
tech2024-01-27  118

This story appeared everywhere last week (and it was not an April Fool!) A study carried out at the University of Melbourne discovered that people using the web for personal surfing get more work done than those who do not. The study was carried out by Dr Brent Coker:

这个故事在上周到处都是(不是愚人节!) 在墨尔本大学进行的一项研究发现,使用网络进行个人冲浪的人比没有做这件事的人做得更多。 该研究由Brent Coker博士进行:

People who do surf the internet for fun at work – within a reasonable limit of less than 20% of their total time in the office – are more productive by about 9% than those who don’t.


Dr Coker states that most projects, such as writing a report, consist of mini-tasks e.g. gathering information, entering data, creating a graph, etc. Workers were shown to take small web-surfing “treats” between these mini-tasks. That enabled the mind to rest itself, leading to a higher total net concentration and increased productivity.

Coker博士指出,大多数项目,例如编写报告,都是由微型任务组成的,例如收集信息,输入数据,创建图表等。工作人员被证明在这些微型任务之间进行小型网上冲浪“治疗”。 这使思想得以自我休息,从而导致更高的总净专注度和生产率。

I’m sure this news was printed and put under the nose of bosses all round the world!


相关并不表示因果关系 (Correlation does not imply causation)

Details about this research have not yet been published, but I suspect the results are statistically flawed. It is certainly difficult to accurately measure productivity, but the following points should also be noted.

有关这项研究的细节尚未公布,但我怀疑结果在统计上是有缺陷的。 准确地衡量生产率当然是困难的,但还应注意以下几点。

1. Work breaks are not a new phenomenon The internet has not introduced slacking: there are any number of ways to take unauthorised breaks. Those without Internet access can indulge in cigarette smoking, extra-long toilet breaks, chatting by the water cooler, leisurely coffee making, day-dreaming, staring at the moderately attractive person in the next cubicle, wandering around the office with a file, or any other way to interrupt the tedium of their job.

1.休息不是一种新现象互联网并未引入松弛现象 :有许多方法可以进行未经授权的休息。 那些无法访问互联网的人可以沉迷于抽烟,超长的上厕所时间,在饮水机旁聊天,悠闲地煮咖啡,做白日梦,盯着隔壁小房间中有魅力的人,在办公室里闲逛,拿着文件或任何其他打断他们工作乏味的方式。

2. The web improves technical ability Using the web helps technical literacy. Even if someone just learns to use their browser more effectively, it will ultimately help them become more productive.

2.网络提高了技术能力使用网络有助于提高技术素养。 即使有人只是学会更有效地使用他们的浏览器,它最终也将帮助他们提高工作效率。

Workers who do not surf the web are more likely to be IT novices or have little interest in computing. It may not be surprising this group achieves less in their working day.

不上网的工作人员更可能是IT新手,或者对计算没有兴趣。 这个小组在工作中取得的成就可能不足为奇。

3. The detrimental effects of blocking the internet The study compared the productivity of workers with restricted and unrestricted net access. Those with restricted access may not be able to:

3.阻止互联网的有害影响该研究将网络访问受到限制和不受限制的工人的生产率进行了比较。 那些访问受限的人可能无法:

access genuinely useful work-related resources

访问真正有用的与工作相关的资源 perform personal tasks such as banking or shopping – they may need to leave work earlier to carry out those duties, or

执行诸如银行或购物之类的个人任务-他们可能需要提早下班以履行这些职责,或者 satisfy their web cravings (the study reported that 14% of workers showed signs of Internet addiction).


Perhaps the biggest issue is trust. Companies that heavily monitor or restrict internet usage and other activities display an inherent mistrust of their staff. Could that be a significant contributing factor to lower productivity?

也许最大的问题是信任。 严格监控或限制互联网使用及其他活动的公司表现出对员工的内在不信任。 这可能是导致生产率降低的重要因素吗?

Stating that Facebook and Twitter users are better workers is far too simplistic. Unrestricted internet access can be a privilege and companies have a right to check that it is not abused. However, ensuring workers achieve their goals is possibly handled better by agreed targets and line manager observation than draconian technology filters.

声称Facebook和Twitter用户是更好的工作人员,这太简单了。 不受限制地访问互联网是一种特权,公司有权检查它是否被滥用。 但是,通过商定的目标和生产线经理的观察可能比采用严格的技术过滤器更好地确保工人实现目标。

Has Facebook made you work harder? Are you serious?!

Facebook使您更加努力了吗? 你是认真的吗?!

Is the Internet restricted or monitored at your workplace? Does that help or hinder productivity?

您的工作场所是否限制或监视Internet? 这是否有助于或阻碍生产力?

翻译自: https://www.sitepoint.com/web-users-are-not-more-productive/
