magento 赠品

tech2024-01-24  92

magento 赠品

We were overwhelmed with the amount of entries in our latest Adobe sponsored competition; it was a very cool prize on offer and and while we secretly wanted to keep the prize for ourselves, we have gone to the extent of using the Random Number Generator to selected the winner. Oh and if it’s not you, keep reading for details on your next chance to win this awesome software bundle…

在我们最新的Adobe赞助的竞赛中 ,参赛作品数量众多,我们不知所措; 这是一个非常酷的奖项,尽管我们秘密地希望自己保留该奖项,但我们已经达到了使用随机数生成器来选择获奖者的程度。 哦,如果不是您, 请继续阅读以获取有关赢得此超棒软件包的下一次机会的详细信息 …

And the winner is…


Drum roll please…


蒂莫西·考茨(Timothy Kautz)! (Timothy Kautz!)

Timothy is a 27 year old Flash/Web Developer from California USA. He has been contacted and had this to say about his prize and SitePoint:

Timothy是来自美国加利福尼亚的27岁的Flash / Web开发人员。 已与他联系,并说了有关他的奖金和SitePoint:

“This is awesome!


It will be great to take advantage of the full Adobe Creative suite. Looking forward to the new version of Illustrator and FireWorks in combo with Flex 3 so that I can play with FXG.

充分利用完整的Adobe Creative套件将是很棒的。 期待与Flex 3结合使用的Illustrator和FireWorks的新版本,以便我可以使用FXG。

Any website that gives tutorials to the masses and prizes, like SitePoint, is definitely pretty cool and worth frequenting. I’ve been to the site for helpful info throughout the ages.”

像SitePoint这样的向大众提供奖品和教程的网站绝对很酷,值得一游。 多年来,我一直在该网站上寻求有用的信息。”

Congratulations Timothy, and thank you to Adobe for donating the prize for this quiz.


If you missed out, don’t worry… the good news is there will be one more opportunity to win yourself a copy of Adobe CS4 and Flex Builder 3 Pro very soon, but shhh, you didn’t hear that from me. All I can suggest is that you watch very very carefully in approximately 3 weeks time.

如果您错过了,请不要担心……好消息是,还有另一个机会可以很快为自己赢得 Adobe CS4和Flex Builder 3 Pro的副本,但是嘘,您没有收到我的来信。 我只能建议您在大约3周的时间内非常仔细地观看。

By the way, if you’re interested in furthering your Flex skills, you can still read the article and take the quiz to see how you perform.



magento 赠品
