
tech2024-01-25  85

Testing new web apps can be akin to dining on an exquisite feast … but then there are “the leftovers”.


This week’s diet of developmental porridge has left a few morsels awaiting their fate in the cooler. As anyone knows, leftovers basically fall into three categories — anticipated delights, possibly consumable, and only fit for the neighbor’s cat. Here are four early startups, which either left a bad taste, might be tastier later or should be mixed with some Friskies.

本周的发育粥饮食使一些食物在冷藏室里等待着命运。 众所周知,剩菜基本上分为三类: 预期的愉悦性 , 可能是消费性的 , 仅适合邻居的猫 。 这里有四个早期的初创公司,它们要么味道不好,要么以后会更美味,或者应该与一些Friskies混合使用。

辛迪 (syndy)

syndy is a “not so cute” feed aggregation/notification widget for the desktop. Ostensibly designed as a personal assistant to keep the user (or boyfriend, I am still not sure) up to date on over 100 news feeds, syndy is simply primitive by comparison to a host of better applications (I like Alert Bear myself).

syndy是桌面上的“不太可爱”的提要聚合/通知小部件。 从表面上看,syndy是作为个人助理设计的,可以使用户(或我仍然不确定的男朋友)可以随时了解100多个新闻摘要,与许多更好的应用程序相比,syndy简直是原始的(我喜欢Alert Bear我自己)。

The widget does do the job, but chances are that the folks you’re notifying have already been notified directly by their own favorite destination or by a better app.


Decision: syndy smelled fishy from the start, and old Felix next door is meowing.

决定 :西迪从一开始就闻到腥味,而隔壁的老费利克斯(Felix)却在喵喵叫。

syndy as I write this.


法查克 (fachak)

fachak is billed as “the one stop platform”. This invitation-only alpha acts as a social aggregator, allowing users to pull in their Flickr, YouTube and other various online contributions, all managed using a fairly nice interface.

fachak被称为“一站式平台”。 此仅邀请对象的Alpha充当社交聚合器,允许用户加入Flickr,YouTube和其他各种在线贡献,所有这些都使用相当不错的界面进行管理。

Unfortunately, discoverability and navigation are pretty bad right now, as the home and profile pages look just like a YouTube menu. However deeper features appear to be much more highly developed, as illustrated in the screenshot below. From docs to video, images and more, the developers are obviously building this from the back end of features forward.

不幸的是,由于首页和个人资料页面看起来就像YouTube菜单一样,可发现性和导航功能目前都非常糟糕。 但是,更深层的功能似乎要高度发达,如下面的屏幕快照所示。 从文档到视频,图像等等,开发人员显然正在从功能的后端向前构建它。

All-in-one developments like fachak have been a pet project of mine for some time. The obvious weakness of fachak’s version can already be seen in that no “perfect” interface has ever been designed to allow users to organize, access, share and manipulate massive and diverse content collections. This development is one to watch however, as the designers may have a perfect solution dashboard in mind — it is only an alpha after all.

像fachak这样的多合一开发在一段时间以来一直是我的宠物项目。 fachak版本明显的弱点已经可以看出,因为从未设计过“完美”的界面来允许用户组织,访问,共享和操纵大量多样的内容集。 但是,这一发展值得关注,因为设计师可能会想到一个完美的解决方案仪表板-毕竟这只是一个alpha。

Decision: A tasty morsel for later on, but may not keep long.

决定 :稍后再食用,但可能不会保存多久。

UI and Nav for Docs and other media is versatile.

UI和Nav for Docs及其他媒体功能多样。

双重 (twopular)

twopular is a transparent alpha in process, billed as a “Twitter trends aggregator.” Aside from having a very cute mascot and being the hurried work of a midnight coder, even the creator admits this development is a “what if” proposition (and I quote, “Please consider enjoying what you see right now and don’t miss to come back occasionally to check if we have found out what this is for.”)

twopular是一个透明的Alpha流程,称为“ Twitter趋势汇总器”。 除了拥有一个非常可爱的吉祥物并成为一名午夜编码员的匆忙工作之外,甚至创作者也承认,这一发展是“如果……那么”的命题(我引用:“请考虑享受现在所看到的,不要错过偶尔回来看看我们是否发现了这个目的。”)

I was ready to throw this one directly out the window hoping to hit ole’ Felix between the eyes, until curiosity got the best of me. Anything Twitter-related tends to make me ill these days, but on investigating other apps by this developer (you will love playing with this), Martin Dudek, it became obvious that the fellow is quite brilliant.

我准备将这只玩具直接扔出窗外,希望能在两眼之间打出ole'Felix,直到好奇心达到我的最佳水平。 最近,与Twitter相关的任何事情都会使我感到不适,但是在由该开发人员Martin Dudek (您可能会喜欢使用它)研究其他应用程序时 ,很明显,这个人非常出色。

I came to learn after Twitter first launched that just because I saw no value doesn’t mean that others won’t — in fact, the crowd often shows a never ending capacity to consume the ridiculous. So, given this paradox, twopular will likely evolve to become the leading trend analysis tool of the sales and marketing world … or not.

我是在Twitter首次发布后才得知的,因为我看不到任何价值并不意味着其他人不会这样做-实际上,人群常常显示出永无休止的消费荒谬能力。 因此,鉴于这种悖论,twopular可能会发展成为或不成为销售和营销领域领先的趋势分析工具。

Decision: Possibly consumable, store behind mayonnaise jar, never discount talent and creativity.


Early trend development - Australian Open


傻笑 (smirk)

smirk is an alpha development that allows users to generate animated avatars reflecting their mood. The concept is actually pretty cool, and some of the samples quite funny. I did actually try to test this app, only every step I followed — from signup to visiting a supportive site called Crusher — was circuitous and full of dead ends. I assume that embedded JavaScript some kind of player interface form part of the service, but believe me the road map to understanding this application is written in “Geek Greek”, for sure.

傻笑是一项Alpha版开发,可让用户生成反映其心情的动画化身。 这个概念实际上很酷,有些示例很有趣。 实际上,我确实尝试过测试该应用程序,只有从注册到访问支持的网站Crusher为止的每个步骤都是circuit回曲折的,充满了死胡同。 我以为嵌入式JavaScript是某种播放器接口构成了服务的一部分,但是可以肯定的是,我相信理解该应用程序的路线图是用“ Geek Greek”编写的。

Decision: Immediate appetizer for kitty next door if any casual visitor chomps down on this frustrating little varmint.


I am annoyed too!


去购物 (Gone Shopping)

Now that the ice box is reorganized and at least one stale leftover is tossed, I’m off to shop for more startup treats. For a heads up, I saw an interesting item in the deli section called Twitblogs yesterday. I’ll be talking with these developers on Monday for new developments on this startup.

既然已经重新整理了冰柜,并且扔掉了至少一个陈旧的残渣,我将去购买更多的入门款待。 提神的是,昨天我在熟食店一节中看到了一个有趣的商品,名为Twitblogs。 周一,我将与这些开发人员讨论该创业公司的新开发情况。

As for these latest leftovers, we’ll revisit them as merit and progress warrant. As for smirk, if they are lucky the cat will be finicky and maybe they can correct their discoverability issues.

至于这些最新的剩菜剩饭,我们将视其为优待和进步保证。 至于傻笑,如果他们幸运的话,那只猫会很挑剔,也许他们可以纠正可发现性的问题。

翻译自: https://www.sitepoint.com/startup-leftovers-what-to-keep-and-what-to-throw/
