nasa mdp

tech2024-01-24  98

nasa mdp

The Internet has officially gone galactic. Engineers at NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Pasadena, California announced today that they had successfully tested a deep space communications network based on the architecture of the Internet. Using software called Disruption-Tolerant Networking (DTN), NASA was able to transmit images of space to and from a spacecraft located about 20 million miles from Earth.

互联网正式消失了。 位于加利福尼亚州帕萨迪纳市的美国宇航局喷气推进实验室的工程师今天宣布 ,他们已经成功测试了基于Internet体系结构的深空通信网络。 美国宇航局使用称为容错网络(DTN)的软件向与地球之间约2000万英里的航天器之间传输太空图像。

“This is the first step in creating a totally new space communications capability, an interplanetary Internet,” said NASA team leader Adrian Hook.

NASA小组负责人阿德里安·胡克(Adrian Hook)表示:“这是建立全新的太空通信功能(星际互联网)的第一步。”

The DTN software is the fruition of a ten-year partnership between NASA and Vint Cerf, widely considered to be the “father of the Internet,” who is currently a vice president at Google. Cerf co-designed the TCP/IP protocol that serves as the foundation of the Internet. The DTN works in a different manner that TCP/IP in order to send data across such a wide expanse of space and deal with frequent disconnections and disruptions.

DTN软件是NASA和Vint Cerf之间长达十年合作关系的成果,该公司被广泛认为是“互联网之父”,目前是Google副总裁。 Cerf共同设计了作为Internet基础的TCP / IP协议。 DTN以与TCP / IP不同的方式工作,以便跨如此大的空间发送数据并处理频繁的断开连接和中断。

“Glitches can happen when a spacecraft moves behind a planet, or when solar storms and long communication delays occur. The delay in sending or receiving data from Mars takes between three-and-a-half to 20 minutes at the speed of light,” according to a NASA press release.

“当航天器在行星后面移动,或者发生太阳风暴和长时间的通信延迟时,就会发生毛刺。 美国宇航局新闻稿说,从火星发送或接收数据的延迟以光速在三分之二到二十分钟之间。

Unlike TCP/IP, the DTN protocol never assumes that there will be a continuous connection, says NASA. If a destination path can’t be found, packets are held at the current node until a clear path is located, rather than discarded. That way, the information always eventually finds its way to its destination.

NASA表示,与TCP / IP不同,DTN协议从不假定会有连续连接。 如果找不到目标路径,则将数据包保留在当前节点上,直到找到明确的路径为止,而不是将其丢弃。 这样,信息总是最终找到通往目的地的途径。

Current deep space communications are rather clumsy, requiring a team on the ground to manually direct each packet from point to point and tell it where to go. The DTN, however, allows all that to be done automatically.

当前的深空通信相当笨拙,需要地面上的团队手动将每个数据包从一个点指向另一个点,并告知其去向。 但是,DTN允许自动完成所有操作。

In October, NASA initiated a month-long series of tests of the fledgling deep space Internet, which currently consists of 10 nodes. One node is the spacecraft Epoxi, which is on a two year mission to encounter the Comet Hartley. The other nine nodes are located on Earth at the Jet Propulsion Laboratory site in California and simulate Mars landers, orbiters, and operations centers that could be part of a future deployment of the network.

10月,美国国家航空航天局(NASA)对刚刚起步的深空互联网进行了为期一个月的系列测试,该互联网目前由10个节点组成。 一个节点是Epoxi航天器,该航天器执行了为期两年的任务,遇到了哈特利彗星。 其他九个节点位于地球上加利福尼亚州的喷气推进实验室站点,并模拟火星着陆器,轨道器和作战中心,这可能是该网络未来部署的一部分。

According to NASA, the new galactic Internet network could enable a number of new missions over the next few years in which reliable communication is paramount, such as space flights that involve multiple spacecraft. That also includes the possibility of sending humans back to the surface of the moon, where astronauts would need a method to communicate with Earth reliably. The next round of tests for the DTN will take place next summer, when the network software will be loaded onto the International Space Station.

根据NASA的说法,新的银河互联网网络可以在未来几年中实现许多新任务,其中可靠的通信至关重要,例如涉及多个航天器的太空飞行。 这还包括将人类送回月球表面的可能性,在那里,宇航员将需要一种与地球可靠通信的方法。 DTN的下一轮测试将在明年夏天进行,届时将把网络软件加载到国际空间站上。

Note on the image: Mozilla and Firefox don’t actually have anything to do with this project at NASA, as far as we know. We just thought the logos fit together nicely and communicated the concept well!

图片上的注释:据我们所知,Mozilla和Firefox实际上与NASA的这个项目没有任何关系。 我们只是认为徽标可以很好地搭配在一起,并且很好地传达了这个概念!


nasa mdp
