
tech2024-01-25  105


Though still in the concept stage, Mozilla is planning an interesting new platform called Test Pilot that will allow every Mozilla Labs project to push out usability tests directly to participating users. The platform will begin life as a Firefox extension with the goal of gathering a 1% representative sample of Firefox users — which is a tall order given the Firefox has many millions of them.

尽管仍处于概念阶段,但Mozilla正在计划一个有趣的新平台,称为Test Pilot,该平台将允许每个Mozilla Labs项目将可用性测试直接推向参与的用户。 该平台将作为Firefox扩展程序开始使用,其目标是收集1%的Firefox用户代表性样本-鉴于Firefox有数百万用户,这是一个很高的要求。

Mozilla Labs’ Head of User Experience Aza Raskin talked about Test Pilot this week in a blog post. “Its not just Firefox that needs a usability lab. Thunderbird needs one. Seamonkey needs one. Every Mozilla Labs project needs one. Test Pilot is a platform — starting as a Firefox extension — on top of which anything can be put through usability-testing boot-camp,” he wrote. That’s necessary, says Raskin, because currently Mozilla only has access to scattershot usability research collected via surveys, anecdotes, user feedback, etc.

Mozilla Labs用户体验负责人Aza Raskin本周在博客中谈到了Test Pilot。 “不仅仅是Firefox需要可用性实验室。 雷鸟需要一个。 Seamonkey需要一个。 每个Mozilla Labs项目都需要一个。 Test Pilot是一个平台-从Firefox扩展开始-在其之上可以通过可用性测试新手训练营来放置任何东西,”他写道。 Raskin说,这是必要的,因为当前Mozilla仅能访问通过调查,轶事,用户反馈等收集的散布可用性研究。

Test Pilot would allow Mozilla to collect feedback from real users, in actual use scenarios and Raskin sees it as part of a massively scalable, open usability lab being built at Mozilla Labs. Test Pilot won’t constantly record data, says Raskin, but only just enough information to answer the question posed by the researcher. Raskin outlined how the software will work from the user end:

Test Pilot允许Mozilla在实际使用场景中收集来自真实用户的反馈,Raskin认为它是Mozilla Labs建立的大规模可扩展的开放可用性实验室的一部分。 Raskin说,Test Pilot不会一直记录数据,而只能提供足够的信息来回答研究人员提出的问题。 Raskin概述了该软件如何从用户端运行:

The first time the Test Pilot add-on is run, it will ask a few simple non-personally-identifiable questions to put you into a demographic bucket, e.g. technical level, locale, etc., and to let you opt in to additional anonymous instrumentation.

第一次运行Test Pilot附加组件时,它将询问一些简单的非个人可识别的问题,以使您进入人口统计领域,例如技术水平,区域设置等,并允许您选择其他匿名身份。仪器。

We’ll only collect aggregate anonymized data, publish all results under open-content licenses, and review every test to make sure your privacy is held sacred. Once in a while you may be asked to participate in a short survey based on your demographic. If you’ve opted into allowing additional anonymous instrumentation, an experiment may request some of that information for aggregated study.

我们只会收集匿名数据汇总,在开放内容许可下发布所有结果,并查看每项测试以确保您的隐私是神圣的。 有时您可能会被要求根据您的人口统计信息参加简短调查。 如果您选择允许使用其他匿名手段,则实验可能会要求提供某些信息以进行汇总研究。

Though it will begin with Firefox, eventually the plan is to have Test Pilot baked into every Mozilla Labs project. Mozilla plans to offer open access to test results, and will allow anyone to create research tests and run them once they pass review.

尽管将从Firefox开始,但最终计划是将Test Pilot引入每个Mozilla Labs项目。 Mozilla计划提供对测试结果的开放访问,并将允许任何人创建研究测试并在通过审查后运行它们。

Open source blogger Matt Asay thins that Test Pilot will offer a major competitive advantage to Mozilla. “If Mozilla can successfully gather input from nontechnical, average users, it will have secured the holy grail of computing: deep customer feedback,” he writes. “What will Mozilla do with that feedback? Why, conquer the world, of course.”

开源博客作者Matt Asay认为Test Pilot将为Mozilla提供主要的竞争优势 。 他写道:“如果Mozilla能够成功地从非技术性的普通用户那里收集信息,它将确保计算的圣杯:深入的客户反馈。” “ Mozilla将如何处理这些反馈? 为什么要征服世界。”

But we have a few of important questions about Test Pilot that Raskin’s blog post didn’t answer. First: when is it coming? Test pilot was actually announced back in March 2008, and at the time the first version was promised to ship within a “few weeks.” Clearly, that didn’t happen if it is still in the concept stage 10 months later. But the fact that Raskin is talking about it again seems to indicate that a release of Test Pilot is either near, or it is at the very least still under active development.

但是我们有一些有关Test Pilot的重要问题,而Raskin的博客文章没有回答。 第一:什么时候来? 测试飞行员实际上是在2008年3月宣布的 ,当时第一版有望在“几周内”发布。 显然,如果10个月后仍处于概念阶段,就不会发生这种情况。 但是Raskin再次谈论它的事实似乎表明,Test Pilot的发布要么临近,要么至少仍在积极开发中。

Second: How many people will actually use it? That’s a big if in terms of the usefulness of Test Pilot. Even if the platform is well built and succeeds at capturing meaningful feedback data, it won’t be worth anything if no one uses it. Can Mozilla really convince 1% of its massive install base to join their user feedback panel?

第二:实际上有多少人会使用它? 就测试飞行员的实用性而言,这是很大的。 即使该平台构建良好并成功捕获了有意义的反馈数据,但如果没有人使用它,它将一文不值。 Mozilla真的可以说服1%的庞大安装量加入他们的用户反馈面板吗?

Third: Will Test Pilot be made available to non-Mozilla developers? Because of the open source nature of Mozilla’s software, it seems like a safe bet that the Test Pilot platform will be open to other open source developers. But nothing specifically was mentioned about that in Raskin’s post.

第三:非Mozilla开发人员可以使用Test Pilot吗? 由于Mozilla的软件具有开源特性,因此可以肯定地说Test Pilot平台将对其他开源开发人员开放。 但是在拉斯金的帖子中没有特别提到。


