
tech2024-01-24  107

I’m very fortunate to live close to a pair of great weekly farmer’s markets, but in many parts of the country, getting locally produced, farm fresh foods is a difficult — or at least expensive and time consuming endeavor. The New York Times today profiled a new site called Foodzie that aims to bring the farmer’s market into the 21st century by creating an Etsy-style web marketplace for small artisan food producers and growers. If Etsy is an online craft fair, Foodzie is an online farmer’s market.

我很幸运能住在每周都有一个很棒的每周农贸市场的地方,但是在该国许多地方,要在当地生产农产品很难买到新鲜食品,或者至少是昂贵且费时的工作。 《 纽约时报》 今天介绍了一个名为Foodzie的新网站,该网站旨在通过为小型手Craft.io食品生产者和种植者创建Etsy风格的网络市场,将农民的市场带入21世纪。 如果Etsy是在线Craft.io品博览会,那么Foodzie就是在线农民市场。

Foodzie is the product of three 20-something entrepreneurs backed by the TechStars incubator program, and a $1 million angel round led by SoftTech VC and First Round Capital. According to co-founder Rob LaFave, 97% of the US doesn’t have access to artisan foodmakers, which is why there’s a good chance that a site like Foodzie will find a market.

Foodzie是由三位20多岁的企业家提供产品的,这些企业家得到了TechStars孵化器计划的支持,以及由SoftTech VC和First Round Capital牵头的100万美元天使投资。 根据联合创始人罗布·拉法夫(Rob LaFave)的说法,美国97%的人无法接触到手Craft.io的食品生产商,这就是为什么像Foodzie这样的网站很有可能找到市场的原因。

Anyone familiar with Etsy will feel more or less at home using the site, which carries any homegrown or homemade food that can be shipped, including breads, cheeses, chocolates, coffee and tea, oils, vinegars, meats, and snacks. Sellers can set up an online store on the site, which focuses exclusively on food (and the occasional handmade complimentary food item) and Foodzie takes a 20% cut. That may seem high, but LaFave tells the New York Times that it is a much smaller percentage than those taken by typical food retailers and distributors (which range above 50%).

任何熟悉Etsy的人都会在这个网站上或多或少地感到宾至如归,该网站可运送任何自家或自家制的食品,包括面包,奶酪,巧克力,咖啡和茶,油,醋,肉和小吃。 卖家可以在该网站上建立一个在线商店,专门专注于食品(偶尔还有手工制作的免费食品),而Foodzie则减少了20%。 这个数字看似很高,但LaFave告诉《纽约时报》 ,这一比例要比典型食品零售商和分销商(50%以上)低得多。

According to the Times piece, Foodzie is planning to add videos and other social networking features to allow buyers to communicate with and feel closer to the people making and selling the food. The impersonal nature of ecommerce makes recreating the local market feel difficult. Even Etsy, which did $12.9 million in sales last month, has very rudimentary communication tools, which can make forging a connection with sellers difficult.

据《 泰晤士报》报道 ,Foodzie计划添加视频和其他社交网络功能,以使购买者可以与制作和销售食品的人们进行交流,并与他们更加亲近。 电子商务的非个人化性质使重建本地市场感到困难。 即使是Etsy,上个月的销售额达到了1,290万美元,也拥有非常基本的沟通工具,这可能使与卖家建立联系变得困难。

I know a number of the farmers who sell regularly at the farmer’s market near my house, in my experience, it’s nice to have that personal connection to the things I consume.


There are actually some food items sold on Etsy as well, but discovery is an issue. Because Foodzie is focused on its niche of homegrown artisan food products, they hope that they can compete, even if Etsy expands their food offerings. And because Etsy is part of the Handmade Consortium, we tend to think they’d welcome more places for small, independent producers to sell their goods.

实际上,Etsy上也出售一些食品,但是发现是一个问题。 因为Foodzie专注于其本土工匠食品的利基市场,所以即使Etsy扩展了食品供应,他们也希望它们能够竞争。 而且由于Etsy是Handmade Consortium的一部分,因此我们倾向于认为他们会欢迎更多的地方供小型独立生产商出售其商品。

I know I’m excited about Foodzie.


