
tech2024-01-28  107

As you may have heard in the news, the Internet will be rebooted today and is expected to be down for around one minute. A global consortium of ISPs and technology companies has called for the action following several periods of instability over the past few years.

正如您可能在新闻中听到的那样,今天将重新启动Internet,预计将关闭一分钟。 在过去几年中出现了几次不稳定之后,一个由ISP和技术公司组成的全球财团呼吁采取行动。

A spokesman for the group commented:


People forget that the Internet has been running continuously since the 1970s. This reboot will provide greater stability for years to come. We’re also hoping it will result in fewer viagra and scam messages.

人们忘记了Internet自1970年代以来一直在持续运行。 重新启动将在未来几年提供更高的稳定性。 我们也希望它将减少伟哥和诈骗邮件。

The plans have been meticulous and all information will be backed up to CD and tape drives. No one should lose data as a result of the reboot, but everyone is advised to:

该计划非常细致,所有信息都将备份到CD和磁带驱动器中。 重新启动不会使任何人丢失数据,但建议所有人:

Convert 1 April 11.59am UTC to their local time using a tool such as The World Clock Time Zone Converter.


Shut down all Internet applications such as web browsers, email clients, and instant messengers shortly before the reboot.

重新启动前不久,请关闭所有Internet应用程序,例如Web浏览器,电子邮件客户端和即时通讯程序。 Wait at least a minute before restarting any applications.


The process is especially hazardous for the Internet technicians handling the restart. One specialist – who wished to remain anonymous – told us:

对于处理重启的Internet技术人员来说,此过程特别危险。 一位希望保持匿名的专家告诉我们:

Some of the equipment down there is nearly 40 years old. There are missing fuses, exposed wires and unterminated cables: it will be dangerous.

那里的一些设备已经使用了近40年。 缺少保险丝,裸露的电线和未端接的电缆:这很危险。

Anyone surfing the net or sending a large email attachment at 11.59 could easily electrocute one of my team.


How will your company handle the reboot downtime? Is the reboot necessary? Do you think it should have been done sooner? Let us know your opinions, but please be careful when you send them.

贵公司将如何处理重启停机时间? 是否需要重启? 您认为应该早做吗? 让我们知道您的意见,但是在发送时请务必小心。

