
tech2024-01-24  79


According to a survey conducted by Evans Data Corporation, more than half of all developers around the world are expecting to work in some capacity on software as a service (SaaS) applications in 2009, reports InfoWorld. Evans Data surveyed 1300 developers at the end of 2008 and found that the strongest development market for SaaS apps currently is North America, with 30% of all developers working on software as a service apps.

在2009年根据Evans Data公司的一项调查显示,超过一半的世界各地的开发人员在软件期待在工作能力的一些作为服务(SaaS)应用程序, 报告InfoWorld的 。 Evans Data在2008年底对1300名开发人员进行了调查,发现SaaS应用程序最强大的开发市场是北美,所有开发人员中有30%从事软件即服务应用程序的开发。

That market is expected to see a lot of growth this year, and Evans Data sees that as evidence of a trend toward acceptance of software as a service in the enterprise. The survey is seen as confirmation that enterprise IT managers are starting to believe in the potential benefits of SaaS over on-site software, such as lower costs and easier deployment.

预计今年该市场将有很大的增长,Evans Data认为这是企业接受软件即服务的趋势的证据。 该调查被视为确认企业IT经理开始相信SaaS相对于现场软件的潜在好处,例如更低的成本和更容易的部署。

This is potentially bad news for current market leaders, who are finding themselves in the awkward position of needing to compete with upstart software as a service products and not wanting to cut into their current on-premises software product lines that bring in large amounts of revenue. We recently wrote that the growing acceptance and popularity of software as a service is resetting the playing field and allowing new players to have a chance to compete in markets that are currently dominated by a few large software vendors.

对于当前的市场领导者来说,这可能是个坏消息,他们发现自己处于与新贵软件即服务产品竞争的尴尬境地,并且不希望削减其现有的带来大量收入的本地软件产品线。 我们最近写到,软件即服务的接受度和普及度正在重新设置竞争环境,并使新玩家有机会在目前由少数大型软件供应商主导的市场中竞争。

One of the most obvious and public SaaS vs. traditional desktop software battles that will be waged over the next couple of years is general office software (word processing, spreadsheets, presentations). Google is the SaaS leader in the space with their Google Docs and Spreadsheets product. So far, though, other than a handful of high profile corporate and university deployments, they haven’t been able to make much of a dent in Microsoft’s stranglehold on the market (with their ubiquitous Office products, Word, Excel, PowerPoint, etc.).

在未来几年内,最常见的公开SaaS与传统桌面软件之战之一是通用办公软件(文字处理,电子表格,演示文稿)。 Google凭借其Google Docs和Spreadsheets产品成为该领域SaaS的领导者。 但是,到目前为止,除了少数几个知名的公司和大学部署以外,他们还没有充分利用微软在市场上的束缚(借助其无处不在的Office产品,Word,Excel,PowerPoint等)。 )。

That might change, though. According another recent report, this one from Forrester Research, most enterprise customers are apparently using Microsoft Word out of habit, rather than because they actually need to. Taken in tandem with the Evans Data study, the indication is that it might be a bad year for Microsoft’s Office cash cow.

但这可能会改变。 根据 Forrester Research的另一份最新报告 ,大多数企业客户显然是出于习惯使用Microsoft Word,而不是因为他们确实需要这样做。 与Evans Data研究相结合,这表明对于微软的Office摇钱树来说,这可能是糟糕的一年。

Of course, Microsoft isn’t sitting on the sidelines when it comes to SaaS. They demoed a web based version of Office at their annual Professional Developers Conference in Los Angeles last October, and are expected to open up some sort of public beta for it sometime in the next few months. We expect that it will be very competitive. That said, Microsoft is in that awkward position of not wanting to damage software-based Office sales as much as possible. Also at PDC, Microsoft announced their Windows Azure platform for cloud-based services.

当然,在SaaS方面,微软并没有袖手旁观。 他们于去年10月在洛杉矶举行的年度专业开发人员大会上演示了基于Web的Office版本 ,并有望在未来几个月内针对该版本开放某种公开测试版。 我们希望这将非常有竞争力。 就是说,微软处于不愿破坏基于软件的Office销售的尴尬境地。 也在PDC上,Microsoft 宣布了他们的基于云服务的Windows Azure平台 。

However, the signs are increasingly pointing toward software as a service options becoming very popular in the enterprise world over the next 12-24 months, and that means new competition for companies like Microsoft. Because of software as a service, the status quo is changing. Established enterprise software players will face competition from smaller or more experienced startups and web companies in 2009 and that could preface a major shift in computing mindshare.

但是,越来越多的迹象表明,在接下来的12-24个月中,软件即服务选项将在企业界变得非常流行,这意味着像Microsoft这样的公司将面临新的竞争。 由于软件即服务,现状正在发生变化。 成熟的企业软件提供商将在2009年面临来自规模较小或经验更丰富的初创公司和网络公司的竞争,这可能预示着计算思维方式的重大转变。


