
tech2024-01-27  101


Internet Explorer 7’s release in October 2006 caught many by surprise: Microsoft had made a concerted effort to follow web standards. The browser may not have been as advanced as Firefox or Opera, but it was heading in the right direction. Unfortunately, it broke thousands of web sites and systems.

Internet Explorer 7于2006年10月发布,使很多人感到惊讶:Microsoft齐心协力遵循Web标准。 该浏览器可能不如Firefox或Opera那样先进,但方向正确。 不幸的是,它破坏了数千个网站和系统。

Arguably, the faults were the responsibility of the web developers and their systems continued to use non-standard code. Unfortunately, many of those systems had been specifically designed for IE6 – flaws and all – and worked faultlessly for many years. Microsoft was caught in the crossfire and the move away from IE6 has been sedate at best.

可以说,这些错误是Web开发人员的责任,他们的系统继续使用非标准代码。 不幸的是,这些系统中有许多是专门为IE6设计的(包括缺陷和全部),并且多年来一直无故障运行。 微软陷入了交火之中,离开IE6的举动充其量不过是定论。

In January 2008, Microsoft announced their solution to the site-breaking problem on A List Apart. IE8 would offer two rendering modes:

2008年1月, Microsoft在A List Apart上宣布了解决站点中断问题的解决方案 。 IE8将提供两种渲染模式:

by default, every site on the web would be displayed using IE7’s layout engine


if you used web standards – and really meant it – you could add a meta tag that forced IE8 to render the page…

如果您使用的是网络标准- 确实如此 -您可以添加一个强制IE8呈现页面的元标记…

<meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=8" />

<meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=8" />

The clear benefit was that every site that worked in IE7 would continue to work faultlessly. Even when IE57 is released, the web page you create today would fall back to the rendering engine it was originally tested on.

明显的好处是,在IE7中工作的每个站点都将继续正常运行。 即使发布了IE57,您今天创建的网页也会退回到最初经过测试的渲染引擎。

The standards community was in uproar:


Adopting web standards should help a website become device-independent and future-proofed.

采用网络标准应有助于网站变得独立于设备并面向未来。 A browser should render a page to the best of its ability – not resort to a previous version of itself.

浏览器应尽其所能呈现页面-不得诉诸于自身的先前版本。 What was the long-term future of this proposal? Would developers need to list every compatible browser and version?

该提议的长期未来是什么? 开发人员是否需要列出每个兼容的浏览器和版本? Why did we need to update every standards-compliant page so it opted-in to opt-out of browser-specific targeting?


Microsoft listened and on 3 March 2008 announced they would abandon the plan. Everyone cheered.

微软听了,于2008年3月3日宣布将放弃该计划 。 大家欢呼雀跃。

Despite this minor victory, the story does not end here. A recent Microsoft blog article describes Compatibility View Improvements to come in IE8:

尽管取得了这一小小的胜利,但故事并没有就此结束。 Microsoft的最新博客文章描述了IE8中的兼容性视图改进 :

When a user has a problem with a website in IE8, they can click the “Compatibility View” button to revert to IE7 rendering.

当用户对IE8中的网站有疑问时,他们可以单击“兼容性视图”按钮以还原为IE7呈现。 The URL is sent to Microsoft who compile a list of IE8-incompatible websites.

该URL发送给Microsoft,后者会编译IE8不兼容的网站列表。 This list is sent to IE8 users so the site can automatically switch to IE7-mode for everyone.


If your website is fixed or is accidentally added to the list, you can add a meta tag to disable compatibility mode!


Whilst this may not be as bad as Microsoft’s original proposal, the most practical solution is to add the meta tag to ensure your site can never be added to compatibility-mode blacklist. We are back where we started!

尽管这可能不像Microsoft最初的建议那样糟糕,但最实用的解决方案是添加meta标签,以确保您的网站永远不会被添加到兼容模式黑名单中。 我们回到了开始的地方!

Is Microsoft’s proposal reasonable? Will this affect your sites for the better or worse?

微软的建议合理吗? 这会影响您的网站变得更好还是更坏?

翻译自: https://www.sitepoint.com/ie8-standards-mode-opt-in/

