
tech2024-01-26  92

In general, 2008 was a very good year for tech companies in terms of building customer trust. In TRUSTe’s annual “Most Trusted Companies for Privacy” survey, the majority of tech companies improved over last year: eBay jumped six points to #2, Apple debuted in the top 10 at #8, Hewlett Packard jumped 10 points to hit #6, while IBM stayed firm at #3. Facebook and Yahoo! also cracked the top 20 most trusted for the first time, and even though Dell fell seven places, it still was among the most trusted companies. Even Microsoft improved over last year.

总体而言,就建立客户信任而言,2008年对于科技公司来说是非常好的一年。 在TRUSTe的年度“ 最受信任的隐私公司 ”调查中,大多数科技公司的业绩均比去年有所改善:eBay跃升6点至第二名,苹果在前十名中排名第八,Hewlett Packard跃升10点至第六名,而IBM则保持第三。 Facebook和Yahoo! 戴尔也首次跻身最受信任的20强,尽管戴尔跌了7位,但它仍然是最受信任的公司之一。 甚至微软也比去年有所改善。

So with most tech companies improving, or holding onto top spots, why did Google drop like a stone from #10 in 2007 to fall all the way out of the top 20 this year? It could be that consumers are becoming more aware of their personal privacy, and as Google grows and spreads its influence, users are become more concerned about just how much Google knows about them.

因此,随着大多数科技公司的进步或保持领先地位,为什么Google从2007年的第10名跌落下来,却跌落到今年的前20名之列? 可能是消费者越来越意识到自己的个人隐私,并且随着Google的发展和传播其影响力,用户越来越关注Google对他们的了解程度。

A couple of weeks ago blogger Allen Stern wrote a great and eye opening outline of how much Google might actually know about you. Taken all at once, Stern’s list can really be somewhat alarming, so it would not be surprising if consumers are starting to grow wary of the company.

几周前,博客作者艾伦·斯特恩(Allen Stern)写了一篇引人入胜的大纲,概述了Google可能实际上了解您多少 。 综上所述,斯特恩的名单确实有些令人震惊,因此,如果消费者开始对公司保持警惕,也就不足为奇了。

“Consumers feel they are losing control of personal information,” said TRUSTe in a press release. “Only 45 percent of consumers feel they have control over their personal information, down from 56 percent in 2006.”

“消费者感到他们失去了对个人信息的控制,” TRUSTe在新闻稿中说。 “只有45%的消费者认为他们可以控制自己的个人信息,低于2006年的56%。”

Despite some mishaps last year (such as the Beacon debacle), Facebook has actually gone to great lengths to improve the granular privacy controls on its site — though they could still do a better job of promoting them to users, in our opinion. As users become more concerned about their private information being mined by big web companies, they’ll likely put the most trust in the ones that can make them feel more secure by putting them in control of how that information is used.

尽管去年发生了一些不幸的事件(例如Beacon崩溃),但Facebook实际上已经尽了很大努力来改善其网站上的精细隐私控制-尽管我们认为它们仍可以做得更好,以将其推广给用户。 随着用户越来越担心大型网络公司会挖掘其私人信息,他们可能会最信任那些可以通过控制信息使用方式使他们感到更加安全的信息。

So we’d like to ask you, which of the following big web tech companies that appear on the list do you trust the most? Please vote in our poll and leave your thoughts in the comments below.

因此,我们想问您,您最信任列表中的以下哪些大型网络技术公司? 请在我们的民意调查中投票,并在下面的评论中留下您的想法。

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[投票ID =“ 12”]

翻译自: https://www.sitepoint.com/poll-who-do-you-trust-more-google-or-facebook/
