TweetNews与Yahoo!一起推特Twitter 新闻

tech2024-01-24  107

A few days ago we ran a post that described how to find breaking news on Twitter. Our suggestion was to watch for trending terms on sites like Twopular and the Twitter search page, and then compare them against search and news trends using Google Trends to find articles about trending topics.

几天前,我们发表了一篇文章,描述了如何在Twitter上找到突发新闻 。 我们的建议是在Twopular和Twitter搜索页面等网站上查看趋势术语,然后使用Google趋势将它们与搜索趋势和新闻趋势进行比较,以找到有关趋势主题的文章。

A new project from Yahoo! developer Vik Singh called TweetNews gets halfway toward automating that process. Singh’s project mashes up Twitter with Yahoo! News by using Yahoo!’s Build Your Own Search Service. Singh’s mashup pairs fresh news on Yahoo! with recent, related Tweets, so a search for news about next Tuesday’s inauguration will bubble up the latest news and tweets.

Yahoo!的一个新项目! 名为TweetNews的开发人员Vik Singh进入了自动化该过程的一半。 辛格(Singh)的项目将Yahoo!与Twitter融合在一起。 通过使用Yahoo!的“构建自己的搜索服务”获得新闻。 辛格的混搭在Yahoo! 与最近相关的Tweets,因此搜索有关下周二就职典礼的新闻将使最新消息和Tweets沸腾。

What TweetNews doesn’t do so far is automatically track trending terms on Twitter, so you’ll still need something like Twopular for that. Once you identify trending terms, though, TweetNews might do a better job of finding the articles about that topic that are actually the freshest and most related — rather than having you wade through a ton of similar and duplicate stories as Google News does. At least in theory.

到目前为止,TweetNews所没有做的是自动在Twitter上跟踪趋势术语,因此您仍然需要诸如Twopular之类的东西。 不过,一旦您确定了趋势术语,TweetNews可能会更好地找到实际上是最新鲜,最相关的关于该主题的文章,而不是像Google News那样遍历大量相似且重复的故事。 至少在理论上。

There are some issues, though. Tweets never actually seem directly related to the article at hand. Earlier today, for example, an article about California Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger attending the inauguration of US President-Elect Barack Obama was accompanied by tweets linking to an article on the blog Mashable about inauguration video streams on Joost. TweetNews seemed to know that both the tweets and the article were about the inauguration, but there was nothing in the tweets that should have suggested that that particular news story was more important than others.

不过有一些问题。 推文实际上似乎从未与手边的文章直接相关。 例如,今天早些时候,有关加利福尼亚州州长阿诺德·施瓦辛格(Arnold Schwarzenegger)参加美国当选总统巴拉克·奥巴马(Barack Obama)的就职典礼的文章,还附带推文,其链接到Mashable博客上有关Joost就职视频流的文章。 TweetNews似乎知道Tweet和文章都与就职典礼有关,但是Tweet中没有任何东西可以表明该特定新闻故事比其他新闻更重要。

Further, at one point today a tweet saying simply, “I’m going to the INAUGURATION!” appeared as a related Tweet on almost every news story that came up via the search. Tweets associating with multiple news stories is a common occurrence on the service.

此外,在今天的某一时刻,一条推文简单地说:“我要就职了!” 通过搜索出现在几乎所有新闻报道中,均作为相关推文出现。 与多个新闻报道相关联的推文在服务上很常见。

However, despite its flaws, Singh’s idea has merit. “Twitter as a ranking signal for search freshness may prove to be very useful if constructed properly,” writes Singh in a blog post. With work, TweetNews could definitely work well at exposing the most relevant and up-to-date news stories regarding breaking news.

然而,尽管有缺陷,辛格的想法还是值得的。 辛格在博客文章中写道:“ Twitter的搜索新鲜度排名信号可能被证明非常有用,如果构建得当的话。” 通过工作,TweetNews绝对可以很好地公开有关突发新闻的最相关和最新的新闻报道。

The site’s code is open source and available for download on Singh’s blog. We really hope some enterprising hacker will take Singh’s creation and work out the kinks.

该网站的代码是开源的,可以在Singh的博客上下载。 我们真的希望一些有进取心的黑客能够接受Singh的创造并弄清楚这些问题。

