
tech2024-01-25  105


Part of designing is giving the client an idea of how their copy will work with the design. You don’t want to make it difficult for them to envision how the final website will look. Sure, you could get the content from them and plug it in, but then you are forcing them to divide their attention between the content and the design. Plus, they may not have all the content written yet.

设计的一部分是使客户了解其副本将如何与设计一起使用。 您不想让他们很难想象最终网站的外观。 当然,您可以从他们那里获取内容并将其插入,但是随后您迫使他们在内容和设计之间分配他们的注意力。 另外,他们可能尚未编写所有内容。

Text generators allow you to create filler text — usually Latin — that typically makes no sense, but completes the look of the design. Most generators allow you to specify the number of paragraphs and then provide the dummy text which you can copy and paste into your mockup. There are many of these tools out there with varying levels of functionality, and I compiled a list of seven:

文本生成器允许您创建填充文本(通常为拉丁文),这通常没有意义,但可以使设计看起来完整。 大多数生成器允许您指定段落数,然后提供虚拟文本,您可以将其复制并粘贴到模型中。 这些工具中有许多具有不同的功能级别,我汇总了七个工具:

1. Lipsum.com This generator is one of the most popular. It is very straightforward, providing Latin filler text by the number of paragraphs, words, bytes and even lists that you specify. They also have a page where you can download placeholder banner ads. And you can download an add-on to use right in Firefox.

1. Lipsum.com 该发电机是最受欢迎的发电机之一。 它非常简单明了,可以按您指定的段落,单词,字节甚至列表的数量提供拉丁填充文本。 他们还有一个页面,您可以在其中下载占位符横幅广告 。 而且您可以下载一个插件以在Firefox中使用。

2. Malevole Text Generator

2. Malevole文本生成器

This one allows you to select the number of paragraphs up to five and then generates non-Latin text. The dummy text provided makes just enough sense to give you a laugh.

此选项使您最多可以选择五个段落,然后生成非拉丁文字。 提供的虚拟文本足够使您发笑。

3. Typetester

3. 类型测试器

This text generator allows you to specify the number of words, characters and paragraphs, style the text, and then copy the CSS for your design. You can also use any font installed on your system, which makes this a great tool for print work, too.

该文本生成器使您可以指定单词,字符和段落的数量,设置文本样式,然后为您的设计复制CSS。 您还可以使用系统上安装的任何字体,这也使其成为打印工作的绝佳工具。

4. FillerText.com

4. FillerText.com

This is a nice tool that allows you to select the amount of Latin text to generate per characters, words or paragraphs. It will produce up to 50 paragraphs of dummy text which is probably more than you’d ever need at one time.

这是一个很好的工具,可让您选择每个字符,单词或段落要生成的拉丁文字的数量。 它将生成多达50个虚拟文本段落,这可能比您一次所需的文本还要多。

5. Blind Text Generator

5. 盲文生成器

With this one, you can select the amount of text, change the type of text (i.e. lorem ipsum, A-Z, actual copy), and create and copy the CSS. One really cool feature is the ability to drag and adjust the textarea to fit a specific column size. 6. Lorem Ipsum Generator 3

使用此选项,您可以选择文本数量,更改文本类型(即lorem ipsum,AZ,实际副本),以及创建和复制CSS。 一项非常酷的功能是能够拖动和调整textarea以适合特定列大小的功能。 6. Lorem输液发生器3

This one generates text in a number of languages and up to 100 paragraphs at a time. You can select to have it insert random question marks and exclamation points, too.

该代码一次生成多种语言的文本,一次最多生成100个段落。 您也可以选择使其插入随机问号和感叹号。

7. adhesiontextTM

7. 粘附 文本TM

This generator lets you choose the characters, language and case. You can even plug in your own characters and it will shuffle them around to create character-based dummy text. This flexibility makes adhesiontext a popular tool among font designers.

此生成器使您可以选择字符,语言和大小写。 您甚至可以插入自己的字符,它会随机将它们混在一起以创建基于字符的伪文本。 这种灵活性使粘附文本成为字体设计师中的一种流行工具。

So, of these or one that isn’t listed here, which is your favorite?


翻译自: https://www.sitepoint.com/7-dummy-text-generators-which-is-your-favorite/

