have been rapidly iterating and improving App Engine since it launched last April. If they can meet the roadmap goals announced over the past few months, the already compelling platform will be that much more attractive to developers.

App Engine为Google希望为其Web OS创建的应用程序生态系统提供了开发,托管和部署框架。 自去年4月启动以来,他们一直在快速迭代和改进App Engine。 如果他们能够实现过去几个月宣布的路线图目标,那么已经引人注目的平台将对开发人员更具吸引力。

翻译自: https://www.sitepoint.com/app-engine-to-add-offline-processing-xmpp/

xmpp app 推送
