
tech2024-01-24  72


A new discovery revealed today brings the exciting prospect of a double-speed Internet even for those people using dial-up modems.


A European organisation named the Cable Realignment Action Programme is calling for all telecommunication companies and ISPs to adopt their plan at the earliest opportunity. A press release for the group stated:

一个名为“ 电缆调整行动计划 ”的欧洲组织正在呼吁所有电信公司和ISP尽早采用其计划。 该小组的新闻稿说:

Our solution is revolutionary, but simple, cheaper, and environmentally superior to existing network infrastructures. The worldwide roll-out starts today.

我们的解决方案具有革命性,但比现有的网络基础架构更简单,更便宜且在环境上更胜一筹。 从今天开始在全球范围内推广。

Internet data cables are normally laid according to topographical limitations and this can result in wiring spaghetti. The organisation proposes that cables are straightened between Internet nodes:

Internet数据电缆通常根据地形限制进行敷设,这可能导致意大利面条接线。 该组织建议在Internet节点之间拉直电缆:

Straighter cables means electrical signals travel a shorter distance in a quicker time.

电缆更直意味着电信号在更短的时间内传播更短的距离。 The majority of signals contain binary data. Although zeros rarely have problems, the sharper edges of the ‘1’s can get caught in cable kinks which results in unnecessary packet loss.

大多数信号包含二进制数据。 尽管零很少会出现问题,但“ 1”的较尖锐边缘可能会卡在电缆扭结中,从而导致不必要的数据包丢失。

The organisation estimates that Internet speeds will double for most users, but it could be more for those with especially kinky cables. They advise everyone to take advantage of the system immediately and straighten the network or modem wires under their desk.

该组织估计,对于大多数用户而言,Internet速度将翻倍,但对于那些特别弯曲的电缆,速度可能会更高。 他们建议所有人立即利用该系统,并拉直办公桌下方的网络或调制解调器线。

However, not everyone is pleased about the plan. A spokesman for a leading Ethernet cabling manufacturer claimed:

但是,并非所有人都对该计划感到满意。 一家领先的以太网布线制造商的发言人声称:

This is a totally ridiculous idea. Shorter cables simply means less money for us.

这是一个完全荒谬的想法。 更短的电缆对我们来说意味着更少的钱。

Have you straightened your cables? Have your download speeds significantly improved?

你拉直电缆了吗? 您的下载速度有明显提高吗?

翻译自: https://www.sitepoint.com/new-technique-increases-bandwidth/

