
tech2024-01-24  91

Chris Estreich, a senior engineer at classifieds site Oodle today soft-launched a new site aimed at web developers called Userfly. Using JavaScript, Userfly captures and records browsing data from your visitors and lets you plat it back as a movie later. The site is really rough — this is a very beta release — and probably isn’t quite ready for any press coverage, but I was so impressed by the demo (and had a lot of fun playing with it), that I couldn’t resist.

分类广告网站Oodle的高级工程师克里斯·埃斯特雷奇(Chris Estreich)今天推出了一个针对Web开发人员的新网站,名为Userfly 。 Userfly使用JavaScript捕获并记录访问者的浏览数据,并让您稍后将其放回电影中。 该网站真的很粗糙-这是一个非常测试版-可能还没有做好任何新闻报道的准备,但是该演示给我留下了深刻的印象(并且在使用过程中获得了很多乐趣),以至于我无法抗。

To implement Userfly, developers just add a single line of JavaScript on each of their site’s pages. The service will then capture and record browsing behavior as soon as a visitor enters your web site, and continues recording until they leave the site. Userfly captures clickstream data, scrolling and mouse movements, and text entry, and it rather impressively is able to interact with some pretty heavy-duty JavaScript elements.

为了实现Userfly,开发人员只需在其网站的每个页面上添加一行JavaScript。 一旦访问者进入您的网站,该服务将捕获并记录浏览行为,并继续记录直到他们离开该站点。 Userfly捕获点击流数据,滚动和鼠标移动以及文本输入,并且令人印象深刻的是,它能够与一些非常强大JavaScript元素进行交互。

Site developers can then log into their account and review user interactions by watching recorded movies (something like screencasts). Userfly copies onto its servers any page from your site that a tracked user navigates to, and then overlays the visitor interaction movie on top of a local copy of each page. For now, Userfly is free for one user session each hour, with higher volume pricing available upon request. Eventually, Estreich intends to add additional features such as random user sampling for high volume sites, and the ability to invite specific users to be recorded for usability studies.

然后,网站开发人员可以登录自己的帐户,并通过观看录制的电影(如屏幕录像)来查看用户交互。 Userfly将站点中被跟踪用户导航到的任何页面复制到其服务器上,然后将访问者交互电影覆盖在每个页面的本地副本上。 目前,Userfly每小时免费提供一次用户会话,并可根据要求提供更高的批量定价。 最终,Estreich打算添加其他功能,例如针对大量站点的随机用户采样,以及邀请特定用户进行可用性研究的记录功能。 from Chris Estreich on Vimeo.

userfly.com从克里斯Estreich上的Vimeo 。

There are a few issues that Userfly will have to deal with, however. Chief among them might be privacy. Estreich says that his service doesn’t capture account data or credit card information, but keystroke tracking will nonetheless make visitors very wary if they know it’s going on, in spite of any reassurances that their data is safe. According to Estreich, however, in order to follow users into an authenticated site, Userfly needs to either set up a proxy, or do cookie capturing, which could include sensitive information. Estreich plans to offer that only as a premium service.

但是,Userfly必须解决一些问题。 其中最主要的可能是隐私。 Estreich说,他的服务不会捕获帐户数据或信用卡信息,但是尽管有任何保证其数据安全的信息,但击键跟踪仍会使访问者非常警惕它们是否会继续运行。 但是,根据Estreich所说,为了使用户跟随经过身份验证的站点,Userfly需要设置代理或进行cookie捕获,其中可能包含敏感信息。 Estreich计划仅作为高级服务提供。

Estreich will have to work hard to make users feel secure that their privacy is being protected. He’ll definitely want to avoid Userfly being rebranded “Userspy” by privacy advocates.

Estreich将必须努力使用户感到自己的隐私受到保护。 他肯定希望避免隐私倡导者将Userfly重新命名为“ Userspy”。

Another issue is whether this type of usability study is, well, really all that usable. Sifting through hundreds or thousands of videos isn’t ideal when it comes to figuring out how your users are interacting with your site and trying to fathom which bits need to be worked on. Joshua Gross, the founder of a similar service, the now-defunct, chimed in via a post on Hacker News to express that exact sentiment.

另一个问题是这种可用性研究是否真的可以使用。 在弄清用户如何与您的网站互动以及试图弄清哪些地方需要处理时,浏览数百或数千个视频并不理想。 类似服务的创建者,现已关闭的Tapefailure.com的约书亚·格罗斯(Joshua Gross)通过在Hacker News上的帖子来表达这一确切观点。

“The main issue is that the sessions aren’t focused (you don’t know about the goal of the user) and watching tens/hundreds/thousands of recordings to get an idea of what users are or aren’t doing on your website is simply impractical,” he wrote. According to Gross, in order to glean helpful information from the data, it needs to be summarized and taken in aggregate. “What are they doing on the page? How long does it take them? Collectively, what is and isn’t being focused on? What about how users interact with forms? These are just some very broad examples, but there are many ways in which you can distill the recorded data, and I find those to be far more insightful than the browsing sessions themselves.”

“主要的问题是,会议没有集中精力(您不了解用户的目标),而是观看数以百计的录音,以了解用户在您的网站上正在做什么或没有在做什么。这根本是不切实际的,”他写道。 Gross表示,为了从数据中收集有用的信息,需要对其进行汇总和汇总。 “他们在页面上做什么 ? 他们需要多长时间? 总的来说,重点是什么和不重点是什么? 用户如何与表单交互呢? 这些只是一些非常广泛的示例,但是您可以通过多种方式提取记录的数据,我发现这些方法比浏览会话本身更具洞察力。”

Figuring out how to take massive amounts of recorded data and distill trends from it will be Estreich’s next major challenge. If he can figure out how to do that effectively, though, Userfly could certainly evolve into a must-use service for web developers. So far, it’s off to a great start.

弄清楚如何从大量记录的数据中提取数据并从中提取趋势将是Estreich的下一个主要挑战。 如果他能弄清楚如何有效地做到这一点,Userfly肯定会演变为Web开发人员的必备服务。 到目前为止,这是一个良好的开端。

Also don’t miss our list of 5 ways to get usability testing on the cheap.


