
tech2024-01-28  84

One of the most interesting beta startups of 2007 was Streamy. This social news sharing and streaming site, touted as the ever-elusive “Digg Killer”, was not designed to compete in that space at all. Instead Streamy was (and is) a unique and useful way to get and share news from around the world via live streams. Today, the startup emerges from private beta testing as a refined stream reader for everything from Twitter and Facebook services to blogs and other media online outlets.

Streamy是2007年最有趣的Beta创业公司之一。 这个社交新闻共享和流媒体站点被吹捧为难以捉摸的“ Digg Killer”,根本不是为了在该领域竞争而设计的。 相反,Streamy曾经是(并且过去是)通过实时流获取和共享来自世界各地的新闻的独特且有用的方式。 如今,这家初创公司从私人Beta版测试中脱颖而出,成为完善的流阅读器,适用于从Twitter和Facebook服务到博客和其他媒体在线商店的所有内容。

然后流 (Streamy Then)

Michael Arrington, Pete Cashmore and I beta tested Streamy over the same weekend back in July, 2007. Even then, the slick interface and conglomerated Web 2.0 tools did not help reveal how the service should be classified. Arrington described it as a social network about news, while Cashmore called it “an Ajax based Digg rival”. I simply thought of it as a news networking service, which is as good classification as any, as this is what it was then and is now. Streamy has a lot of tools, and a look that can make finding and sharing news easier and more fun for users.

迈克尔·阿灵顿(Michael Arrington),皮特·卡什莫尔(Pete Cashmore)和我在2007年7月的同一周末对Streamy进行了测试。即使如此,光滑的界面和综合的Web 2.0工具也无法帮助揭示应如何分类服务。 Arrington 将其描述为一个有关新闻的社交网络,而Cashmore 则将其称为 “基于Ajax的Digg竞争对手”。 我只是将其视为新闻网络服务,它具有任何分类的良好分类,因为这是过去和现在的样子。 Streamy有很多工具,其外观可以使用户查找和共享新闻变得更加轻松有趣。

Fig. 1.1 Streamy interface before column add


Fig. 1.2 Streamy after adding one column


现在流 (Streamy Now)

Users of the Streamy service can create profiles, join groups, read and share news, chat, message and a host of other standard social features, but there is more to the service than that. On the face of it, Streamy does look like a very cool Ajax bookmarking or aggregation site with some feeds added, but underneath the service allows for some advanced organizational and convenience aspects. In the screenshots below, I will show some of the utility of Streamy, but here is a short list of features many users will enjoy.

Streamy服务的用户可以创建个人资料,加入群组,阅读和共享新闻,聊天,消息以及许多其他标准社交功能,但是该服务的功能还不止这些。 从表面上看,Streamy确实看起来像是一个非常酷的Ajax书签或聚合站点,其中添加了一些提要,但是该服务的下方允许进行一些高级的组织和便利性方面的工作。 在下面的屏幕截图中,我将展示Streamy的一些实用程序,但这是许多用户喜欢的功能的简短列表。

Integration – Read streams from any service, and bridge them with drag and drop, chat, and

集成 –读取任何服务中的流,并通过拖放,聊天和

cross-platform status updates. Steamy’s synchronization connects users easily via Facebook Connect, Google, Windows Live, Twitter or FriendFeed.

跨平台状态更新。 Steamy的同步通过Facebook Connect,Google,Windows Live,Twitter或FriendFeed轻松连接用户。

Real time support and posting to – Twitter, Facebook, Digg, Flickr and FriendFeed

实时支持并发布到 – Twitter,Facebook,Digg,Flickr和FriendFeed

Recommendations and notifications – Streamy provides recommended news, notification and overviews of other services.

建议和通知 – Streamy提供建议的新闻,通知和其他服务的概述。

Blogs – feed reader style interface for managing and reading blogs or other news sources.

博客 –提要阅读器样式的界面,用于管理和阅读博客或其他新闻来源。

People – Activities and profiles including following and groups. Friends from Twitter and other services are effectively part of your Streamy community as well.

人员 –活动和个人资料,包括关注者和群组。 来自Twitter和其他服务的朋友实际上也是您Streamy社区的一部分。

Drag and Drop chat interface – Not only can users drag and drop modules, they can drag relevant stories into the communication interface for discussion.

拖放聊天界面 –用户不仅可以拖放模块,还可以将相关故事拖放到通信界面中进行讨论。

Personalized news services – Streamy’s best feature is allowing users to import news from virtually any source including RSS subscriptions from Google Reader and Bloglines. (and SitePoint of course)

个性化新闻服务 – Streamy的最佳功能是允许用户从几乎任何来源(包括来自Google Reader和Bloglines的RSS订阅)导入新闻。 (当然还有SitePoint)

Advanced Sharing – User share with friends at Facebook, other supported services or at streamy by simply dragging and dropping to the appropriate icon. Along with posting to Twitter and the others, this tool makes managing all the networks simultaneously super fast and simple – it solves a big point of pain.

高级共享 –只需将鼠标拖放到适当的图标上,即可与Facebook,其他支持服务或流媒体上的朋友共享用户。 除了发布到Twitter和其他站点之外,此工具还使超快速和简单地同时管理所有网络变得很麻烦-它解决了很多麻烦。

What many people will find most useful, is the way they can organize and view their daily news. By adding columns, customizing particular fields, and spatially organizing the way the Streamy page looks, a user can effectively watch all his/her services and news simultaneously.

许多人会发现最有用的是他们组织和查看每日新闻的方式。 通过添加列,自定义特定字段并在空间上组织Streamy页面的外观,用户可以有效地同时观看其所有服务和新闻。

Fig. 1.3 Showing SitePoint single blog view


流的明天 (Streamy’s Tomorrow)

Some of the original Streamy features, though not dated, are not as cutting edge as they were in 2007. Also, getting people to switch their landing page (which Streamy would be great for), or even their news reading habits, may prove problematic. Other than the timing issues, and aside some glitches I found testing today, there is not a lot wrong with this development. Donald Mosites (CEO), Jonathan Gray, and their team created a way of viewing, sharing an organizing news that is quite unlike any other service I know of. Streamy has a lot of potential, and the old saying, “just add people” really applies to this nice development.

一些原始的Streamy功能虽然没有过时,但没有像2007年那样先进。而且,促使人们切换其着陆页(Streamy非常适合)或什至是他们的新闻阅读习惯,可能被证明是有问题的。 除了时序问题之外,除了我今天发现要进行测试的一些故障外,这种开发没有很多错误。 Donald Mosites(首席执行官),Jonathan Gray及其团队创建了一种查看方式,可以共享有组织的新闻,这与我所知的任何其他服务都完全不同。 Streamy具有很大的潜力,而俗话说“随便增加人”确实适用于这种不错的发展。

Fig. 1.4 Showing drag and drop options


有关Streamy的更多信息 (More About Streamy)

Streamy is a Manhattan Beach, California based startup founded by Donald Mosites and Jonathan Gray. The development is built using Erlang, a real time, concurrent programming language and environment developed by Ericsson for telecommunications switching equipment. The Streamy team is also heavily involved in the HBase and Hadoop open-source projects. Donald and Jonathan have also built their own RSS feed crawler which already processed over 100 million items thus far. Beta testers at Streamy have already added over 25,000 RSS feeds for the community.

Streamy是由Donald Mosites和Jonathan Gray创立的加利福尼亚曼哈顿海滩创业公司。 开发使用Erlang构建,Erlang是爱立信为电信交换设备开发的实时并发编程语言和环境。 Streamy团队还大量参与了HBase和Hadoop开源项目。 唐纳德(Donald)和乔纳森(Jonathan)还建立了自己的RSS feed搜寻器,到目前为止,该搜寻器已经处理了超过1亿个项目。 Streamy的Beta测试人员已经为社区添加了25,000多个RSS feed。

Fig. 1.5 Showing Twitter only view


