
tech2024-01-23  103


Microsoft have announced they are testing a new search engine, Kumo, on their corporate network. If the test is successful, Kumo will be rolled into Live.com or possibly introduced as a new search site.

微软宣布将在其公司网络上测试一个新的搜索引擎Kumo。 如果测试成功,则Kumo将被带入Live.com或可能被引入新的搜索网站。

The company have worked hard to build a better, more competitive, search engine. The indexing system will understand entire sentences and the relationships between individual words. In theory, it will lead to more accurate results.

该公司一直在努力构建更好,更具竞争力的搜索引擎。 索引系统将理解整个句子以及各个单词之间的关系。 从理论上讲,它将导致更准确的结果。

Does anyone have a feeling of déjà vu? We have been here several times before with both Microsoft and other companies claiming they have a Google-beater. Big claims and big launches are regularly followed by big failures.

有人有déjàvu的感觉吗? 微软和其他公司声称他们拥有Google打浆机之前,我们已经来过这里几次。 大声疾呼和大发射通常会伴随着大失败。

It is understandable why Microsoft want to take on Google; they are the biggest threat to the company’s future revenues. A better search engine will hit Google where it hurts. Unfortunately, no matter how good Kumo is, it will struggle:

微软为什么要接受谷歌是可以理解的。 它们是对公司未来收入的最大威胁。 更好的搜索引擎将对谷歌造成伤害。 不幸的是,不管Kumo多么出色,它都会挣扎:

Introducing a new search engine takes time. Google was launched in 1997 and it still took two or three years to become a mainstream success. Microsoft need instant results and it is highly unlikely to happen.

引入新的搜索引擎需要花费时间。 Google成立于1997年,至今还花了两三年时间才成为主流成功。 微软需要立竿见影的结果,这极不可能发生。

Ten years ago, Google was far better than the competition. How much better? Twice as good? Three times? It is impossible to put a figure on it, but the difference was significant. Kumo can not hope to match that: it may be 25% faster and more accurate than Google, but the difference will feel negligible.

十年前,谷歌远胜于竞争对手。 好多了? 两次一样好? 三次? 不可能在上面加上数字,但差异很大。 KUMO不能指望匹配:它可能是25%,比谷歌更快,更准确,但差异会觉得可以忽略不计。

Google is a brand that is synonymous with searching the web. In the same way that people refer to “drinking a Coke” or “hoovering their room”, users will “Google” for keywords. Brand recognition such as that occurs once or twice in a generation; it can not be forced or bought no matter how hard Microsoft try.

Google是一个品牌,是搜索网络的代名词。 就像人们提到“喝可乐”或“在房间里徘徊”一样 ,用户将在“ Google”中搜索关键字。 品牌识别,例如一代人发生一次或两次; 无论Microsoft多么努力,都不能强迫或购买它。

I hope Kumo is as good as Microsoft claim. Competition is always a good thing and Google should not become complacent. However, can anyone realistically create a better search engine when Google is good enough for most people?

我希望Kumo像微软所说的一样好。 竞争永远是一件好事,Google不应因此而自满。 但是,当Google对大多数人足够好时,有人能现实地创建一个更好的搜索引擎吗?

翻译自: https://www.sitepoint.com/microsoft-kumo-search/

