
tech2024-01-26  97

When you work for yourself, you may not have someone to cover for you when something happens in life that prevents you from meeting your commitments. And it’s inevitable that at some point, you will have to drop everything and deal with an unexpected situation. This happened to me this week, and it really made clear how important it is to have a plan in place for dealing with these unexpected happenings.

当您为自己工作时,当生活中发生某种阻碍您履行承诺的事情时,您可能没有人来为您提供服务。 不可避免的是,在某个时候,您将不得不放弃一切并应对意外情况。 这件事在本周发生在我身上,这确实表明,制定应对这些意外事件的计划是多么重要。

How you handle the challenge, pick up and move on is a very personal and individual process, but there are some things you can do to make it a little less stressful and more manageable.


Get Support


This is two-fold. First, you want to make sure you have someone – a subcontractor or a colleague – who can jump in and cover for you in times of emergency. Unfortunately, when crisis occurs in your life, the rest of the world keeps on moving. You will be so thankful to have someone who can pick up the slack on high-priority work items when things get difficult. Even if it’s just to monitor your voicemail and check e-mail periodically.

这是两方面的。 首先,您要确保您有某个人(分包商或同事)可以在紧急情况下为您提供帮助。 不幸的是,当生活中发生危机时,世界其他地方仍在继续前进。 如果有人遇到困难时可以接任高优先级工作项目,您将非常感激。 即使只是监视您的语音邮件并定期检查电子邮件。

Second, don’t underestimate the power of family and friends. Having a personal support network can really alleviate some of the pressure. It can be invaluable to have a family member take over some personal duties so you have time to wrap up work, or just there to help you manage the crisis.

其次,不要低估家人和朋友的力量。 建立个人支持网络可以真正缓解一些压力。 让家庭成员接管一些个人职责非常宝贵,这样您就有时间整理工作,或者只是在那里帮助您处理危机。

Create a Communication Process


Although work may be the last thing on your mind, your clients should be kept in the loop. Having one central process for communicating to your clients can make updating them quick and easy. It can be as simple as creating a list of addresses you can copy and paste into an e-mail message to let everyone know at one time what’s going on.

尽管工作可能是您最后要做的事情,但您的客户应该保持联系。 与客户进行沟通的中央流程可以使他们的更新变得容易快捷。 创建一个地址列表很简单,您可以将其复制并粘贴到电子邮件中,以使所有人一次都知道发生了什么。

Most people will be thankful for the information, understanding of the situation and willing to give you a little extra slack to get work done due to the circumstances. But the most important thing is to make sure they are kept informed, especially if you will be taking time off from work.

大多数人都会感谢您提供的信息,对情况的了解,并愿意给您一点额外的时间来完成因情况而定的工作。 但是最重​​要的是要确保他们保持了解情况,尤其是如果您要抽出时间休息时。

Make Priorities


In the case of an unexpected circumstance, you will have less time to get more accomplished. Now, you have all of your regular commitments, plus all of the new responsibilities that come with managing the situation. You will need to take a look at the priorities and focus on the most important things first, whether work related or not.

在意外情况下,您将有更少的时间来获得更大的成就。 现在,您拥有所有的常规承诺,以及应对情况的所有新职责。 您将需要查看优先级,并首先关注最重要的事情,无论工作是否相关。

Know Your Limits


As much as you may like to continue on as if nothing has changed, you may not be able to. You may be out of the office for a prolonged period of time, unable to work, or inaccessible by e-mail or phone. While you should certainly try to do as much as you can, recognize that you may have to say no to something in order to fulfill other needs. Your health and well being, and being available for family is just as important as your work commitments. Take the time you need.

您可能希望继续进行,就好像什么都没有改变一样,您可能无法做。 您可能会长时间不在办公室,无法工作或无法通过电子邮件或电话访问。 虽然您当然应该尽力而为,但要认识到您可能不得不对某些事情说不,以满足其他需求。 您的健康和福祉以及可供家人使用与您的工作承诺一样重要。 花点时间,你需要。

How do you manage it when unexpected things happen in your personal life and impact your ability to meet work commitments?


Image credit: Luca Cinacchio

图片来源: Luca Cinacchio

翻译自: https://www.sitepoint.com/managing-work-during-crisis/
