
tech2024-01-24  80

Dutch marketing company Spranq has figured out a clever way to save on ink: punch holes in the font. Their new Ecofont is a freely downloadable font that has a “Swiss-cheese design” intended to save ink by cutting down on the amount of printable area on each letter.

荷兰市场营销公司Spranq已经找到了一种节省墨水的聪明方法:在字体上打Kong。 他们的新Ecofont是可免费下载的字体,具有“瑞士奶酪设计”,旨在通过减少每个字母的可打印区域数量来节省墨水。

According to Spranq, they saw an average of 20% reduction in ink usage while using the Ecofont compared to that of the original source font, Bitstream Vera Sans. The font resembles the classic Verdana, riddled with donut holes. Spranq’s goal was to remove as much of the font as possible while still maintaining readability. After experimenting with several shapes, they landed on the hole approach, concluding that the basic shape of the letter needed to remain intact in order for the font to be usable.

据Spranq称,与原始来源字体Bitstream Vera Sans相比,使用Ecofont时他们平均减少了20%的墨水使用量。 字体类似于经典的Verdana,上面布满甜甜圈Kong。 Spranq的目标是在保持可读性的同时删除尽可能多的字体。 在尝试了几种形状之后,他们采用了空洞方法,认为字母的基本形状需要保持完整才能使字体可用。

The font is best used at size 9 or 10 and printed with a laser printer. Though it certainly isn’t crisp enough for public documents, Spranq thinks the Ecofont could be suitable for things like intra-office memos, employee handbooks, and other internal business documents, as well as for personal use.

最好使用9或10号字体,并用激光打印机打印。 Spranq认为,尽管对于公共文档而言,它当然还不够清晰,但Ecofont可能适用于诸如办公室内部备忘录,员工手册和其他内部业务文档之类的东西,以及个人使用的东西。

The font is offered for free under an open source license that encourages contributions from outside developers. Already there are Arabic and Hebrew versions of the Ecofont under development that apply the same ink-saving principles.

该字体是在开源许可证下免费提供的,该许可证鼓励外部开发人员做出贡献。 正在开发采用相同省墨原则的阿拉伯文和希伯来文版本的Ecofont。

Spranq says that the amount of ink saved when using the Ecofont will depend on the age and variety of the printer and the size of the font (the smaller the font, the smaller the percentage of ink savings — though smaller fonts also use less ink in general).


The Ecofont is a really neat idea that should save not only money, due to using less ink, but also help to save the environment by creating less waste (fewer discarded ink and toner cartridges). If you do a lot of printing, you should definitely considering putting the Ecofont into use as a method of saving money and creating less waste. We think Spranq has hit on something very cool and hope that it catches on.

Ecofont是一个非常整洁的想法,不仅可以减少墨水消耗,从而节省金钱,而且可以通过减少浪费(减少废弃的墨水和墨粉盒)来帮助保护环境。 如果您进行大量印刷,则绝对应该考虑使用Ecofont作为节省金钱和减少浪费的方法。 我们认为Spranq推出了非常酷的产品,并希望它能够流行起来。

Also be sure to check out our article 10 Tips for Being a Greener Web Designer for more environment saving tips.

另外,请务必查看我们的文章“ 成为绿色Web设计器的10个技巧”,以获取更多节省环境的技巧。

翻译自: https://www.sitepoint.com/cut-costs-by-saving-ink-with-ecofont/
