
tech2024-01-23  105

If you’re soliciting web design work in traditional ways, a major step in winning jobs is the proposal phase. There are certain things you can do to put yourself and your capabilities in the best possible light, whether you’re outlining what you have to offer in an e-mail message, or submitting a complete proposal.

如果您以传统方式征集网页设计工作,那么赢得工作的主要步骤就是提案阶段。 无论您是概述电子邮件中要提供的内容,还是提交完整的建议,您都可以做某些事情来充分利用自己和自己的能力。

Here are seven tips to help you improve your proposals.


1. Do Your Research


Perhaps one of the most important things you can demonstrate in your proposal is that you know the client and you understand what they want. This is the first step in appealing to the client’s individual needs. Research the company and thoroughly review their RFP (request for proposal), then be specific about the problem they need to solve. A detailed reiteration of their needs sets the stage for your explanation of how you can meet their needs better than anyone else.

您可以在建议中证明的最重要的事情之一是,您了解客户并且了解他们想要什么。 这是满足客户个人需求的第一步。 研究公司并彻底审查其RFP(提案请求),然后具体说明他们需要解决的问题。 对他们需求的详细重申为您解释如何比其他人更好地满足他们的需求奠定了基础。

2. Be Specific about Your Capabilities An effective way to present your capabilities is to refer back to the client’s needs, which you identified previously in your proposal, and state your experience for each item. The more specific you are about how you can solve the client’s problem, the fewer assumptions the client will need to make and the more secure they will feel in their decision to hire you.

2.具体说明您的能力展示您的能力的一种有效方法是回头参考您在提案中先前确定的客户需求,并陈述每一项的经验。 您对解决客户问题的方式越具体,则客户需要做的假设就越少,他们在雇用您的决定中就越会感到安全。

3. Provide Examples and/or References


Give your potential client visual examples of past relevant work if possible, referencing one of their stated needs for every example. They want to see what you can do, but most importantly, the client wants to see what you can do for them. It can also speak volumes if you offer references before being asked.

如果可能,为潜在客户提供过去相关工作的直观示例,每个示例均参考其陈述的需求之一。 他们想看看您能做什么,但最重要的是,客户想看看您可以为他们做什么。 如果您在被问到之前提供参考,它也可以说出很多。

4. Make an Offer They Can’t Refuse


Provide cost and deliverable information that’s as complete as possible, based on the information you have. Propose a detailed timeline for the work. If you typically quote per project, outline everything that’s included in the estimate, even if it seems insignificant. And set a time limit for the proposal. This will encourage the client to act, or at least express interest by asking for an extension, which you can decide whether or not to grant.

根据您所拥有的信息,提供尽可能完整的成本和可交付信息。 提出工作的详细时间表。 如果您通常按项目报价,则概述估算中包含的所有内容,即使它似乎无关紧要。 并为提案设置时间限制。 这将鼓励客户采取行动,或者至少通过请求延期来表达兴趣,您可以决定是否准予延期。

5. Proofread


It may seem like a no-brainer, but proofread your proposal before submitting it. There is nothing worse than giving the client a proposal with typos or grammatical errors. Have someone else proof it for you to make sure it’s error-free, consistently formatted and looks professional. You want the client to know you put time into preparing the proposal for them.

似乎很容易,但在提交提案之前先对其进行校对。 没有什么比给客户一个有错别字或语法错误的建议更糟糕的了。 让别人来证明它,以确保它没有错误,格式一致且外观专业。 您希望客户知道您花了很多时间为他们准备建议。

6. Be Accessible


Make sure you provide your contact information and invite questions. You may even want to propose a phone meeting to discuss their questions or concerns after their initial review.

确保提供您的联系信息并邀请问题。 您甚至可能希望在他们的初审后召开电话会议,讨论他们的问题或疑虑。

7. Outline Next Steps


Include a strong conclusion that gives the client a call to action. Reiterate expiration on the terms of the proposal; invite them to contact you any time; and tell them what you need in order to get started (i.e., a signed contract and a deposit).

包括一个强有力的结论,使客户可以采取行动。 重申该提案的有效期; 邀请他们随时与您联系; 并告诉他们您需要什么才能开始使用(即,签订的合同和押金)。

The most important element of any proposal is showing the potential client you understand their needs and then convincing them that you’re the best choice for the job. Keep that in mind and you’re on your way to proposal writing success.

任何建议中最重要的元素是向潜在客户展示您了解他们的需求,然后说服他们您是工作的最佳选择。 记住这一点,您就可以成功编写建议书。

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迈尔斯·伯克(Miles Burke) 撰写的网站设计提案 ,由Pop Stalin Design的詹(Jen of Pop Stalin Design) 撰写 ,是一份伟大的销售提案的秘密

Image credit: magurka

图片来源: magurka

翻译自: https://www.sitepoint.com/7-tips-for-writing-a-winning-web-design-proposal/
