
tech2024-01-28  82


Writing good website content is hard. Unfortunately, many senior business owners consider content writing as an afterthought. Few people actually write content and even fewer can do it well.

写好的网站内容很难。 不幸的是,许多高级企业主认为内容写作是事后的想法。 实际上很少有人写内容,甚至很少人能写得很好。

In an ideal world, content would be written before any website was designed, coded, or tested. How can you create a design concept without any idea about the quantity of text or the number of navigation items? However, content is rarely considered as a top priority and it is often the last piece of the website puzzle.

在理想的世界中,将在设计,编码或测试任何网站之前编写内容。 如何在不知道文本数量或导航项目数量的情况下创建设计概念? 但是,内容很少被视为头等大事,它通常是网站难题的最后一部分。

This leads to one of the most frustrating aspects of freelance web design: sites can be delayed by many weeks, if not months, waiting for clients to provide their documentation. The project delay is understandable: clients are running their business and can not give content the thought it deserves. They are starting with a blank sheet and may not appreciate the need for keyword analysis, search engine optimization, and concise writing.

这导致了自由网页设计最令人沮丧的方面之一:网站可能会延迟数周(甚至数月),以等待客户提供文档。 项目延误是可以理解的:客户正在经营自己的业务,无法提供应有的想法。 他们从一张白纸开始,可能不了解对关键字分析,搜索引擎优化和简明扼要的需求。

Given that content hold-ups can affect delivery schedules, payment, and other projects, it is surprising to discover that few web development agencies offer content writing services. It is much easier for a client to review and amend existing text than write it from scratch.

考虑到内容滞留会影响交付时间表,付款和其他项目,令人惊讶的是,几乎没有Web开发机构提供内容编写服务。 与从头开始编写相比,对于客户而言,审查和修改现有文本要容易得多。

I suspect many agencies do not offer the service because:


They are designers or coders rather than writers.

他们是设计师或编码员,而不是作家。 Writing takes time and often requires a significant amount of research.

写作需要时间,并且经常需要大量的研究。 There is a fear of misunderstanding the client’s industry or using incorrect terminology.


These problems are easily overcome – and the service is chargeable. Your contract just needs to stipulate that the website will not go live until the the client signs an agreement to say they have verified the text and it has been completed to their satisfaction.

这些问题很容易克服-服务是收费的。 您的合同只需要规定,直到客户签署协议说他们已经验证了文本并且已经完成其满意为止,该网站才能上线。

Content writing services can make your agency stand out from the crowd. That is likely to become increasingly important during the economic downturn.

内容写作服务可以使您的代理机构脱颖而出。 在经济衰退期间,这一点可能变得越来越重要。

Have content delays affected your schedule? Do you – or will you – provide content writing services?

内容延迟是否影响了您的日程安排? 您是否(或将要)提供内容编写服务?


