
tech2024-01-26  110


Usability testing is a good idea for any new web site. Increasing the usability of your web site is a good idea because it will increase visitor satisfaction, which in turn increases sales and user loyalty. On the business savings side, usability testing can also save you money in development, maintenance, and support costs. Unfortunately, traditional usability tests is pricey — it can cost up to tens of thousands of dollars to run a usability test.

对于任何新网站,可用性测试都是一个好主意。 提高网站的可用性是一个好主意,因为它可以提高访问者的满意度,从而提高销售量和用户忠诚度。 在业务节省方面,可用性测试还可以为您节省开发,维护和支持成本。 不幸的是,传统的可用性测试价格昂贵-运行一项可用性测试可能要花费数万美元。

But it doesn’t necessarily have to. Here are five ideas to get usability testing done on the cheap. The results might not be quite as good, but they won’t hurt your pocketbook nearly as much.

但这并不一定。 这里有五个想法可以让您廉价地进行可用性测试。 结果可能不尽如人意,但它们不会对您的钱包造成太大的伤害。

As always, if you have any other ideas or have experience with any of the ones we’ve listed, please let us know in the comments.


1. UserTesting.com (1. UserTesting.com)

UserTesting.com is a low cost way to get a look at what goes through the minds of average web users as they interact with your web page. For $19 $29 per user, you get a 10 20 minute video of a user talking their way through your page, as well as answers to a short, written questionnaire. There is a sample video available here.

UserTesting.com是一种查看普通Web用户在与您的网页进行交互时所想到的内容的低成本方法。 对于 $ 19 每位用户$ 29,您将获得 10 一段20分钟的视频,内容是用户在您的页面中讲话的方式,以及对简短书面问卷的回答。 有一个可用的一个视频在这里 。

We reviewed UserTesting.com in an August issue of the SitePoint Tribune.

我们在八月份的SitePoint论坛中对UserTesting.com进行了评论 。

2.反馈军和机械特克 (2. Feedback Army and Mechanical Turk)

Feedback Army is a new low-cost usability testing service that for $7 will provide answers from up to 10 people to a text-based survey about your web site. It isn’t quite as visual as UserTesting.com, and the quality of feedback might be suspect, but nonetheless could provide valuable information about how people view your web site. And it’s cheap enough that if the results are a waste of time, $7 shouldn’t put you out of business.

反馈军是一项新的低成本可用性测试服务,其价格为7美元,可提供多达10人的答案,用于基于文本的有关您网站的调查。 它不像UserTesting.com那样直观,反馈的质量可能令人怀疑,但是仍然可以提供有关人们如何查看您的网站的有价值的信息。 而且足够便宜,如果结果浪费时间,7美元也不会让您破产。

A similar result could likely be had via Amazon’s Mechanical Turk service.

通过亚马逊的Mechanical Turk服务可能会获得类似的结果。

3.银背和桑树 (3. Silverback and Morae)

Another option is to go the DIY route. Recruit some people at a local tech meetup (or a meetup dedicated to the topic your web site covers), or down at the local coffee shop to play with your site on video and give feedback. Silverback for Mac and Morae for Windows are two programs designed specifically for this type of guerilla user testing. They both simultaneously record what users are doing on screen, how they look while they’re interacting with your site (i.e., facial reaction), and what they’re saying while they do it. Morae also records and tracks things like screen clicks, when windows are resized, moved, or closed, and can prompt users to answer survey questions.

另一种选择是走DIY路线。 在本地技术聚会(或专门讨论您的网站所涵盖主题的聚会)上招募一些人,或者在本地咖啡店招募一些人,以在视频上播放您的站点并提供反馈。 适用于Mac的Silverback和适用于Windows的Morae是两个专门针对这种游击用户测试设计的程序。 他们俩都同时记录用户在屏幕上的操作,与您的网站进行交互时的外观(即面部React)以及在执行操作时的讲话。 当窗口调整大小,移动或关闭窗口时,Morae还会记录和跟踪屏幕单击之类的内容,并且可以提示用户回答调查问题。

A screencast creation program like Screenflow could potentially be used for this type of testing, as well.


4.论坛和朋友 (4. Forums and Friends)

Relying on your family and friends is a good way to get initial feedback on your new web site or site redesign. But for slightly more impartial feedback, it’s not a bad idea to turn to forums for critiques. New startups often post to Hacker News for advice and SitePoint’s Forums have for a long time had an active web site review area.

依靠家人和朋友是获得有关新网站或网站重新设计的初步反馈的好方法。 但是对于稍微公正一些的反馈,转向论坛进行批评并不是一个坏主意。 新创公司通常会向Hacker News发布以寻求建议,而SitePoint的论坛在很长一段时间内都有活跃的网站评论区域 。

5.实时反馈 (5. Live Feedback)

Finally, you can (and should!) always gather live feedback about how your visitors are actually interacting with your site. CrazyEgg and Click Density offer services that allow you to view visually via heatmap how users are actually using your site. Valuable usability information can be gleaned from these heatmaps, and they also allow you to do A/B testing to compare two design possibilities put into actual use.

最后,您可以(并且应该!)始终收集有关访问者实际上如何与您的网站进行交互的实时反馈。 CrazyEgg和Click Density提供的服务使您可以通过热图直观地查看用户实际使用您的网站的方式。 可以从这些热图中收集有价值的可用性信息,它们还使您可以进行A / B测试,以比较实际使用中的两种设计可能性。

For a more theoretical approach, try Feng-GUI or the ViewFinder addon for Firefox. Both offer artificial intelligence generated heatmaps for your web site that attempt to simulate where users will look when they first land on your page. Are they accurate? Hard to say, but certainly don’t rely solely on what they tell you.

对于更理论的方法,请尝试使用Feng-GUI或Firefox的ViewFinder插件 。 两者都为您的网站提供了人工智能生成的热图,这些热图试图模拟用户首次登陆页面时的外观。 他们准确吗? 很难说,但当然不能仅仅依靠他们告诉您的内容。

It’s a good idea to combine two or more of the above methods to make sure you get a complete picture of how you can improve your site’s usability. Also, remember that SitePoint offers a usability kit to teach you more about the ABCs of usability.

最好将上述两种或两种以上的方法结合使用,以确保您全面了解如何提高网站的可用性。 另外,请记住,SitePoint提供了一个可用性工具包,以教会您有关可用性ABC的更多信息。

翻译自: https://www.sitepoint.com/5-ways-to-get-usability-testing-on-the-cheap/

