ios 行间距和段落间距

tech2024-01-24  105

ios 行间距和段落间距

Traditionally, an elevator pitch is a quick summary of a business idea or project plan that you would convey to a potential investor in an attempt to gain their support. It’s called an elevator pitch because you should be able to go through your entire speech in the time it takes to travel from the top floor to the ground floor in an elevator.

传统上,电梯推销是对业务构想或项目计划的快速总结,您将传达给潜在投资者以寻求他们的支持。 之所以称其为电梯音调,是因为您应该能够在电梯中从顶层到达底层的整个过程中完成整个演讲。

In practice, an elevator pitch can accomplish a lot more if you think of it as a tool in your networking toolbox. If you’re successful at developing yours and use it strategically, it can work for you to make networking more successful at generating new leads, developing relationships and advancing your career.

在实践中,如果您将电梯螺距视为网络工具箱中的工具,它可以完成更多工作。 如果您能够成功地发展自己的业务并有策略地使用它,那么它可以帮助您在建立新的潜在客户,发展人际关系和发展事业方面使网络更加成功。

Why bother with an elevator pitch?


I’m sure you have heard the saying, “You only get one chance to make a good first impression.” That’s true, and equally true is that we often don’t consider the first impression until it’s too late. An elevator pitch can help you make the most of every first impression, while making networking situations easier and more productive.

我相信您已经听过这样一句话:“只有一次机会给人留下良好的第一印象。” 的确如此,同样的事实是,我们通常不会考虑第一印象,直到为时已晚。 电梯音调可以帮助您充分利用每个第一印象,同时使联网情况更轻松,更高效。

Do you ever feel a little tongue-tied when telling others what you do, or just uncomfortable talking about yourself? An elevator pitch gives you a ready-to-go introduction, which can take a lot of the stress out of networking. Plus, when you have a well-practiced elevator pitch, you may present yourself as more confident and self-assured, making others more willing trust you and consider you a worthwhile acquaintance.

在告诉别人您做什么时,您是否感到有点发tongue,或者只是在谈论自己时感到不舒服? 电梯音调为您提供了现成的介绍,这可以减轻网络的压力。 另外,如果您的电梯音高训练有素,那么您可能会表现得更加自信和自信,从而使其他人更愿意信任您并认为您是个值得相识的人。

The process of creating an elevator pitch is an exercise in focus and self-analysis. Even if you use it infrequently, developing it can make you think about who you are, what you do, and what you want others to know about you in the simplest of terms. This can be an opportunity to look back at your accomplishments and ahead to your goals, keeping you centered on what you’re trying to achieve by networking in the first place.

创建电梯间距的过程是重点和自我分析的练习。 即使您不经常使用它,开发它也可以使您以最简单的方式考虑自己的身份,从事的工作以及您希望别人知道的有关您的信息。 这可能是一个机会,可以回顾自己的成就并朝着目标前进,从而使您始终专注于通过网络来实现的目标。

What should I say in my elevator pitch?


The goal of creating an elevator pitch is to craft a statement that explains to someone — without any experience in your industry — what you do, how you do it, and who you do it for. It should be straightforward and easy to understand and digest.

创建电梯间距的目的是制作一条声明,向某人(您​​没有任何行业经验)解释您的工作方式,工作方式以及为谁服务。 它应该简单明了,易于理解和消化。

Here is a really simple formula you can use as a basis for a powerful elevator pitch:


Part I: Ask the other person a question that identifies a common problem. This engages them and gives you a lead-in to Part II.

第一部分:向其他人询问一个确定常见问题的问题。 这使他们参与其中,并为您引入了第二部分。 Part II: Give a boiled down version of what you do and how it solves the problem you identified in Part I.

第二部分:简要介绍您的工作以及如何解决您在第一部分中确定的问题。 Part III: Provide a call to action that specifically tells the other person what you want them to do now.


An example of what an elevator pitch might sound like:


Have you ever tried to find contact information for someone at a company you’re doing business with, but was unable to because their website was very confusing and disorganized? Well, what I do is redesign websites for small businesses that need a stronger, more coherent online presence. By learning as much as I can about the company, I create a strategic plan for reinventing an existing website to be more functional and user-friendly. Do you know of any small businesses that may need a website reinvention? Here’s my card…

您是否曾经尝试找到与您有业务往来的公司中某人的联系信息,但由于他们的网站非常混乱和混乱而无法找到? 好吧,我要做的是为需要更强大,更连贯的在线业务的小型企业重新设计网站。 通过尽可能多地了解该公司,我制定了一项战略计划,以重塑现有网站,使其更具功能性和用户友好性。 您是否知道可能需要改造网站的任何小型企业? 这是我的卡…

There are many ways to create an elevator pitch (see the links listed at the end of the post for resources). Whatever format you use, the most important part of an elevator pitch is making sure you know it really well. The more you practice it, the more natural it will be and the more effective it will be at generating new opportunities…and making you more successful at networking.

创建电梯间距的方法有很多(有关资源,请参见文章结尾处列出的链接)。 无论使用哪种格式,电梯音高最重要的部分就是确保您非常了解。 您练习得越多,它就会越自然,就越有效,它会产生新的机会……并使您在联网方面更成功。

What’s your elevator pitch?


Resources: Elevator Pitch Essentials, by Chris O’Leary The Perfect (Elevator) Pitch, by Aileen Pincus for Business Week Perfecting Your Pitch, Part One: Assume Short Buildings, by John Hoult for Fast Company

资源: Elevator Pitch Essentials ,克里斯·奥里里( Chris O'Leary) 完美(电梯)沥青 ,艾琳·平克斯(Aileen Pincus),《商业周刊: 完善沥青》,第一部分:假定短建筑物 ,约翰·霍特(John Hoult),快速公司

Image credit: silverrake

图片来源: silverrake


ios 行间距和段落间距
