
tech2024-01-26  81


Twitblogs is an interesting startup currently in alpha that is designed for “long winded” Twitter life streamers like myself. It allows any Twitter user to tweet as usual, or to use Twitter for microblogging, complete with images, sounds, videos, and rich text. This will eventually allow for a deeper and more diverse experience for those who opt to dig into it. Essentially the service provides a “back story” for any Twitter tweet.

Twitblogs是一个有趣的新兴公司,目前处于alpha版本,旨在为像我这样的“漫长的” Twitter生活流媒体设计。 它允许任何Twitter用户照常进行鸣叫,或使用Twitter进行微博,包括图像,声音,视频和RTF。 最终,这将为那些选择深入研究的人们提供更深入,更多样化的体验。 本质上,该服务为任何Twitter推文提供了“背景故事”。

这个怎么运作 (How It Works)

The Twitblogs interface is clean and simple. Users are essentially looking at a three tab, top navigation interface with a sidebar reflection of their Twitter account. The top tabs reflect the functions it offers: Blog, Twitter, and Search respectively. In the screen shot below, these basic functions are seen with the other elements.

Twitblogs界面简洁明了。 用户实际上是在看三个选项卡的顶部导航界面,并在其边栏上反映了他们的Twitter帐户。 顶部的选项卡反映了它提供的功能:分别是Blog,Twitter和Search。 在下面的屏幕快照中,这些基本功能与其他元素一起可见。

写博客 (Blogging)

The blog interface is the heart of this little tweet enhancer. A simple text editor is provided, along with photo and image capability. To post a tweet with extras simply requires entering the standard 140 character tweet, inputting any URLs (which are then shortened), and then adding more text and other media as desired. The end result is an update on Twitter, with a link back to the full entry. The input interface and the resulting post are illustrated below.

博客界面是此小推特增强器的核心。 提供了一个简单的文本编辑器以及照片和图像功能。 要发布带有其他功能的推文,只需输入标准的140个字符的推文,输入任何URL(然后将其缩短),然后根据需要添加更多文本和其他媒体。 最终结果是Twitter上的更新,其中包含指向完整条目的链接。 输入界面和生成的帖子如下所示。

Input editor showing all aspects.


Tweets here work just as simply as they do on the Twitter site itself; perhaps even smoother. Without going into too much detail, it is obvious how useful and fun this tool will be for many. For those who feel frustrated with the limitations of just 140 characters, this is a happy compromise between a full blog post and a tiny tweet.

这里的推文就像在Twitter网站上一样简单。 也许更流畅。 无需过多讨论,很明显,此工具对于许多人来说将是多么有用和有趣。 对于那些对140个字符的限制感到沮丧的人来说,这是在完整的博客文章和微小的推文之间做出的一种妥协。

正在搜寻 (Searching)

Twitblogs offers a nice search function that can be quite effective for finding people or relevant tweets on Twitter. The ability to save those searches is a helpful addition. Below is a search result along with the save function that helped me find things related to a friend.

Twitblogs提供了一个不错的搜索功能,对于在Twitter上找到人或相关推文非常有效。 保存这些搜索的功能是很有帮助的。 以下是搜索结果以及保存功能,可帮助我找到与朋友相关的事物。

Finding stuff related to old Pete was easy.


其他方面 (Other Aspects)

According to the Twitblogs development team, within the next week or so, they intend to release several key features, among those are: Growl notification support, threaded conversation in the Twitter tab, auto refresh in search, version of shortened URLs, and other improvements.

根据Twitblogs开发团队的说法,他们打算在下一周左右的时间里发布一些关键功能,其中包括: 低吼通知支持,Twitter选项卡中的线程对话,搜索中的自动刷新,twitblo.gs版本的缩短URL,和其他改进。

结论 (Conclusion)

Twitblogs is co-founded by Roger Kondrat, Santosh Panda, and Sam Sethi. So far there are no strict roles for the founders, but Roger is head of Marketing and PR, Sam’s bio reads like business development, and Santosh’s akin to CTO. I suggested to Roger that Twitblogs would make one interesting tool in widget form, to which he agreed – suggesting I wait to see what’s next. Twitblogs right now is replete with a good number of bugs and glitches that make the experience rather, well, aggravating. These appear to be mainly Javascript issues, and the team assured me they are going to a more pure CSS format for many features.

Twitblogs由Roger Kondrat,Santosh Panda和Sam Sethi共同创立。 到目前为止,创始人没有严格的职责 ,但罗杰(Roger)是市场营销和公关部负责人,萨姆(Sam)的传记类似于业务发展,而桑托什(Santosh)则类似于CTO。 我建议罗杰(Roger)Twitblogs将以小部件形式制作一个有趣的工具,他对此表示同意-建议我等一下下一步。 现在,Twitblogs上充斥着大量的错误和故障,这些错误和故障使体验变得相当糟糕。 这些似乎主要是Javascript问题,并且团队向我保证,他们将为许多功能使用更纯净CSS格式。

Though only in very early development, Twitblogs has obvious potential. According to Roger, they already have relationships with Amazon and Sun Microsystems. From a blogger perspective it currently serves little purpose, but I see the finished tool as a communications platform in portable form. It makes sense as a widget, but one where the dialogue started on Twitter, can be used to engage a deeper dialogue and experience it quickly, easily and from anywhere. This is where I think the tool is headed, and it is actually just what Twitter needed in the first place.

尽管仅在非常早期的发展中,Twitblogs就有明显的潜力。 据Roger称,他们已经与Amazon和Sun Microsystems建立了关系。 从博主的角度来看,它目前没有什么用处,但我将完成的工具视为可移植形式的通信平台。 它作为一个小部件有意义,但是可以在Twitter上开始对话的小部件可以用来进行更深入的对话,并可以在任何地方快速,轻松地体验它。 我认为这是该工具的发展方向,而实际上这恰恰是Twitter所需要的。


