
tech2024-01-27  94


In my post, “Warning: 6 Signs You Are About To Hire A Bad Designer Or Developer,” one of my warning signs was that the designer or developer did not have examples of past work. While I understand how it might be difficult for a back-end developer to visually display their work (although it is possible to provide some kind of example of what you can do), a web designer should not have this problem.

在我的文章“ 警告:您即将雇用一名不良设计师或开发人员的6个迹象 ”中,我的警告信号之一是设计师或开发人员没有以前工作的例子。 尽管我了解后端开发人员可能很难直观地显示其工作(尽管可以提供一些示例,说明您可以做的事),但Web设计人员不应遇到此问题。

I am always surprised to find a web designer who does not have some sort of portfolio. Not having a portfolio is a major disadvantage when an anonymous potential client is trying to compare your work to others in order to determine who to hire.

我总是惊讶地发现没有某种投资组合的网页设计师。 当匿名潜在客户试图将您的工作与其他人进行比较以确定谁雇用时,没有投资组合是一个主要的缺点。

Why don’t you have a portfolio?


For one thing, the designer may have only designed corporate websites or worked on private projects and may not have access or permission to display the sites or pieces of the sites that they designed.


Second, the web designer may just be starting out on their own. Perhaps they were in school and did not have any real world experience that they could show online.

其次,网页设计师可能只是自己开始。 也许他们在学校里,没有网上可以显示的任何现实世界的经验。

Lastly, I suppose a designer who is not actively looking for work would think it’s not necessary to have a portfolio. Although in this case, I can certainly make an argument why it will save you time and work later to maintain a portfolio as you go anyway, as you never know when your situation might change.

最后,我假设没有积极寻找工作的设计师会认为没有必要投资组合。 尽管在这种情况下,我当然可以提出一个论点,为什么它可以节省您的时间并在以后继续进行工作以维护投资组合,因为您永远不知道情况何时会改变。

If you fit into one of these categories, it makes sense that you may not have a portfolio. However, a potential client searching for a designer is not thinking about why you don’t have a portfolio. They just know that you do not. If you are looking for work, it may be worth your time and effort to beef up your portfolio by taking on some charitable work, customizing the design of your blog, or creating some other tool you can use to show what you can do.

如果您属于这些类别之一,则可能没有投资组合是有意义的。 但是,潜在的寻找设计师的客户并没有考虑为什么您没有投资组合。 他们只是知道您不知道。 如果您正在寻找工作,那么通过从事一些慈善工作,自定义博客的设计或创建其他可用来展示您的工作的工具,可能值得您花费时间和精力来增强您的投资组合。

Can I see some samples of your work?


Many times, your portfolio (and your website) is your first chance to impress a prospective client. And clients are looking for some very specific things. Here are three necessities your portfolio should include:

很多时候,您的投资组合(和您的网站)是打动潜在客户的第一机会。 客户正在寻找一些非常具体的东西。 您的投资组合应包括以下三种必需品:

Samples of Work: It may be obvious, but keep in mind you don’t have to limit yourself to complete and active websites. Samples can take many forms — links, screenshots, interactive tours, even videos.

工作样本:这可能很明显,但是请记住,您不必限制自己完成和活跃的网站。 样本可以采用多种形式-链接,屏幕截图,互动游览,甚至是视频。

Summary: Along with giving a visual idea of what you did, provide a summary explaining your role in the project.


Contact Information: Make sure you include a way for potential clients to contact you with questions or for more information.


Another way to give the client more information about what you can do is by creating a case study, which is simply just a more in-depth look at the project. This is a great idea if you have one or two projects you are particularly proud of and think offer potential clients useful information.

向客户提供有关您可以做什么的更多信息的另一种方法是创建案例研究,这只是对项目进行更深入的了解。 如果您对一个或两个项目感到特别自豪,并认为可以为潜在客户提供有用的信息,这是一个好主意。

If you are very experienced, keep in mind that your portfolio doesn’t have to include everything you’ve done. It’s meant to be an overview highlighting your best, most creative and unique projects. Check out these articles for some great portfolio development tips:

如果您很有经验,请记住,您的投资组合不必包括您已经做的所有事情。 旨在概述您的最佳,最具创意和独特的项目。 查阅以下文章,了解一些出色的投资组合开发技巧:

Creating A Successful Online Portfolio, by Sean Hodge for Smashing Magazine

创建成功的在线投资组合 ,Sean Hodge,为《 Smashing Magazine》

How to Make Your Portfolio Work for You, by Angela Ferraro-Fanning for Freelance Switch

如何使您的投资组合为您服务 ,作者兼自由撰稿人安吉拉·费拉罗(Angela Ferraro-Fanning)

12 Steps to a Super Graphic Design Portfolio on YouTheDesigner


Image credit: Craig Jacobs

图片来源: Craig Jacobs

翻译自: https://www.sitepoint.com/designer-needed-portfolio-required/

