精明贝塔 视频

tech2024-01-27  93

精明贝塔 视频

You’ve been looking at a computer screen all day. You’re all alone in the house, you have deadlines piling up, and you’re starting to feel stir crazy. If this sounds like you, then congratulations, you’re a typical freelancer or telecommuter.

您整天都在看电脑屏幕。 你们一个人在房子里,有最后期限,而且开始感到疯狂。 如果听起来像您,那么恭喜您,您是典型的自由职业者或通勤者。

Because working from home means that your work and personal living spaces are right on top of one another, telecommuters and freelancers typically face unique challenges. As SitePoint’s only full-time telecommuting employee, I know that it’s easy to start feeling a little nuts while working from home, so here are 12 tips to help you stay sane. Let us know any others that you might have in the comments below.

因为在家工作意味着您的工作和个人生活空间是相互重叠的,所以通勤者和自由职业者通常会面临独特的挑战。 作为SitePoint唯一的全职远程办公员工,我知道在家里工作时很容易会有点发疯,所以这里有12条提示可以帮助您保持理智。 让我们知道您可能在下面的评论中遇到的其他问题。

Clearly define your work space. – Working from home means that your work space and living space are often one in the same. It’s important that you keep them separate as much as possible, though. If you work while sitting in your bed, for example, you’ll constantly feel like you’re at work during your down time, and that will just create unnecessary stress when you’re trying to relax.

清楚地定义您的工作空间。 –在家工作意味着您的工作空间和生活空间通常是相同的。 不过,务必将它们尽可能地分开。 例如,如果您坐在床上工作,您会不断感觉自己在休息期间处于工作状态,而这在您尝试放松时只会造成不必要的压力。

Take a walk. – There’s really nothing like some fresh air to clear your head. Often times, when I’m starting to feel a little claustrophobic, creatively blocked, or just a little burned out, I’ll go outside and take a short walk. Twenty minutes of fresh air is an amazing way to recharge myself for the rest of the day.

散步。 –真的没有什么新鲜空气可以清除您的头了。 很多时候,当我开始感到有点幽闭恐惧症,创造性地被阻拦或者只是有些疲倦时,我会去外面走几步。 二十分钟的新鲜空气是一天余下时间恢复自我的绝佳方式。

Take a nap. – Because working from home means your office is in your house, it becomes really easy to lose track of time and just work straight through the day. Or late into the night. Homeworkers very often keep strange hours, and as a result, I find myself getting tired at odd times. A quick 15 minute nap is a good way to charge back up for another few hours of working.

打盹儿。 –因为在家办公意味着您的办公室就在家里,所以很容易浪费时间,只需要整天工作。 或深夜。 家庭作业人员常常会打发奇怪的时间,结果,我发现自己在奇怪的时间变得疲倦。 快速午睡15分钟是恢复充电后再工作几个小时的好方法。

Have lunch with a friend. – It’s great to get out of the house, but it’s also a good idea to socialize with real people. I’m able to have lunch a couple of times per week with my girlfriend, which is a really nice break during the day and helps keep me from feeling too overworked. The human-to-human interaction that you miss from working with people in an office is important to replicate as much as possible.

和朋友一起吃午饭。 –离开家很高兴,但与真实的人进行社交也是一个好主意。 我每周可以和女友共进几次午餐,这在白天真是个不错的休息时间,可以帮助我避免过度劳累。 与办公室里的人打交道时,您会错过人与人之间的互动,这对于尽可能多地复制很重要。

Join a local user group. – Another way to recreate that human interaction is by joining a local user group. Meeting up with a local group serves three purposes: 1. you can do valuable professional networking, 2. you can learn from your peers, and 3. you get the face-to-face interaction with like-minded professionals that is vital to staying sane for homeworkers.

加入本地用户组。 –重新创建人机交互的另一种方法是加入本地用户组。 与本地团队会面有以下三个目的:1.您可以建立有价值的专业网络; 2.您可以向同龄人学习;以及3.与志同道合的专业人员进行面对面的互动,这对于留下来至关重要家庭作业者理智。

Engage with a community online. – User groups generally only meet one or two times per month, so in the intervening times, it’s a great idea to find professional camaraderie online by joining a web community that revolves around your industry. For web developers, we’re partial to SitePoint’s Forums, of course.

在线参与社区活动。 –用户组通常每月只开会一两次,因此在此期间,最好加入一个围绕您行业的网络社区,在线找到专业的友情。 对于Web开发人员,我们当然是SitePoint的论坛的一部分。

Use Twitter. – Among all the things Twitter can be, one of the best uses I’ve found is as the online equivalent of the watercooler. Workers both at home and at offices can connect around common causes and have quick impromptu conversations about any topic under the sun. The occasional tweet during the day can definitely help you feel more connected to the web working community at large.

使用Twitter。 –在Twitter可以实现的所有事情中,我发现最好的用途之一就是在线使用水冷却器。 在家中和办公室的工作人员都可以围绕常见原因进行联系,并可以就有关阳光下的任何话题进行即兴对话。 白天偶尔发送的推文绝对可以帮助您与整个Web工作社区建立更紧密的联系。

Subscribe to a trade magazine. – There are two reasons to subscribe to a trade magazine. First, you’ll learn about what’s new in your industry and feel more involved with it. And second, a tangible printed magazine will force you off the computer once in awhile, which is very important for keeping your wits about you. Trust me.

订阅贸易杂志。 –订阅商业杂志有两个原因。 首先,您将了解行业中的新事物,并感到更多地参与其中。 其次,有形的印刷杂志会不时地迫使您离开计算机,这对于保持您的机智非常重要。 相信我。

Keep work and personal contact info separate. – Just like you keep your work and living spaces separate, when working from home you need to keep your contact info separate as well. Get a separate phone number, email address, and separate instant messenger accounts for work. That way, when the work day is done, you can more easily shut out the work-related stuff and focus on your life outside of your job. Doing that will be a lot harder when clients are calling your personal phone line or sending you messages on the IM account you use to chat with friends.

将工作和个人联系信息分开。 –就像您将工作和生活空间分开一样,在家工作时,也需要将联系信息分开。 获取单独的电话号码,电子邮件地址和单独的即时通讯程序帐户以进行工作。 这样,在完成工作日后,您可以更轻松地关闭与工作相关的内容,并专注于工作以外的生活。 当客户拨打您的个人电话线或在您用于与朋友聊天的IM帐户上向您发送消息时,这样做将变得更加困难。

Get a cat (or a dog). – Having a pet around the house is an awesome way to keep sane during a long work day. Nothing melts away work-day stress like playing with my cat for a few minutes. Having a dog can also help to ensure that you take those walks during the day, as well.

养猫(或狗)。 –在房子周围养宠物是在漫长的一天中保持理智的好方法。 没有什么比和猫一起玩几分钟能消除工作日压力的了。 养狗也可以帮助确保您在白天散步。

Take regular breaks. – As we noted, when your office is in your house, it becomes really easy to lose track of time and just work straight through the day. For a lot of people, taking a break from work while at home feels like goofing off because you’re in the same space in which you relax and unwind after work. Anyone who has worked in an office, however, knows that hardly anyone works the entire day — people get up and get coffee, they play Guitar Hero in the break room, they chat around the copy machine, etc. Working from home doesn’t offer those social opportunities, so it becomes very important that you take regular breaks during the day.

请定期休息。 –正如我们指出的,当您的办公室在您的房子里时,很容易迷失时间,只需要整天工作。 对于很多人来说,在家休息下班感觉就像在闲逛,因为您在下班后放松身心的同一个空间。 但是,任何在办公室工作的人都知道几乎没有人整天工作—人们起床喝咖啡,在休息室里弹吉他英雄,在复印机旁聊天等等。在家工作不会提供这些社交机会,因此您白天要定时休息变得非常重要。

Schedule time off. – A series of 15 minute breaks throughout the work day do not a vacation make. It’s just as important for your mental health that you take some time off. Unplug the laptop, turn off the phone, get out of the house, and don’t think about work for a week. Try to do that at least once a year.

安排休息时间。 –在整个工作日中,连续15分钟的休息不是休假。 休息一段时间对您的心理健康同样重要。 拔下笔记本电脑的电源,关闭电话,走出家门,再考虑一周的工作时间。 尝试至少一年一次。

翻译自: https://www.sitepoint.com/12-ways-to-keep-sane-while-working-from-home/

精明贝塔 视频
