palm 驱动

tech2024-01-25  108

palm 驱动

Farhad Manjoo has a bit of very well reasoned advice for Microsoft today in his column on Slate: forget about Yahoo!, and buy Palm instead. That advice makes a lot of sense. Though Microsoft generally denies any current interest in pursuing a purchase of Yahoo!, rumors of some sort of whole or partial takeover seem to crop up every couple of months. But Microsoft is a software company, not an advertising company, so purchasing Yahoo! doesn’t make much sense.

如今,Farhad Manjoo在Slate专栏中对Microsoft提出了一些非常合理的建议: 忘记Yahoo !,而是购买Palm 。 该建议很有道理。 尽管微软总体上否认当前有意收购Yahoo !,但是每隔几个月就会出现关于全部或部分收购的传闻。 但是Microsoft是一家软件公司,而不是广告公司,因此购买Yahoo! 没有多大意义。

Even at the greatly reduced price (versus last March when they first made their buyout offer) that Yahoo! would now be able to command, Microsoft buying Yahoo! won’t do much to help the company compete with Google. As Manjoo points out, Microsoft’s bread and butter is software sales, and specifically, corporate software sales. Google isn’t going to beat them any soon time there, and purchasing Yahoo! isn’t going to help them either.

即使是以大大降低的价格(与去年三月首次提出收购要约的价格相比),雅虎! 现在可以命令微软购买Yahoo! 不会帮助公司与Google竞争。 正如Manjoo所指出的那样,微软的主要业务是软件销售,特别是企业软件销售。 Google不会很快击败他们,而是购买Yahoo!。 也不会帮助他们。

“It’s true that companies are increasingly replacing their desktop software with Internet apps—but many still want to pay for the stuff they’re using,” writes Manjoo. So getting into the business of selling ads won’t help Microsoft compete. Unless you think that the “the economic future of software depends on advertising rather than paying customers,” then there’s no reason to think that free software like Google’s web apps will noticeably hurt Microsoft. “That’s a foolish bet — and buying Yahoo will only magnify the foolishness,” he writes.

“的确,公司越来越多地用Internet应用程序替换其台式机软件,但许多公司仍想为自己使用的东西付费”,Manjoo写道。 因此,涉足广告销售业务不会帮助微软竞争。 除非您认为“软件的经济未来取决于广告而不是付费客户”,否则没有理由认为像Google的Web应用程序这样的免费软件会明显损害Microsoft。 他写道:“这是一个愚蠢的赌注,而收购雅虎只会放大这种愚蠢。”

What they need to do, rather, is get with the times. Microsoft’s issues of late have been miscalculations in the direction of personal computing, according to Manjoo, and not an inability to compete in the areas of web advertising and search.

他们需要做的是与时俱进。 曼乔(Manjoo)表示,微软最近的问题一直是对个人计算方向的错误估计,而不是无法在网络广告和搜索领域竞争。

Microsoft, for example, didn’t anticipate the popularity of low-cost netbooks becoming such an important part of the personal computer landscape. Their current latest generation operating system, Windows Vista, doesn’t run well on those underpowered netbooks, and as a result many of them ship with either an earlier version of Windows (XP) or Linux. Further, the Redmond, Washington-based software giant has also been slow to offer the software as a service applications that many of their customers want.

例如,微软没想到廉价上网本的普及会成为个人计算机领域如此重要的一部分。 他们当前最新一代的操作系统Windows Vista在那些功能不足的上网本上无法很好地运行,因此,其中许多都附带了较早版本的Windows(XP)或Linux。 此外,总部位于华盛顿州雷德蒙德的软件巨头也一直在缓慢地提供其许多客户想要的服务即服务型软件。

The next big shift in computing is probably going to be mobile — it’s already happening. In America, on an average day greater than half of all adults use cell phones for at least one non-voice data purpose. And in Japan, there are already as many mobile web users as there are people who access the Internet via a traditional computer.

计算的下一个重大转变可能将是移动化-它已经在发生。 在美国,平均每天有超过一半的成年人使用手机至少用于一种非语音数据目的。 在日本,已经有与通过传统计算机访问Internet的用户一样多的移动Web用户 。

Manjoo thus suggests that Microsoft should skip buying Yahoo!, and instead buy Palm, which closed trading today with a market cap just over $850 million — meaning it could be had at a fraction of the cost of Yahoo! Palm just unveiled a smartphone at this year’s CES conference called the Pre that from all outward appearances seems to be the best non-Apple analog to the iPhone to date. Or in other words: Palm might be sitting on the first phone that could truly be worth of the title “iPhone killer.” Palm has gorgeous hardware and software, but they lack marketing muscle, and their exclusive partner for the phone — Sprint — is a third place carrier in the US that has been hemorrhaging subscribers.

因此,Manjoo建议微软应跳过收购Yahoo!的工作,而应收购Palm,Palm如今的市值刚刚超过8.5亿美元,这笔交易的成本可能只是Yahoo!的一小部分。 Palm在今年的CES会议上刚刚推出了一款名为Pre的智能手机,从外观上看,它似乎是迄今为止iPhone最好的非Apple类似产品。 换句话说:Palm可能正坐在第一部真正值得称呼为“ iPhone杀手”的手机上。 Palm拥有出色的硬件和软件,但缺乏营销实力,其手机的独家合作伙伴Sprint是美国第三大运营商,这一直在困扰着用户 。

Microsoft could snap up Palm and do what it does best: license the software to corporate partners and flood the market with viable iPhone alternatives. With recent talk of netbooks and other web-connected devices running Google’s Android mobile OS platform, and the iPhone steadily chipping away at the smartphone market, an acquisition of Palm could ensure that Microsoft doesn’t miss the next wave of computing. Of course, it would also mean turning their back on Windows Mobile, which might be a hard pill to swallow for Microsoft.

微软可以抢购Palm并做到最好:将软件许可给公司合作伙伴,并用可行的iPhone替代品充斥市场。 随着最近有关运行Google的Android移动OS平台的上网本和其他联网设备的谈论以及iPhone在智能手机市场的稳步淘汰,对Palm的收购可以确保Microsoft不会错过下一波计算浪潮。 当然,这也意味着要放弃Windows Mobile,这对于Microsoft来说可能是一个难药。

But Manjoo ends his Slate piece with some numbers that convince me that whether or not buying Palm makes sense for Microsoft, focusing on software instead of web advertising definitely makes sense: “In 2009, companies are expected to spend about $45 billion on Internet ads. The market for software is nearly 10 times that size—around $388 billion this year. If you were Microsoft, which would you choose?”

但是,Manjoo在Slate的文章结尾有一些数字,使我确信,购买Palm是否对微软有意义,专注于软件而不是网络广告绝对是有道理的:“在2009年,公司预计将在互联网广告上花费约450亿美元。 软件市场几乎是该市场规模的10倍,今年约为3880亿美元。 如果您是Microsoft,您会选择哪个?”


palm 驱动
