
tech2024-01-28  88


A few days ago we asked via Twitter what was the last business or sales book our followers had read. We got a ton of responses and have found a bunch of great books we hadn’t heard of before. We’ll distill those down into their own post soon, but one of the most popular responses we received was “Getting Real,” the game changing business book from software developer 37signals.

几天前,我们通过Twitter询问追随者阅读的最新一本企业或销售书籍。 我们收到了大量回响,并且找到了一堆以前从未听说过的好书。 我们会尽快将其归类到自己的帖子中,但是我们收到的最受欢迎的回复之一是“ Get Real ”,这是软件开发商37signals改变游戏规则的商业书。

The book, which was self-published in 2006 and initially sold as a downloadable e-book, outlines the business and software development philosophies of the Chicago-based company, including agile development, boot strapping, using small teams, and saying “no” to new features (creating what they call “opinionated software”). “Getting Real” was a huge success for 37signals, selling $350,000 worth of PDF copies and another $65,000 when it was released in print via print-on-demand publisher The company also created a series of mini-conferences based on the book that took in another quarter million dollars.

该书于2006年自行出版,最初以可下载的电子书形式出售,概述了这家位于芝加哥的公司的业务和软件开发理念,包括敏捷开发,引导捆绑,使用小团队并说“不”。新功能(创建所谓的“优化软件”)。 对于37signals来说,“ Getting Real”取得了巨大的成功,出售了价值35万美元的PDF副本 ,当它通过按需印刷出版商Lulu.com发行印刷版时,又售出了65,000美元。 该公司还根据该书举办了一系列小型会议,又花了25万美元。

The book is now given away for free via the company’s web site.


For a self published business book to make in excess of a half million dollars and sell greater than 30,000 copies is quite impressive, so it’s no wonder that many people are looking forward to the sequel. Today, 37signals front man Jason Fried announced their next book, tentatively titled, “Unconform.” The book is actually the third from the software development shop, which also authored 2004’s “Defensive Design for the Web.”

对于一本自助出版的,营业额超过50万美元,销量超过30,000册的商业书籍而言,这是令人印象深刻的,因此,毫无疑问,许多人都期待着续集。 今天,37signals的负责人Jason Fried宣布了他们的下一本书,暂定名为“ Unconform”。 这本书实际上是软件开发商店的第三本书,该书还撰写了2004年的“ Web防御设计 ”。

“Unconform” will be published by Crown books, and though a first draft has been submitted to their editor, the traditional publishing process can take up to 12 months, so we shouldn’t expect the book to hit store shelves any time soon. The book will be printed traditionally and sold in stores, but e-book and audiobook versions, and companion video content is planned. A free online version is not in the works, at least not initially (it took about a year for “Getting Real” to go from paid download to free web read, however, so anything is possible).

Crown图书将出版“ Unconform”,尽管初稿已提交给其编辑,但是传统的出版过程可能需要长达12个月的时间,因此我们不希望这本书很快就会上架。 该书将按传统方式印刷并在商店出售,但计划提供电子书和有声书版本以及配套的视频内容。 一个免费的在线版本已经没有了,至少在最初阶段还没有。(“真正的”花了大约一年的时间从​​付费下载到免费的网络阅读,所以一切皆有可能)。

The new book is about “entrepreneurship, simple and small as a competitive advantage, techniques we’ve used to build our business, and a variety of things we’ve learned along the way,” says Fried. “It’s not about software or tech. This is a business book.”

弗里德说 ,这本新书的主题是“企业家精神,简单又小,它是一种竞争优势,我们用来建立业务的技术,以及我们在此过程中学到的各种知识”。 “这与软件或技术无关。 这是一本商业书籍。”

According to Fried, who says that he hopes to be able to publish their book proposal on the company’s popular blog in the coming weeks or months, they decided to go with a traditional book publisher for “Unconform” because they want to reach beyond their regular audience. “We want to sell hundreds of thousands or millions of copies of this book. We think the content and the message should be heard by all kinds of entrepreneurs (or business owners / product managers) in all kinds of industries,” he said. “We think a traditional publisher can expand our reach far beyond what we could do on our own.”

弗里德说,他希望能够在未来几周或几个月内在该公司受欢迎的博客上发布他们的求书,他们决定与传统的图书出版商合作,选择“不符合”,因为他们希望超越常规听众。 “我们想出售数十万或数百万本书。 我们认为内容和信息应该被各个行业的各类企业家(或企业主/产品经理)听到。” “我们认为传统的出版商可以扩大我们的业务范围,远远超出我们自己可以做的事情。”

Fried has an interesting post up today on the company blog detailing the process of finding an agent, pitching publishers, and signing a deal. Judging from the responses to our tweet last week, we’re sure there will be a lot of SitePoint readers eagerly awaiting “Unconform.”

弗里德(Fried)今天在公司博客上发表了一篇有趣的文章,详细介绍了寻找代理商,推销发行商和签署交易的过程。 从上周对我们的推文的回复来看,我们确定会有很多SitePoint读者热切地等待“不符合”。


