
tech2024-01-28  88

The App Store for Apple’s iPhone and iPod Touch devices that launched in July today has over 10,000 applications. Any way you look at it, the App Store has been a resounding success for Apple. The company was doing a million dollars per day in sales over the first thirty days — about a third of which it kept — and some analysts have predicted that the App Store will be a billion dollar business for Apple by next year. Indeed, Google, RIM, and Microsoft have each emulated Apple’s distribution method with their own application download stores for mobile and desktop platforms.

今天7月推出的Apple iPhone和iPod Touch设备的App Store拥有10,000多个应用程序 。 从任何角度看,App Store都是Apple取得的巨大成功。 该公司在前30天每天的销售额为一百万美元 ,其中约有三分之一仍在保留。一些分析家预测,到明年,App Store 对苹果的业务将达到十亿美元 。 确实,Google,RIM和Microsoft都通过自己的移动和桌面平台应用程序下载商店来模仿Apple的分发方法。

The willingness of users to pay for applications released on the App Store has made the iPhone an attractive development platform for programmers. We wrote in August that many developers are now making a living selling applications, especially if they can keep their costs of living down. The Inside iPhone blog reported last week that full-time contract developers are making $5,000 per week writing applications for the iPhone — that’s a quarter million dollars per year.

用户愿意为在App Store上发布的应用程序付费的意愿使iPhone成为了吸引程序员的有吸引力的开发平台。 我们在8月写道 ,许多开发人员现在靠出售应用程序为生,尤其是如果他们可以降低生活成本的话。 Inside iPhone博客上周报道 ,专职合同开发人员每周为iPhone编写应用程序可赚5,000美元,即每年25万美元。

But how many of those iPhone applications are worth your time? With so many vying for attention, how does one sort out the fluff from the worthwhile apps?

但是,这些iPhone应用程序中有多少值得您花时间? 在如此多的争夺中,如何从有价值的应用程序中脱颖而出?

The comparison with the Facebook platform is unavoidable. Though there are clearly many differences (iPhone developers can charge for apps, for example, and iPhone users, since they paid for the phone and monthly service, are likely more willing on the whole to pay for apps), there are also similarities, so the comparison is warranted. Even though the iPhone’s platform has just about a fifth of the total number of applications on the Facebook platform, now up over 48,000 apps, we started to see reports of application fatigue on Facebook last January when the platform had just 15,000 apps.

与Facebook平台的比较是不可避免的。 尽管显然存在很多差异(例如,iPhone开发人员可以为应用程序付费,并且iPhone用户由于他们为电话和月租服务付费,所以总体上他们更愿意为应用程序付费),但也存在相似之处,因此比较是必要的。 尽管iPhone平台仅占Facebook平台上应用程序总数的五分之一,现在已超过48,000个应用程序,但去年1月我们开始看到Facebook上应用程序疲劳的报道,当时该平台只有15,000个应用程序。

As more and more developers flock to these platforms to try to make a quick buck, the noise level inevitably rises. We’re seeing it on Facebook, where the number of apps continues to grow steadily, but user engagement has leveled off. Will the same thing happen on the iPhone?

随着越来越多的开发人员涌向这些平台以快速赚钱,噪音水平不可避免地上升。 我们在Facebook上看到了它 ,应用程序的数量持续稳定增长,但用户参与度却趋于稳定。 iPhone会发生同样的事情吗?

We actually may already be seeing the beginnings of that. About a third of the applications on the iPhone platform are in the Games or Entertainment categories, according to 148Apps.com. On Facebook, those categories are generally code for “fluff” apps. The iPhone is now being marketed as a game platform, so the Games category likely doesn’t mean poorly made apps as often as it does on Facebook, but coupled with the fact that most apps sit below the $1.99 price point it seems plausible that noise on the iPhone platform is on the rise.

实际上,我们可能已经看到了它的开始。 根据148Apps.com的数据 ,iPhone平台上约有三分之一的应用程序属于游戏或娱乐类别。 在Facebook上,这些类别通常是“绒毛”应用程序的代码。 iPhone现在正在作为游戏平台进行市场营销,因此“游戏”类别可能并不意味着制作不良的应用程序要比在Facebook上频繁,但同时事实是,大多数应用程序的价格都低于1.99美元,这似乎是合理的。在iPhone平台上的数量正在上升。

Compete recently surveyed smartphone users and found that 93% of users have added an application from the App Store, with 45% having added more than 11 apps. It will be interesting to see how that number changes. Hopefully Compete will do follow up surveys to see how many of those apps people are still using 3 or 6 months from now.

Compete最近对智能手机用户进行了调查 ,发现93%的用户已从App Store添加了应用程序,其中45%的用户添加了超过11个应用程序。 看到该数字如何变化将很有趣。 希望Compete会进行后续调查,以了解人们从现在开始的3个月或6个月内仍在使用哪些应用程序。

Because the App Store’s Top 100 List — which drives a huge number of sales on the platform — is based on number of apps sold per day, the price of successful applications has been consistently driven lower since Apple launched the store in July. That might be having a negative effect on quality as developers may now be more inclined to spread their development time over a number of cheaper apps, rather than spending more time developing a more expensive (and more well-made and useful) application that is less likely to sell well.

由于App Store的“前100名名单”(每天在平台上产生大量销售)是基于每天售出的应用程序数量计算的,因此自7月份苹果公司开设应用商店以来,成功应用程序的价格一直被压低 。 这可能会对质量产生负面影响,因为开发人员现在可能更倾向于将开发时间分散在许多较便宜的应用程序上,而不是花费更多的时间来开发更便宜(更精巧和有用)的应用程序可能卖得很好。

We’d love to hear your thoughts on this. Do you find the noise levels in the App Store too high? Is it easy to sort out the good apps from the bad or is he iPhone App Store heading the way of Facebook’s platform? Let us know in the comments, and be sure to check out our list of 5 must have productivity apps for the iPhone.

我们很想听听您对此的想法。 您是否在App Store中发现噪音水平过高? 从不好的应用程序中挑选出好的应用程序很容易,还是iPhone App Store在引领Facebook平台的发展? 在评论中让我们知道,并确保检查出我们列出的5个必须具有适用于iPhone的生产力应用程序的列表 。

翻译自: https://www.sitepoint.com/10000-iphone-apps-how-many-are-good/
